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Dissemination of Open Educational Resources Lisa J Rogers Institute for Computer Based Learning Heriot-Watt University Open Education Resources Pilot Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination of Open Educational Resources Lisa J Rogers Institute for Computer Based Learning Heriot-Watt University Open Education Resources Pilot Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination of Open Educational Resources Lisa J Rogers Institute for Computer Based Learning Heriot-Watt University Open Education Resources Pilot Engineering Subject Centre 14 th May 2009

2 Are your resources Open enough? 1. Are your resources readily available online, indexed by search engines? 2. Do you make your resources openly licensed, specifying terms of re-use? 3. If someone wants to reuse your resources, are they in a format that can be revised or remixed? Or at least embedded or directly linked? Adapted from Brian Lamb

3 TLTP Projects  In 1992-93 76 projects were funded to develop computer based learning resources.  Many were CD Rom based  Large Monolithic resources  Though aged pedagogic content is still relevant.

4 Example of TLTP Resource

5 How Open are TLTP resources 1. Available online, indexed by search engines? CD Rom Based, not indexed in search engines. 2. Openly licensed, specifying terms of re-use? Most resources subject to copyright. Many sold licences to use the resources. 3. Format that can be revised or remixed? Not technically or legally editable. Many resources are now not available, as project staff are not in a position to maintain. Can’t easily link to a specific part.

6 ReSET Project  2004-05 Repurposing of legacy Engineering resources on CD Rom to Content Packages that could be delivered in a VLE. CALGroup, EDEC, HELM and MATTER.  Reversioning from old versions Authorware to Authorware Web Player  Deposited in Jorum Learning Object Repository.

7 Reminder of EDEC Resource

8 Example of ReSET Resource

9 How Open are ReSET Resources? 1. Available online, indexed by search engines? Searchable within Jorum LO Repository and from other cross search tools such as PerX. 2. Openly licensed, specifying terms of re-use? Licenced under Jorum Licence, display, download, excerpt, annotate, aggregate and modify but not republish. 3. Format that can be revised or remixed? Resources are split into smaller sections. Users can change order of resources but can’t technically edit content. Can be uploaded to VLE.

10 Rejuvenating MATTER  2007 Rejuvenation of Materials Science on CD Rom (TLTP Resource).  Reimplementation as no source code available (used CD as advanced storyboard) in HTML and Flash.  Deposited in Jourm and put on UKCME website

11 Example of MATTER Resource

12 Rejuventaed MATTER Resource

13 How Open are MATTER Resources? 1. Available online, indexed by search engines? Searchable within Jorum, (website is also indexed by Google but difficult to find). 2. Openly licensed, specifying terms of re-use? Resources licenced in Jorum, no mention of licence on UKCME website (download or view). 3. Format that can be revised or remixed? Content Packages can be downloaded. Source code available for users to edit. HTML editable. Flash can be implemented into other resources. User have choice of uploading to VLE or directly linked.

14 OER Ideal Scenario 1. Available online, indexed by search engines? Resources are easily discoverable. Indexed in search engines and found in places users expect to find them. YouTube, Flickr, Slideshare, Eng SC website. 2. Openly licensed, specifying terms of re-use? Resources are clearly licenced through Creative Commons. 3. Format that can be revised or remixed? Resources are editable, both technically and legally. Open standards are used.

15 Where can I put my OERs?  Web 2.0 services YouTube for Videos SlideShare for Presentations Flickr for Images Tag resources Create RSS Feeds of Resources Create Podcasts for lectures Netvibes/Pageflakes etc. and  Institutional/Departmental Website and  Jorum Open

16 YouTube

17 SlideShare

18 Flickr

19 Social Bookmarking (tagging)

20 RSS Feeds

21 Podcast/Vodcast

22 Netvibes

23 How do I Licence my OERs?  Creative Commons Licences Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative Works Share Alike  Jorum Open Licence (probably creative commons or similar).

24 How do I make resources editable?  Granularity, split larger resources into smaller sections  Ensure text is editable i.e. HTML  Let users download resources  Include source code  Ensure individual assets can be accessed (i.e. Images/Flash Animations for re-use elsewhere)  Use appropriate Standards

25 Portability of Resources  Content Packing Content Packing  Embedding resources Embedding resources  RSS Feeds and Blogs RSS FeedsBlogs

26 Workflow Adapted workflow diagram from LearnEM project

27 Identification Workflow Rights Clearance Locate Replacements Location OER Workflow Selection Location Collect together Resources to be made open. Selection Decide which resources are appropriate to be made open and are in timescale Rights Clearance ensure approval is granted for making resources open, ensure third party materials can be cleared, if not ensure replacements can be found

28 OER Workflow Original Resource Rejuvenated Resource Licenced Resource Open Resource Rejuvenation Includes removing or replacing unlicenced third party content - Technical rejuvenation (use appropriate standards) Licencing Decide which licence to apply (Creative Commons Attribution/Non Commercial/ Share Alike) Making your resource available upload and describe resource in web 2.0 services, JorumOpen and perhaps own website(s). Making Available Licencing Rejuvenation

29 Discussion  Do you think developments in new media and the internet fundamentally challenge notions of accessibility, engagement and the practices of teaching and learning? Adapted from Brian Lamb

30 Licence This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 UK: Scotland License. To view a copy of this licence, visit Lisa Rogers ICBL, Heriot Watt University Dissemination of Open Educational Resources Presented to Open Educational Resources Pilot Project at Engineering Subject Centre 14 th May 2009

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