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Search Engine Safe URLs presented by Ben Ellefson

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Presentation on theme: "Search Engine Safe URLs presented by Ben Ellefson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Engine Safe URLs presented by Ben Ellefson

2 Definitions Static URL -A static URL is a URL that contains no variables, even is the page itself is dynamic. -(i.e. Dynamic URL -A dynamic URL is a URL that contains variable name pairs. -(i.e.

3 The Problem Google and other search engines struggle to spider dynamic pages and do not fully index them. This can lead to significantly less visibility on Google and other search engines.

4 The Solution Trick the search engines into thinking your dynamic URL is a Static URL. This is done by reformatting the URL –Change: –To:

5 Execution Step 1 –Reformat your URLs Step 2 –Create function to extract the url scope variables.

6 Step 1 Convert all ? And & to / Convert all = to : Add full path ( to the beginning of all links and file paths. Add /index.html at the end of all links.

7 Reformatted Code Change: To:

8 Step 2 Create User Defined Function to extract the url scope variables. – Search-Engine-Safe-SES-URLs.htm This function must be called in the Application.cfm

9 UDF Code function SES() { var UrlVars=ReReplaceNoCase(trim(cgi.Path_Info), '.+\.cfm/? *', ''); var loopcount=ListLen(urlvars, '/'); var potential=""; if (cgi.script_name EQ cgi.path_info) return 0; for(i=1;i LTE loopcount; i=i+1) { potential=trim(listgetat(UrlVars, i, '/')); if (ReFindNoCase('^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*:.*', potential)) SetVariable('URL.'&listfirst(potential,':'),listlast(potential,':')); } return 1; } This function was created by Michael Dinowitz and posted in Fusion Authority article located at

10 Questions?

11 Examples –A free web portal where users can fully customize the style and every link displayed. –An e-Commerce site selling specialty dog treats.

12 Credits PowerPoint created and presentation by Ben Ellefson, ElfPro LLC User Defined Function created by Michael Dinowitz and posted in Fusion Authority article located at Search-Engine-Safe-SES-URLs.htm

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