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WELCOME 6 th 7 th & 8 th PARENTS Richard F. Bernotas Middle School PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTHDEPARTMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME 6 th 7 th & 8 th PARENTS Richard F. Bernotas Middle School PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTHDEPARTMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME 6 th 7 th & 8 th PARENTS Richard F. Bernotas Middle School PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTHDEPARTMENT


3 MISSION STATEMENT To educate the student physically, socially, and mentally through physical activities. To educate the student physically, socially, and mentally through physical activities.

4 6 th 7 th & 8 th GRADE ACTIVITIES Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring

5 Fall Physical Fitness Physical Fitness Flag Football Flag Football Soccer Soccer Team Handball Team Handball Satryan Ball Satryan Ball Baggo Baggo Wrestling or Dance-Choice Wrestling or Dance-Choice

6 Winter Fitness Fitness Organized Games Organized Games Volleyball Volleyball Basketball Basketball Olympics Olympics Bowling at Metro Bowling at Metro Badminton Badminton Tumbling Tumbling Circuit Training Circuit Training

7 Spring Physical Fitness Physical Fitness Floor Hockey Floor Hockey Bowling at Metro Bowling at Metro Softball Softball Indoor/Outdoor Soccer Indoor/Outdoor Soccer Frisbee Golf Frisbee Golf Teambuilding Teambuilding Golf at Lippold Golf at Lippold

8 PHYSICAL FITNESS The physical fitness tests compare the students’ results to the national norm for their age group and gender The physical fitness tests compare the students’ results to the national norm for their age group and gender All students are tested in the Fall and then again in the Spring All students are tested in the Fall and then again in the Spring

9 Physical Fitness Tests Flexed Arm Hang - Measures Upper Body strength Flexed Arm Hang - Measures Upper Body strength Curl-Ups - Measures abdominal strength and endurance Curl-Ups - Measures abdominal strength and endurance Shuttle Run - Measures speed and agility Shuttle Run - Measures speed and agility Mile run/walk - Measures respiratory and cardiovascular endurance Mile run/walk - Measures respiratory and cardiovascular endurance Sit and Reach - Measures flexibility Sit and Reach - Measures flexibility

10 EXPECTATIONS AND GRADING Physical education grades will be based on the students’ performance in the following areas:  Participation/Team Play  Effort  Cooperation  Sportsmanship  Skills

11 TEACHER WEB SITE Mr. Keller: Mrs. Keller Mr. Komperda Mr. Krol Mrs. Thompson

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