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North Middletown Elementary School Sharing What Works.

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2 North Middletown Elementary School Sharing What Works

3 Greg Ramey, Principal, NMES About North Middletown Creating a Great Team and Culture Math/Reading in Performing Arts Use of learning centers Common Assessments Goal Calculators School Visits/Contact Information

4 In Bourbon County, built in 1948 Vision: NMES-The Place For Success! My Own Self, At My Very Best, All The Time You Are Special! Win Every Day! 70.9% Disadvantaged 14.2% Minority, 15.1% Special Needs 2011 National Blue Ribbon School 2011 Inaugural Distinguished Winners Circle Award 2011 KCCT Reading 99% P/D, 2 nd in KY 2011 KCCT Math 94% P/D, 5 th in KY 2011 KCCT Combined Read/Math 96% P/D, 4 th in KY

5 Invest time when recruiting new teammates Multiple visits in different settings Provide the tools needed for success Instructional resources and technology Allow team to do their job-Stay out of the way! Build trust and leadership capacity Use all community resources Customer service and volunteers

6 Teamwork Flexibility Share ideas Share materials Co-teaching Co-scheduling Shared vision

7 High Expectations We expect all students to be Proficient or higher. We teach children from low socioeconomic and diverse backgrounds to believe they can achieve and perform at high levels. We do not accept work below Proficient level. (Allow students to correct assignments.) Accountability We know the goal and so do the students!

8 How We Teach Centers Hands-on learning Skill groups Learning styles Cross-curriculum Differentiate (teach to individual level) Model Spiral Flexibility with plans Creativity and Freedom (no specific programs) Constant formative assessment Instant feedback Re-teach skills Technology One size doesn’t fit all!

9 What Drives Instruction? Common Core Standards Curriculum Map Cross Walk Coach Data from Universal Screener (ThinkLink) Individual student needs and learning styles Common Assessments (county-wide)

10 The Arts and Beyond Integration of Visual Art, Dance, Music, Drama, and Physical Education. Extending “classroom” content in the arts. Majors Program ArtBursts Building confidence to achieve high levels in arts and classroom Fall and spring performances

11 Schedule (example) Bellringer /Exit Slips Centers Teacher-led Spiral Current Content Technology Independent/Group Games Art Manipulatives

12 Favorite Resources Colleagues The Mailbox Cross Walk Coach “I Have. Who Has?” Partner Games Teacher created games Internet Math Recovery Resources Scholastic

13 21 st Century (After School Program) Tutoring at-risk students Clubs (ballet, science, sports, archery, band, board games, scrap booking, computers, yearbook, technology, gardening, cooking, etc.) Transportation Summer program

14 Community and Parent Relationship Family Math Literacy Nights Make-and-take MATH activities for parents Newsletters WebPages Post Cards Emails Notes

15 Technology Clickers Smart Board Document Camera Airliner Smart Table Computers Study Island Reading Eggs Video and Digital Cameras CDs Brain Pop PowerPoint

16 Leadership The freedom to teach how we want to teach. Staff placements based on strengths and interests Teambuilding Shared Vision Confidence in Staff Everyone is a leader! Everyone is valued!

17 Common Assessments and Curriculum Maps The district coordinates curriculum mapping between NMES and two other elementary schools. NMES provides six rounds of common assessments throughout the school year. The common assessments are… Tied to the curriculum maps Formatted similar to state assessments Quality controlled










27 NMES-The Place For Success!

28 Thank you for choosing to attend our session this morning. You are welcome to schedule a visit to our school. We will customize the visit to meet your specific needs. Previous school visits have routinely included a tour of the facility, participation/observation in classrooms and meeting with any of our team members during and after school. Be prepared to eat! If you would like to schedule a visit or have us email presentation documents, email your request to: Mr. Greg Ramey Principal North Middletown Elementary School The Place For Success! 859-362-4523

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