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South Dakota Library Network MetaLib Management Basics Adding Resources South Dakota Library Network 1200 University, Unit 9672 Spearfish, SD 57799

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Presentation on theme: "South Dakota Library Network MetaLib Management Basics Adding Resources South Dakota Library Network 1200 University, Unit 9672 Spearfish, SD 57799"— Presentation transcript:

1 South Dakota Library Network MetaLib Management Basics Adding Resources South Dakota Library Network 1200 University, Unit 9672 Spearfish, SD 57799 © South Dakota Library Network, 2012 ©Ex Libris (USA), 2011 Modified for SDLN Version 4.x

2 Adding Resources Retrieving a blank IRD form 2 Log into Management Interface In the Main Menu, select Add a New Resource Blank IRD form opens

3 Adding Resources Login to Metalib Management Interface: 3

4 Adding Resources Blank IRD form 4

5 Adding Resources IRD fields to complete 5 Add a Full Name and a Display Name. Both fields are searchable, but only the Display Name will show in the user interface Add Link to Native Interface URL When the name of the resource appears in the user interface, this is its hyperlink Add Hostname:port information This is where MetaLib sends the federated search request to

6 Adding Resources IRD fields to complete 6 Add Database Code if necessary Vendors with multiple resources on the same server will usually have a database code to differentiate between their databases. Add Authentication if necessary Some vendors require a username/password, while others will rely on IP authentication Go the Presentation: Primary tab and fill in any descriptive information you'd like to appear in the user interface

7 Adding Resources IRD fields to complete 7 Determine if the resource is free or requires a subscription If the resource is a subscription resource, indicate using the dropdown next to Free/By Subscription If the resource is free (like your catalog), indicate so in the dropdown, and add the word GUEST to the Secondary Affiliation. **Important! Unauthenticated users will be able to search this resource if GUEST is entered** Add Configuration Add configuration if this is not a link-only resource (see slide 13- for more detail) In the User Interface Test resource in the user interface.

8 Adding Resources IRD for Link Only Resource - Subscription 8

9 Adding Resources IRD for Link Only Resource – Presentation Primary 9

10 Adding Resources Link Only Resource - Test in User Interface 10 Search for resource via Find Database

11 Adding Resources Link Only Resource – Test in User Interface 11 Click on database link

12 Adding Resources Link Only Resource – Test in User Interface 12 Database opens in new window

13 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 13 Find the BaseURL and URL Mask Go to the website you want to add and do a few searches. To find the BaseURL, look for the part of an HTTP request that does not change. At, the BaseURL is meta?input-form=simple&v%3Asources=medlineplus-bundle&v%3Aproject=medlineplus& meta?input-form=simple&v%3Asources=medlineplus-bundle&v%3Aproject=medlineplus& Identify the search parameters that appear after the BaseURL. At the parameter is query=search term A search there might look like: form=simple&v%3Asources=medlineplus-bundle&v%3Aproject=medlineplus&query=h1n1 The URL Mask consists of the key search parameters separated by an ampersand (&).

14 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 14 In the IRD record, Hostname:Port field, enter the BaseURL above

15 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 15 Add a new EXTERNAL JUMP(SIMPLE) configuration for the resource For the newly-created resource, click on A under Config Action In the middle of the page, under "Add a new configuration" Enter L_[Resource]_[YourInitials] in the first box, e.g. L_MEDLINE_NM Choose “EXTERNAL JUMP(SIMPLE)” under “Enter Access Method” Click “Submit” Click the “Term Transformations” tab In the URL Mask field, enter the URL Mask above In the HTML Hit Pattern field, enter (.)

16 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 16

17 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 17

18 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 18 In the Zero Hit Pattern field, enter in appropriate string (see below) Click SEARCH. This opens a tool to test whether the URL to send is being constructed properly. o Enter a term in the “Type word or phrase” and click “Submit” o Click on the Output URL to make sure that the URL works Click "Save“ Tips for Creating the Zero Hit Pattern field: Search for a nonsense word or phrase within the native resource to get zero results, view the html, and enter an appropriate string (as above for the HTML Hit Pattern) under “Zero Hit Pattern” on the Term Transformations Tab. For Medline, this is Search term did not return any result. When MetaLib finds the Zero Hit Pattern in the HTML, it will report zero hits. Test the Zero Hit Pattern by running a nonsense search in that resource in MetaLib.

19 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 19

20 Adding Resources Creating a configuration for a free resource 20

21 Adding Resources Search & Link Resource - Test in User Interface 21 Search for resource via Find Database

22 Adding Resources Search & Link Resource – Test in User Interface 22 Click on magnifying glass to search via MetaLib:

23 Adding Resources Search & Link Resource – Test in User Interface 23 Type a search and click Go:

24 Adding Resources Search & Link Resource – Test in User Interface 24

25 Adding Resources Search & Link Resource – Test in User Interface 25 Results in Native Interface

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