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« European Regions for rural innovation ».

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Presentation on theme: "« European Regions for rural innovation »."— Presentation transcript:

1 RUR@CT « European Regions for rural innovation »

2 WHY RUR@CT ? Strategic foundations n Attractiveness and dynamism of rural areas depend on their capacity of innovation n Rural territories have an innovation potential which is not enough developped and should contribute towards Lisbon european strategy 1 st pillar = INNOVATION

3 n This innovation potential is based on the development of endogenous and exogenous resources n Cooperation is an exogenous resource reinforcing the efficiency of regional policies thanks to the transfer of good practices 2nd pillar = TRANSFER WHY RUR@CT ? Strategic foundations

4 n There is no rural development without agriculture, but rurality is not only agriculture (complementarity)… n Synergies are needed between the different programmes and european funds for the development of rural areas 3rd pillar = RURAL WHY RUR@CT ? Strategic foundations

5 n Rural issues should be taken into account within regional policies n Regional level allows to guarantee a better territorial cohesion thanks to an integrated governance ( rural / urban synergies…) 4th pillar = REGIONS WHY RUR@CT ? Strategic foundations


7 n To promote rural innovations for… Territorial Cohesion n To rpovide operationnal tools for… Capitalization and Transfer of good practices Objectives of RUR@CT network INNOVATIONRURALTRANSFERREGIONS

8 A network of Regions for transfer Which kind of partners ? n Transfer of good practices is possible possible only between similar structures having the same missions, responsabilities and capacities of action n Partners with a status of regional public authority (or equivalent bodies) in priority at NUTS II level INNOVATIONRURALTRANSFERREGIONS

9 Rural innovation (1) Which kind of good practices ? n A wide range of thematics n An integrated approach (rather than sectional) n Based on opportunities of rural areas (rather than handicaps) n A logic of investment (rather than subsidies) n A bottom-up and participative approach INNOVATIONRURALTRANSFERREGIONS

10 n Regional initiatives with a territorial implementation n Local initiatives being part of a regional strategy n Successful initiatives having already produced tangible outputs n Initiatives whose transferability will be analyzed previously INNOVATIONRURALTRANSFERREGIONS Rural innovation (2) Which kind of good practices ?

11 COOPERATION BETWEEN REGIONS Success factors (1) n Exchanging good practices is not enough, capitalization is necessary with the prospect of transfer n Capitalization implies to share informations between Regions partners of the network 1st succes factor = CAPITALIZATION

12 n A political commitment is necessary for promoting the process of transferring good practices n Regions should have a proactive involvement, requiring operational results 2nd success factor = COMMITMENT COOPERATION BETWEEN REGIONS Success factors (2)

13 n Capitalization and transfer of good practices require : - technical and methodological tools - financial resources and specific skills 3 rd success factor = MEANS COOPERATION BETWEEN REGIONS Success factors (3)


15 PROJECTS OF COOPERATION Exploring new solutions already experimented elsewhere Boat = Project Crew = partners Course = Objective CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS


17 INTERREG PROGRAMME … but some of them having the same course CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS

18 RUR@CT A network of projects and partners… … for a wide capitalization of good practices CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS

19 RUR@CT A tool for capitalization n Communication tools => a web site and a database n Operational informations => a list of analyzed good practices => methodological documents CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS

20 METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS Template n°1 Description of the good practice Template n°2 Evaluation of its transferability Template n°3 Assessment of the transfer Methodological guide Recommandations for using the templates and for organizing the process of transfer

21 DATABASE AND WEBSITE 3 good practices 2 good practices 1 transfer going on 4 good practices 1 transfer going on Access to Templates 1 only 26 active Regions in transfer processes 50 good practices from all over Europe ALL NET SURFERS Access to Templates 1, 2, 3 RUR@CT MEMBERS

22 RUR@CT A commitment for the transfer «Exporting» Region«Importing » Region - Transferability expertise - Project and action plan Good practice CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS

23 INTERREG IVB or IVC Other specific fundings OP ERDF Limousin 7 Framework Programme OP ERDF Limousin RUR@CT Diversified financial means CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS

24 n To sign the charter for the commitment of the partners n To provide general informations by filling in a form Documents available at (or RUR@CT How to go on board ? CAPITALIZATIONCOMMITMENTMEANS

25 Composition n European Regions members of RUR@CT n European experts in the field of european development n European institutions (AER, CEMR, Committee of the Regions…) n European Rural Network Missions n Monitoring of RUR@CT activities n Defining strategic evolutions of the network n Managing juridical structuration into EGCT A TRANSNATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE

26 RUR@CT is also a forum for strategic debate n Conferences organized every 2 years « Innovative rural Regions » => discussions and proposals related to the evolutions of european policy for rural development with the prospect of 2013, dealing with : - « health-check » of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - review of european budget - reform of cohesion policy

27 SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTATION Until November 2008 n Conception of methodological tools n Development of database and web site n Analysing and supplying 50 good practices in the database December 2008 n Inauguration of the website and the database n Identification of issues and good practices connected to the needs of partners From january 2009 n Launching of bilateral or multilateral processes for the transfer n Updating of the database (3 new good practices / month) n Organization of methodological and thematic seminars in Bruxelles n Launching of a juridical study about EGCT status if the network

28 LAST NEWS … Launching conference in Limoges (FR) 150 participants from 14 countries and 26 Regions represented Support confirmed from european institutions (EC, AER, CERM, CoR) Reinforced cooperation with DG REGIO Meeting between M. DENANOT and M. AHNER A referent contact for RUR@CT in DG REGIO and possible fundings Membership to RUR@CT network 17 Regions (or equivalent bodies) already officially member 9 Regions having confirmed their intention to participate

29 26 REGIONS MEMBERS OF RUR@CT 17 already members (having signed the charter) Andalousie (Spain), Nord Grande Plaine (Hungria), Kainuu (Finland) East Flander (Belgium) Salaj (Roumania) Brescia / Lombardia (Italie) Ader sousa (Portugal) Steiermark (Austria) Wallonie (Belgium) Extremadure (Spain) Basse Normandie, (France) Molise (Italia) Cheschire (UK) Jämtland (Sweden) Opolskie (Poland) Sardaigne (Italia) Bayern (Germany) 9 future members (ongoing process of signature) Auvergne (France) Aquitaine (France) Satu Mare (Roumania) ODARC–Corse (France) Açores (Portugal) Fier (Albania) Sicile (Italia) Poméranie (Poland) Podkarpackie (Poland).... and probably many others later !

30 Thanks for your attention

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