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Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities Priority 1: Transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications Projects that did.

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1 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities Priority 1: Transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications Projects that did it!

2 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 1.Project code: LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-IT-308 2.Project title: Recognition in Tourism 3. Project website:

3 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 3.Why the project was necessary? (needs addressed): The consolidated or growing economic importance of tourism in the partner territories does not correspond to an up-to-date identity as professional area ;  there is a shared need of adopting/updating a directory (répertoire) of sectoral qualifications/diplomas. The “Recognition in Tourism” project met these needs by adapting and transferring the results of a former Leonardo da Vinci pilot project (“Certiskills” – Project ID: I/03/B/F/PP/154191) and of a regional ESF- funded experience carried out in the Campania Region

4 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 3.Why the project was necessary? (problems solved): The project allowed: To share a transnational model for producing standards (professional standards, training standards, standards of competences for validation, recognition, certification and award of credits to learning outcomes, governance guidelines).  The model includes methodologies, templates, handbooks and a software for designing, producing and managing standards; To apply – and therefore to test – this system of standards to several professions operating in the tourism sector in three territories (Puglia- IT, Romania, Zilina-SK).

5 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 4.How did the project do this? (process – implementation): Laboratories among partners, to share the methodological framework, the standards, procedures and the governance process to support the design, production and transfer of standards; Involvement of stakeholders, to adapt the shared framework to specific local needs and developments of partner territories; Pathways to support transfer sustainability, through the identification of the specific components, the working process, the additional stakeholders to implement the transfer at local level; Development and application of specific IT tools (databases for producing standards of competences), which allow a “serial” design and production of professional, training and certification standards.

6 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 5.Who implemented the project? (actors): Partners which have developed the innovation: A public body, institutionally responsible for standards management (Campania Regional Administration - IT) A methodological partner (IF Italia Forma - IT) A sectoral content partner (Iter-IT) A representative of social partners (OBR – Campania-IT), which play a role in validating the standards Training agencies (Memory Consult and PMI-IT); Partners willing to receive the transfer of innovation : Public institutions (Puglia Regional Administration –IT), currently implementing regional standards for qualifications; Companies and training centers (THR -RO and Euroformes-SK)

7 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 6.What did the project achieve? (results with regard to European priority): “Dictionaries” of competences and training standards for the Historical and artistic Tourist Guide, for the Environmental and Hiking Guide and for the Sports Tourist Guide for Italy. Professional standards for the assistant cook, for the tourist center operator, for the thermal operator for Romania. Units of learning outcomes and related training standard for the Tourist Guide for Slovakia.

8 Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Projects - European Priorities 6.What did the project achieve? (results with regard to European priority): 3 IT Tools (competences databases, units of learning outcomes and training standards) – one for each involved territory – to allow “serial” production of competence standards both for other professional profiles and for other sectors. Each tool was adapted to the specific local needs and features of the devices developed and includes all project products. Methodological and governance handbooks: for each territory, specifications are provided to support the application of the model.

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