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PIZZA WEB PAGE May 28, 2013. FOR TODAY  Review Vocabulary Words (take out your worksheets!)  Pizza Web Page  Research more tags  Turn in your homework!

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Presentation on theme: "PIZZA WEB PAGE May 28, 2013. FOR TODAY  Review Vocabulary Words (take out your worksheets!)  Pizza Web Page  Research more tags  Turn in your homework!"— Presentation transcript:

1 PIZZA WEB PAGE May 28, 2013

2 FOR TODAY  Review Vocabulary Words (take out your worksheets!)  Pizza Web Page  Research more tags  Turn in your homework! Family Web site design - Storyboard

3 LET’S REVIEW VOCABULARY WORDS HTML  Stands for HyperText Markup Language  Is the language of the web. It allows you to create web pages and place anything you like on them.


5 WEB SITE  Is a related collection of Web pages that is created and maintained by an individual, company, educational institution, or other organization.

6 HOME PAGE  Each website has a home page!  It is the first document users see when they access the web site.  The home page often serves as an index or table of contents to other documents and files stored on the site.

7 WEB PAGE  Is one page!  Contains information such as: Multimedia (sound and video on computers: programs, software, and hardware capable of using a wide variety of media such as film, video, and music as well as text and numbers) Text Graphics (pictures) Sound Video

8 WEB SERVER  Web pages are stored on a web server or host which is a computer that stores and sends (serves) requested web pages or other files.  Any computer that has server software installed and is connected to the Internet can act as a Web server.  A very large web site is stored on and runs from one or more web servers.

9 PUBLISHING  Copying web pages and other files to a web server is know a publishing!  Once a web page is published, anyone who has access to the Internet can view it.

10 WEB BROWSER  In order to view a web page on any type of web site, a computer needs to have a web browser installed.  A web browser, also called a browser, is a program that interprets and displays web pages and enables you to view and interact with a web page.  Can you name some browsers?

11 HYPERLINK OR LINK  A web page can be linked to other web pages by the use of hyperlinks.  A hyperlink, also called link, is an element used to connect one web page to another web page on the same, or a different, web server located anywhere in the world.  Example: Yahoo!

12 URL  Uniform Resource Locator  Is the address of a document or other files accessible on the Internet.  Example:

13 PIZZA PROGRAM  Open Notepad  Enter the following codes to create:

14 Chiaravalle Pizza Chiaravalle Pizza Chiaravalle Pizza has been in business for the past 50 years. We specialize in unique pizzas and other Italian dishes. Located on Main Street, Chiaravalle Pizza is proud to be on the city’s “Ten Best Restaurants” list for the past seven years. Call 1-219-555-2510 for reservations or orders today! Our services include: A 100 seating capacity restaurant Take out orders Delivery services at no charge

15 FOR CREDIT:  Type your coding. Look on your worksheet.  Save your document to your desktop/flash drive with an.html extension.  Open your web page.  Call me for credit.

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