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Areta Ulhana Galat, M.A. ECE FAE – Curitiba, Brazil

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1 Areta Ulhana Galat, M.A. ECE FAE – Curitiba, Brazil



4 AREA: 3,286,490 mi 2 (8,514,876 km 2 ) POPULATION (estimates for 2010): 190, 732,694 million inhabitants *LARGEST CITIES: São Paulo (11.2 million), Rio de Janeiro (6.3 million), Curitiba (1.7 million) (Greater São Paulo =19.9 million; Greater Rio = 11.5 million; Greater Curitiba = 3.2 million) HIGHLIGHTS

5 BRAZIL is...the largest of the Latin American countries; nearly half (47.3%) of the South American continent …the 5th largest country in the world (after the Russian Federation, Canada, China, and the United States)...the only Portuguese-speaking country in South America...the 7th largest economy in the world

6 Source: economia-do-mundo-diz-austin-rating / economia-do-mundo-diz-austin-rating /

7 Education in Brazil is regulated by the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Education, which defines the guiding principles for the organization of education programs. Local governments are responsible for establishing state and education programs following the guidelines and using the funding supplied by the federal government. MEC website - Accreditation:


9 Organized in 4 levels - same # of years as the U.S. 1. Pre-School Education: Nursery School for children up to 3 years old and kindergarten for children, 4 to 6 years old. 2. Fundamental Education (Educação Fundamental - former 1 o Grau): from 1 st grade to 9 th grade (U.S. 1 st to 9 th grade). 3. Middle Education (Ensino Médio - former 2 o Grau): from 1 st to 3 rd grades (equivalent to U.S. 10 th to 12 th grades); may also include technical courses. 4. Higher Education (Ensino Superior): Bachelor’s, Licenciatura, Master’s and Ph.D.

10 ACADEMIC CALENDAR Start in early February Break in July (winter) Summer vacations in Mid-December

11 HIGHER EDUCATION Secondary education is mandatory for those wishing to pursue higher education. In addition, students must pass a competitive entrance examination (vestibular) for their specific course of study. Alternate admissions through Enem results and Prouni quotas.

12 Undergraduate Degrees Bacharelado (Bachelor) - awarded in most fields of arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences - 4 years of post- secondary studies at a certified university Licenciatura (Licensure) – to qualify as secondary school teachers; normal length of 4 years, but with a stronger emphasis on teaching methods and pedagogy.

13 Undergraduate Degrees Graduate in Technology (Technologists) - emphasizes professional education geared to the labor market and the development of studies in the area of technology, especially in health, information technology, engineering and management - requires 2 to 3 years of studies in a certified university or college; in Brazil you can enter a Master`s program

14 Undergraduate Degrees Five-year degrees - architecture, law, psychology, engineering, and veterinary medicine. Medicine requires six years of full-time post- secondary studies; residence, a two-to-five years internship in a teaching hospital, is not required, but pursued by many professionals (those who wish to specialize in a given area).

15 Graduate Degrees Master`s – 2 years of classes plus a master`s thesis (dissertação de mestrado) examined by a thesis committee of at least 3 faculty members (one external examiner). Doctoral – 4 years of full-time studies: advanced coursework, qualifying exam, extensive dissertation (tese de doutorado); committee of 5 faculty members (two external examiners).

16 Graduate Degrees Lato Sensus – professional certificates, not graduate degrees: (a) Cursos de Aperfeiçoamento (professional development); (b) Cursos de Especialização (specialization) Strictu Sensus (graduate degrees) Master’s and Doctoral Degrees

17 TYPES OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Universities University Centers (Centros Universitários) - colleges without research Integrated Colleges (Faculdades Integradas) - colleges offering a limited number of courses Federal Institutes (Institutos Federais) - Colleges offering Technical Courses

18 Higher Education Institutions in Brazil (2,314) Universities = 186 University Centers = 127 Colleges = 1966 Federal Institutes * = 35 Source: * IF/old CEFETs = Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia e Centro Federal de Educação e Tecnologia

19 Higher Education Institutions in Brazil (2,314) Public (245) - Federal = 94 - State = 84 - Municipal = 67 Private (2069) - Private (non-confessional) = 1,779 - Communitarian/ Confessional = 290 Source:

20 According to 2009 Census, in 7 years, Brazil has doubled the number of students who completed their undergraduate studies, from 467,000 in 2002 to 959,000 in 2009. The number of registrations in Higher Education institutions has increased from 3.5 million to 5.9 million in the last 7 years. Out of the 5.954.021 registered students in 28.671 undergraduate programs, 2.065.082 are freshmen and 839.397 are in federal institutions. NEWS Source: concluintes-na-educacao-superior-dobrou-nos-ultimos-sete-anos-252567.php concluintes-na-educacao-superior-dobrou-nos-ultimos-sete-anos-252567.php

21 WOMEN – predominate among the university students. Face-to-face programs = 55.1% of the total enrolments and 58.8% of senior students Distance Education Programs = 69.2% of the total enrolments and 76.2% of senior students. AGE – The average age of university students is 21. They undergo the admissions process (Vestibular) at the age of 19, in Bachelor Programs, in private institutions. The average age of graduating students is 23.

22 ENEM – Exame Nacional de Ensino Médio According to the census, 710 institutions admitted students based on their Enem results. Out of these 710, 541 adopted Enem as a selection process for more than 50% of their total openings. SCHOLARSHIPS Three out of 10 enrolled students in private instiututions were admitted through the Scholarship Program Fundo de Financiamento ao Estudante do Ensino Superior (Fies) or Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni).

23 ProUni In 2004, to improve equity, the Federal Government created the University for All Program which awards full and partial scholarships to low income students for undergraduate studies, in private institutions of higher education; exemption of federal taxes to participating universities. Student profile – coming from public schools or scholarship grantees from private schools with a per capita income of up to three minimal wages; admissions based on ENEM results (merit based).

24 CAPES and CNPq Capes: Commission for the Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education - linked directly with the Ministry of Education and responsible for the accreditation and evaluation of higher education in Brazil. - also responsible for graduate scholarships for Brazilian students to study abroad and Latin American students to study in CNPq: National Center for Research - responsible for graduate scholarships for Brazilian students to study in Brazil and abroad; responsible for scientific initiation scholarships in the undergraduate and graduate

25 THANK YOU! Areta Ulhana Galat, M.A.

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