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Mission Statement: The Rehabilitation Nurses Society is a membership organization that provides continuing education and networking for medical care coordination.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Statement: The Rehabilitation Nurses Society is a membership organization that provides continuing education and networking for medical care coordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Statement: The Rehabilitation Nurses Society is a membership organization that provides continuing education and networking for medical care coordination. The professional goal of its members is to advocate for quality patient care while utilizing community resources in a cost effective manner. October 2010 October 2010 Come join friends and colleagues for a time of lunch and learning! October’s Educational Topic Changes in Home Health Care: The Aging Population Tsunami and Home Care in the Wild West presented by Michael Demoratz, PhD, LCSW, CCM Michael is the Director of Business Development for AMADA Home Care in Laguna Beach. We welcome him to RNS as he shares his experience and expertise in the home care arena. Michael’s program will provide information on the changing population demographics and the California home care environment. We’ll find out about the differences between home health and home care, along with who uses it & how much it costs. He’ll discuss differences between hiring caregivers privately, employed caregivers and independent contractors. Michael will also discuss areas of risk/liability to families who privately hire caregivers and tell us about the 4 main questions to ask when hiring anyone providing care in the home, as well as finding. LOCATION: Quiet CannonDate: October 28, 2010 Cost: members - $25.00 900 Via San ClementeRegistration: 11:30 – 12:00 pm non-member - $35.00 Montebello, CALunch: 12:00 – 1:00 pmCEU’s: approved for 2 hours 323-724-9284Presentation:1:00 pm – 3:00 pm BRN provider # 01219 CCM - 2 CEU’s If you register, you are responsible for paying for the meal, even if you don’t attend. Please RSVP by e-mail, phone or mail by October 22, 2010. E-mail: Call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski. Office: (818) 753-5106 cell (818) October 28, 2010 RNS Meeting Detach and mail to…. ( Please include your check) Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA 91607 Attention: Kellie Kerr Number of members _____ at $25.00 Number of non-members: _____ at $35.00 Name: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: ____________________

2 President’s Message By Renae Paulson, RN November 10, 2010 Dear RNS Members and Friends, I have so much to be Thankful for that it is hard for me to find a singular focus for this last letter from me to you. Being the President of RNS has given me joy beyond measure. It is not often that one can be surrounded by a group of similar persons that seek to build up one another and that is truly what I have personally benefitted from these past years. My commitment to serve this organization has not been a hardship and in fact, it has given me an opportunity to grow and learn in a safe and welcoming environment and for that I am thankful to you, the membership and faithful friends of RNS. In addition, I have learned more about myself and I have gained a much broader perspective of the power of the individual when combined with others of the same accord. Belonging to a group brings a wholeness to our lives. It is within the group that the individual can be found and set free at the same time. Our Holiday meeting will the 1st Thursday of December. Come and share the joys of the season with each other. This is one of our more celebratory meetings as we gather to ring in some holiday cheer through our gift giving. This year, not only will you be exchanging gifts valued at $25.00 with one another, but you will also be given the opportunity to buy a raffle ticket for a home made quilt. The purpose of this raffle is to raise money for flowers on a Float for the 2012 Rose Parade that would represent Nursing. Say WOW with me as this will be awesome history in the making! We will be having a transitional Board of Director meeting on December 2nd at 10am. It gives me great pleasure to pass the baton on to the new BOD and wish them well as they lead this great organization for the next 2 years. If you have any items that you wish the BOD to consider, please feel free to contact me prior to the BOD meeting. The 2011 – 2012 Board of Directors for RNS: President Barbara Greenfield Vice President Rita Pathmanaban Corresponding Secretary/Newsletter Karen York Treasurer/Meeting Registration Maryanne Sawoski Recording Secretary Hector Chavez Member At Large/Membership Diana Campos I wish to thank Michael Demoratz, PhD for his presentation on the Wild West of Home Care. Michael is the Director of Business Development for Amada Home Care in Laguna Beach. His experience and knowledge of licensing was engaging and informative. A hearty ‘Thank You’ to our business partners that continue to provide gifts to raffle at each meeting. Our October meeting raffle gifts were provided by: Lori Brummels from CNS, and Maryanne Sawoski from Continuity Care Home Nurses; Susan Gomez from Care Meridian; and Barbara Tucker from Dr. Heskiaoff’s office. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Stay well and I hope to see you at the RNS meeting on December 2, 2010. Renae Paulson, RN RNS President

3 Renae Paulson President (818) 240-1234, ex. 2601 Rita Pathmanaban Vice President (714) 336-3212 Karen York Corresponding Secretary/ (newsletter and web-site) (818) 240-1234, ext. 2043 Maryanne Sawoski Treasurer (818) 753-5106 Cell (818) 730-8490 Nancy Person Recording Secretary (818) 240-1234, ext. 2669 Diana Campos Member at Large (membership) (818) 894-7879 2010 Board of Directors See back page for another education opportunity SAVE THE DATE! Friday, October 22, 2010 7:30 am – 4:30 pm 9 th Annual Neuro-Rehabilitation Conference Loma Linda University Centennial Complex Damazo Room 247060 Stewart St. Loma Linda CA 92350 The 2010 Loma Linda conference gives an exceptional list of topics that center on key issues related to patient experience and recovery. The topics include: anger and depression with traumatic brain injury; understanding chronic pain; pet therapy and the healing environment; and pharmaco-therapy and traumatic brain injury. Conference is approved for the following CE credits: 6.0 hours of continuing education credit for Speech- Language Pathologists, MFCCs, LCSWs. Registered Nurses, American Nursing Credentialing Center (ANCC), and the Physical Therapy board. CCM, CDMS, CRC pending approval Occupational Therapist reciprocates with SLPA and chaplains reciprocate with BBS. Do you have an address change? Do you want your newsletter by e-mail? If so, send an e-mail to Karen York. Let us know if you know anybody who would be interested in becoming part of a dynamic professional organization committed to the education and networking needs of its members. Karen will e-mail a copy of the newsletter to them.

4 c/o Karen York 5429 Tyler Ave. Temple City, CA 91780 RNS Mark your calendar to attend the October 28 meeting ….. and don’t forget to RSVP by October 22! To e-mail your reservation, send an e-mail to: To RSVP by phone, call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski (818) 753-5106 You can mail your registration to: Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA 91607 We’re on the Web! see us at CHECK US OUT …WE’RE ON THE WEB! CHECK US OUT …WE’RE ON THE WEB! SAVE THE DATE! FOCUS ON REHABILITATION: Advances in Spasticity Management Saturday, October 16, 2010 Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation 255 East Bonita Ave. Pomona, CA 91769 (909) 596-7733 Topics include an overview of spasticity & movement disorders, pathophysiology, measurements of muscle tone, outcome measure, current treatment options, clinical decision making for optimal outcomes, role of therapist & long-term rehab management.

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