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Six Types of Nutrients You need your journal and workbook today.

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1 Six Types of Nutrients You need your journal and workbook today.

2 Food nourishes you with more than 40 different nutrients. These nutrients are grouped into six categories. -Carbohydrates -Proteins -Fats -Vitamins -Minerals -Water Eating a variety of foods to provide these nutrients is essential to good health. Pg. 83

3 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates can be either simple or complex. Simple carbohydrates, or sugars, are found in fruit, milk, and honey. Sugar is also added to candy, cookies, and other foods. Pg. 83

4 Complex carbohydrates, or starches, are found in breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, dry beans, corn, and other starchy vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are also found in whole-grain foods. Pg. 83

5 Proteins Proteins are nutrients your body uses to build, repair, and maintain cells and tissues. Foods from animal sources, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and yogurt contain complete proteins. They provide all the essential amino acids. Pg. 83

6 Foods from plant sources, such as soybeans, nuts, peas, and dry beans contain incomplete proteins. They lack one or more essential amino acids. Pg. 84

7 Fats Fats are nutrients that provide energy and perform many functions for your body. They carry fat-soluble vitamins and promote healthy skin and normal growth. -Saturated fats are fats that are solid at room temperature. They are found mostly in animal and dairy products, such as butter, red meat, cheese, and whole milk. -Unsaturated fats are fats that remain liquid at room temperature. They come mainly from plant sources, such as vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, and olives. Pg. 84

8 Vitamins Vitamins help your body fight infections, use other nutrients, and perform other tasks. Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and B vitamins dissolve in water and cannot be stored in your body. Fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, dissolve in fat and can be stored in body fat until needed. Pg. 84

9 Minerals Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium help build strong bones and teeth. The mineral iron plays a vital role in making red blood cells. Pg. 84

10 Where do you get iron from? Red meat (beef) and spinach. Why is iron important? Why did Popeye eat spinach? To be strong…iron helps your red blood cells, which in turn helps to build muscle.

11 Water Water is a nutrient that is vital to your life and health. Water transports nutrients through your body, helps you digest food, lubricates your joints, removes wastes, and helps regulate body temperature. Pg. 85

12 Most people need to drink at least 2 quarts of water a day. But this can come from the foods you eat, juice, coffee, tea, soda, or anything else that may have water in it. Most of you will receive enough water from the foods you eat throughout the day. However… You should force yourself to drink water in very hot weather, at high altitudes, or when you exercise. Thirst and the color of your urine are good indicators of dehydration. That’s our body’s way of telling us, “Hey buddy! We need water!” Pg. 85

13 Comments… Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, if you have a medical condition or some people just need more water than others. Listen to your own body and drink accordingly.

14 But who told the public that we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day? The International Bottled Water Association wants you to drink a minimum of 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. They funded (gave money) research that showed people should consume this much water a day and then had the media publish the study. Why would they do that? Money. Be aware that many nutritional studies are funded by companies that sell the product they are researching.

15 Other Substances in Food Food contains many substances in addition to the major nutrients. -Fiber: helps move particles through your digestive system. -Hidden fats: Health experts recommend that no more than 35% of your daily calories come from fat. -Cholesterol: a waxy substance used by the body to build cells and hormones and to protect nerve fibers. Pg. 85

16 Why is fiber important? Keeps you regular. Or helps you to go to the bathroom. Fiber is basically like a pipe cleaner that cleans out your intestines. GROSS!! 3 sources of fiber -skins of fruits -skins of veggies -whole grains

17 Look at your top 5 favorite foods… Figure out which category of nutrients they belong. (example: ice cream = carbohydrate + protein) Nutrient categories = Carbohydrates Proteins Fats/Oils Vitamins Minerals

18 Spill It In your journal spill your brain… anything that’s going on in your life…anything you are thinking about…spill it on the page… Punctuation, spelling…who cares! Just spill it!

19 Journal If you could eat anything tonight for dinner what would it be? (Describe your meal in 3-4 sentences or make a list.)

20 -Added sugar: Sugar occurs naturally in fruit and milk, and it provides food energy. It is also added to many prepared foods, such as soft drinks, cookies, candy, breakfast cereal, and even spaghetti sauce. Pg. 91

21 Sodium Sodium is a necessary nutrient that helps control the balance of fluids in the body. It occurs naturally in salt, in various foods, and in many prepared sauces. Caffeine Caffeine is a substance that stimulates the nervous system and can become habit-forming. Pg. 92

22 MONDAY: MEET IN LIBRARY Bring: Workbook Writing Utensil KITCHEN SCAVENGER HUNTS DUE TUESDAY: Bring Snack/Drink with food label. (optional)

23 Natural sugars are different from added sugars. (soft drinks are the biggest source of sugars in American diets, 33%) Euphemisms (other words) used for sugar on food packaging (ingredients list): corn syrupinvert sugar fruit juice concentrates -ose

24 Food Tracker DUE MONDAY Missing/Make-Up Work DUE TUESDAY Kitchen Scavenger Hunts…Bad grade??? Might be because you didn’t answer the reflection questions. Redos are due on Tuesday.

25 Fats Solid at room temperature: meat and dairy products Liquid at room temperature: plant products All food fats are triglycerides, meaning the body uses them for energy. What are examples of solid fats (saturated)? Butter, margarine, cheese. What are examples of liquid fats (unsaturated)? Oils, salad dressings.

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