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District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Fort Stanton (CSO 006) Separation Project - Status and Coordination Update - for the Environmental Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Fort Stanton (CSO 006) Separation Project - Status and Coordination Update - for the Environmental Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Fort Stanton (CSO 006) Separation Project - Status and Coordination Update - for the Environmental Quality and Operations Committee Meeting REVISED May 20, 2004

2 Presentation Overview Project Description Coordination / Planning Lead Service Replacements Separation CIP Costs Separation CIP Schedule Current Status

3 CSO-006 Separation Study Area N Source: NOT TO SCALE CSO-006 Separation Study Area (Approximate)

4 Anacostia CSO-006 Separation Separation of 13.5 acre CSO area on east side of Anacostia (CSO- 006) CSO outfall converted to storm water outfall New storm sewer planned (some new sanitary sewer needed) Reduction/control of stormwater would benefit water quality LID is possible technique Engineering study complete

5 Extent of Current Development in CSO-006 Area

6 Typical Combined Sewer Connection in CSO 006 Area

7 Separation Plan in CSO 006 Area (Est. Cost = $3,900/private property) New Storm Sewer Connection New Storm Sewer in Street Roof Leader Disconnected and Rain Barrel (LID) Used* *No Extension on Private Property Required (May Result in 10-50% savings). Disconnects Combined Sewer Converted to Sanitary Sewer

8 CSO-006 - LID Option Summary OptionsConsiderations Constructed wetland National Park Service acceptance Land availability Initial cost Responsibility for long term O & M Water Quality Catch Basins Cost Public Disruption Biofiltration and Porous Pavers Cost Public Disruption Long term O&M Considerations Rain Barrels at Downspouts Public interest Work required on private property Support of community Long term success

9 Constructed Wetland Specifically considered for Anacostia CSO-006 separation Treats and infiltrates stormwater Handles smaller flows Mix of treatment and infiltration Larger flows go to receiving water I-295 Anacostia River Constructed Wetland CSO converted to storm water outfall NPS Property NOT TO SCALE N

10 Bioretention/Filtration

11 Paired biofiltration unit and catch basin Allows retention and filtration Improves streetscape Street Low flows High Flows Catch Basin Biofiltration Unit Filterra TM unit courtesy of Americast Bioretention/Filtration

12 Water Quality Catch Basins Allows settling/treatment of storm water Typical Triple Water Quality Catch Basin Outlet Oil/Grease/ Floatables Solids/Grit Water Line

13 Rain Barrels at Downspouts Captures and holds rain for beneficial use Water conservation as well as storm water reduction benefit

14 Coordinated WASA Activities Lead Service Replacements and Other Improvements to the Water System Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO-006) Separation Project

15 Lead Services in/around CSO 006 Area

16 Approximate Number of Street Lead Services MLK Avenue, SE 9 U Street, SE 21 V Street, SE 20 Lead Service Replacements in CSO 006 Separation Area *Total Est. Cost: 50 Services x $10,000/service = $500,000 **Est. Cost does Not include Paving or Work on Private Property Total Estimated Cost* $500,000** Total Estimated Cost* $500,000**

17 Construction Planned to Start in Fall 2005 Construction Planned to Start in Fall 2005 Ongoing Lead Service Replacements Completed During This Time Ongoing Lead Service Replacements Completed During This Time Priority Lead Service Replacements Will Be Completed Earlier Priority Lead Service Replacements Will Be Completed Earlier Lead Service Replacements in CSO 006 Separation Area

18 Planning with Others Trans~forming Anacostia Partnership Working with Multiple Groups Anacostia / Fort Stanton Community & ANCs DC Office of Planning DC Dept of Health DC Dept of Transportation National Park Service Anacostia Watershed Society LID Center Community Groups and ANC’s Planning public meetings in Summer 2004

19 Current CIP Budget 1 Notes: 1. Current CIP Costs are for CSO 006 Separation Project Only (i.e., lead service replacement cost NOT included), and are partially funded with an EPA SAP Grant. Project Item Budgeted Cost ($ in millionss) Engineering Study / Outreach0.123 Design Services / Outreach0.270 Construction Management0.300 Construction Services2.807 Total Budgeted Cost$3.5 M

20 Item FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Engineering Study / Outreach Design Services / Outreach Construction Period 1 Beneficial Occupancy Current Schedule Notes: 1. May vary, dependent on coordination with other groups and DC Agencies (i.e., DDOT).

21 Alternatives Considered Alt. 1 – Use of 8 “Filterra” biofiltration tree boxes w/ CSO Separation Plan Alt. 2 - Use of 12 “Filterra” Biofiltration Tree Boxes and Inline Trash Netting along SW Outfall w/ CSO Separation Plan Alt. 3 – Use of 23 “Filterra” biofiltration tree boxes and 23 DDOH-approved Water Quality Catch Basins w/ CSO Separation Plan Alt. 4 - Use of 23 DDOH-approved Water Quality Catch Basins (WASA option if DDOT does not sign MOA for tree box O&M) w/ CSO Separation Plan

22 Alternatives - Cost Comparison

23 LID Grant Option LID grants would be provided to homeowners for disconnection of roof leaders for onsite infiltration Funding for onsite design of rain barrels, rain gardens, and porous pavers Plumbing permit required through DCRA, and program administered by Environmental Stakeholder (e.g., AWS)

24 Current Status Final CSO 006 Separation Study Submitted Recommended Alternative 3 - Use of 23 “Filterra” biofiltration tree boxes and 23 DDOH-approved Water Quality Catch Basins w/ CSO Separation Plan (Alt. 3 Layout – Last Slide) Grant Concept Approved for Implementation of LID Controls by Environmental Stakeholder Group Meetings Scheduled with Stakeholders and Coordinating with Public / ANCs

25 CSO-006 Separation Study – Alternative 3

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