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Getting Ready for MAP/EOC 2015. News from DESE & SBAC  17 states (including Missouri) voted on Nov. 14 to accept the Achievement Levels/Scale Scores.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready for MAP/EOC 2015. News from DESE & SBAC  17 states (including Missouri) voted on Nov. 14 to accept the Achievement Levels/Scale Scores."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready for MAP/EOC 2015

2 News from DESE & SBAC  17 states (including Missouri) voted on Nov. 14 to accept the Achievement Levels/Scale Scores for the ELA and Math Tests  states-approve-achievement-level-recommendations/ states-approve-achievement-level-recommendations/

3 News from DESE & SBAC  The company providing the grades 3-8 tests is DRC (an affiliate of CTB), and the test will be aligned to Smarter Balanced.  The new test will look different than the sample/field tests from last year.  Reference DESE website for testing information (DO NOT go directly to Smarter Balanced website)

4 News from DESE & SBAC  The new MAP test will be practiced on 6 different platforms to make sure they all work. (Mac, PC, iPad, etc.)  The same test "platform format" will be used for ELA, Math, and Science grades 3-8  DRC will also provide the new ACCESS test for ELL next year.  Online supports (such as audio reading) will be available at certain grades.  Only students with IEP/ELL/504 accommodations should use some support features. These may invalidate scores for other students.

5 DESE News & Recommendations  MAP Practice Tests WILL CHANGE (new practice tests should be available in Dec. or Jan.)  Tests are not timed and short breaks will be allowed  If the break is over 20 minutes, the student will not be able to go back to previous questions.  High School EOC will continue to use Questar The biggest changes for EOC testing are  addition of Physical Science  addition of Writing Performance in English I  Performance Events will be worth up to 10 points  iTester can be used for EOC practice now

6 Math Scale Scores

7 Math - Estimated Levels %

8 ELA Threshold Scale Scores

9 ELA Estimated Level %

10 MAP/EOC Blueprints  For ELA and Math, Missouri will use blueprints designed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium  Grades 3-8 blueprints may change, but the EOC blueprints will not (Any changes will be sent)

11 ELA Blueprints Grades 3-4 Range of Emphasis?

12 Math Blueprints Grades 6-7

13 Algebra 1 EOC Blueprints

14 English II EOC Blueprints

15 Number of Items

16 Item and Response Types  Selected Response  Constructed Response  Performance Tasks  Response type examples  Multiple Correct Response  Graphing  Drag and Drop

17 Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)  Provides more accurate scores for all students across the full range of the achievement continuum  Individually tailored set of questions to each student and can quickly identify which skills students have mastered

18 Assessment Claims Broad evidence-based statements about what college and career ready students know and can do as demonstrated by their performance on the assessment. ELA Claims

19 Each Claim is Broken into Assessment Targets  Performance expectations that will be assessed and reported on as evidence supporting each claim  Identifies the kinds of evidence that would be sufficient to support the claims.

20 MLS Standards  Define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade and course.  CCSS (ELA and Math)  GLE (Science, Social Studies, World Languages, Fine Arts, health/PE) CCSS + GLE = New MLS

21 Finding the MLS career- readiness/curriculum/missou ri-learning-standards

22 IBD with MLS

23 Achievement Level Descriptors

24 ELA/Literacy Shifts 1.Regular practice with complex text and its academic language 2.Reading, Writing, and Speaking grounded in evidence from the text, both Literary and Informational  Building knowledge through content rich non-fiction

25 SBAC Tier II Vocabulary


27 Practice Sites

28 Practice Tests (5 th Grade) New Homes for Hermit Crabs

29 Digital Library WORKSHOP (includes Assessment Updates) Tuesday, February 10 th @ UMKC Charter School Center 9:30-11:00am *Light breakfast items served

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