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Strengthening management of service delivery 12 th June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening management of service delivery 12 th June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening management of service delivery 12 th June 2012

2 Leadership and management Managers think incrementally, leaders think radically Leadership attracts loyalty Managers know how things work Leadership is a facet of management Leadership qualities may emerge from non-managers

3 Being a manager The responsibilities of management Some theories of management styles Considering your own management style Exploring what has made you the manager you are

4 Being a manager The manager and the team Boundaries of management The management role internally The management role externally

5 The management role Think about incidents recently when you have had to ‘behave as a manager’….

6 The management role In pairs consider: Why did the situation call upon you to ‘behave as a manager’? What was challenging about the situation? What was satisfying about the situation?

7 The management role Some reflections… What can managers do that other staff cannot? What can managers not do that other staff can?

8 Some management styles “Just tell ‘em!”…. “What do you think?”

9 McGregor’s theory X and Y Theory X: top down, based on the assumption that people prefer to be directed, are unambitious and want security. Theory Y: bottom up, based on the assumption that people are self directing and willing to take responsibility.

10 Tannenbaum and Schmidt The manager decides and announces The manager decides and sells The manager decides and invites questions The manager proposes The manager proposes and consults The manager asks the team to decide within parameters The manager asks the team to decide

11 Tannenbaum and Schmidt announce persuade consult delegate Top down Bottom up

12 Effective management Think about managers that you have respected What are the features that have commanded your respect? Which of these are skills, which are attitudes?

13 Your preferred style Identify and consider your ‘preferred’ management style What aspects of management would you like to work on?

14 Conditions that affect management style Age Formal education The business we are in Role models Experience Personality (e.g. attitude to risk, tolerance of uncertainty)

15 Your management tree Buds – hopes for the future Fruit - achievements Flowers - strengths Leaves – information and knowledge Branches – adult experiences Trunk – family and childhood Roots – innate preferences

16 Next time The manager and the team Boundaries of management The management role internally The management role externally

17 Management training

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