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Published byArline Thornton Modified over 9 years ago
Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY Mon., Feb. 25, 2002 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 1.InvocationRev. Jean Brown, New Dublin Presbyterian Church
2.Additions to Agenda
2a.Recognition - Receipt of the Virginia Institute of Government Special Merit Award by Gena Hanks for her coordination of local program participation over the past 5 years.
7:00 p.m. 3.Public Hearings: a.A request by Margaret Jarrell for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a manufactured home as a storage structure on property owned by Mary Frances Mitchell, identified as tax map no. 038-001-0000-0037, (1.1363 acres) zoned Residential (R1), located at 7401 Hazel Hollow Rd., Cloyd District - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this request. The Planning Commission recommends approval for a one-year period.
b.A request by William H. Quarterman for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a camper on property identified as tax map no. 038- 017-0000-0003, (1.53 acres), zoned Residential (R1), located at 7106 Falling Branch Rd., Cloyd District - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this request. The Planning Commission recommends approval.
7:30 p.m. 4. Highway Matters: a.Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: The resident engineer may have information to share on the following matters from previous Board meetings, unless noted otherwise: Mr. J. D. Brugh, Resident Engineer
1.Request for Speed Study on Rt. 633, Powell Avenue - This matter is currently under review by VDOT.
2.Request for Speed Limit Posting, Rt. 755, Depot Road - This matter is currently under review by VDOT.
3.Request for Speed Limit Sign (25 mph) on Winding Way Drive - This matter is currently under review by VDOT.
4.Informal Speed Study – Alexander Drive - This matter is currently under review by VDOT.
5.Mason Vaughan Blvd. Improvements - This matter is currently under review by VDOT.
6.Cox Hollow Road Improvements - This matter is currently under review by VDOT.
b.Rural Addition Status Report - The Board was provided with an update of the Rural Additions Progress Report.
c.Black Hollow Heights Lane Rural Addition Resolution - Adoption of the resolution is recommended.
d.Revenue Sharing Program - The Board was provided with a letter from Jim Givens describing the program. Application for the maximum allowable amount of Revenue Sharing funds is recommended. These funds will provide 50% VDOT participation in projects already or potentially funded by the county or private citizens. Potential uses of these funds would be streetlights and trees along Rt. 100 (if not funded by TEA 21), mowing along industrial parks and Fairlawn, snow removal in industrial parks, litter removal and Fair Acres storm water management improvements. Continued
I am working with Resident Engineer Dan Brugh to determine the specific allowable cost and recommend authorization to request the maximum allowable VDOT participation in these items. The Board was provided with a summary of existing and projected county expenditures, which may be eligible for funding under the VDOT Revenue Sharing Program.
e.Request for Lowering of Speed Limit on Gate 10 Road - Ms. Trish Ladd of 7225 Gate 10 Road has requested the speed limit on this road be lowered to 35 mph. Mr. Sheffey may have additional information to share.
f.Effect of VDOT Budget Issues on Six-Year Secondary Road Improvement Plan - Mr. Brugh plans to brief the Board regarding the potential local impact of recent budget issues within VDOT.
g.Board of Supervisors Concerns
h.Citizen Concerns
8:00 p.m. 5.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer
8:05 p.m. 6.Citizens’ Comments
8:15 p.m. 7.Reports from the County Administrator & Staff: a.Key Activity Timetable (KAT) - The Board was provided with an updated Key Activity Timetable.
b.Animal Shelter Recommendations & Acceptance of Anonymous Animal Shelter Donation - A recommendation is expected from Mr. Michael Ermann of Virginia Tech College of Architecture in response to the inquiry by the Board regarding design suggestions for the animal shelter. Public acknowledgment of an anonymous donation of $10,000 has been requested by the donor as a means of encouraging additional donations. The information requested from Virginia Tech regarding the Animal Shelter questions was initially promised to arrive in time for consideration at the February meeting. We were informed this week that the report should be completed on March 7 th. Thus, the matter will be placed on the agenda for the March Board meeting.
c.Sponsorship of July 4 Fireworks Display - Appropriation of $5,000 is recommended for 4 th of July fireworks to be held at the New River Valley Fairgrounds. I propose requesting that the Town of Pulaski, the Town of Dublin, and the New River Valley Fairgrounds consider sharing of the remaining $5,000 cost.
d.Revenue Projections - The Board was provided with a five-year revenue projection, a detail of sales tax income, a cash flow history, a summary of current debt, and the unobligated fund balance. The calculations used to arrive at the unobligated fund balance are likely to require some explanation, which I will plan to provide in my report. I will be glad to answer questions you may have prior to the meeting by phone or in person. Also the Board was provided with is a revised debt schedule. The previous schedule sent out with the packet included some projected school debt in the Total Debt by Fiscal Year column. The revised schedule only reflects current debt amounts in the total column.
e.Appointments 1.Town of Pulaski Flood Control Project Committee 2.Emergency Services 3.Planning Commission 4.Recreation Commission 5.Airport Commission 6.Social Services Board
8.Items of Consent: a.Minutes of January 28, 2002 b.Account Payable c.Appropriations & Transfers: 1.Interoffice Transfer #8 - $43,825.21 2.Appropriations & Transfers: a.General Fund #12 - $5,211.60; #13 - $1,000.00; & #14 - $5,890.00 b.School Fund Budget Adjustments #1 – ($31,185) c.School Fund Appropriation #2 - $171,415.60 d.Ratification: 1.Change Orders Blue Ridge Mechanical Contracts, Inc. Change Order #2 – Visitor’s Center Plumbing - $1,337.00
8. Items of Consent (con’t.): 2.Agreements, Grants & Other: Virginia State Police Excess Military Property Participation Agreement e.Contract Approvals f.Personnel Changes g.Randolph Park Completion h.Randolph Park Management i.Resolution of Commendation – Response to Overturned Tanker Spill j.Courthouse Security k.DeHaven Park Fencing l.Proposed School Board Funding Policies m.Adoption of Proposed Member User Agreement & Adoption Resolution
8.Items of Consent: a.Minutes of January 28, 2002
b.Accounts Payable
c.Appropriations & Transfers: 1.Interoffice Transfer #8 - $43,825.21
2.Appropriations & Transfers: a.General Fund #12 - $5,211.60; #13 - $1,000.00; & #14 - $5,890.00 b.School Fund Budget Adjustments #1 – ($31,185) c.School Fund Appropriation #2 - $171,415.60
d.Ratification: 1.Change Order Blue Ridge Mechanical Contracts, Inc. Change Order #2 – Visitor’s Center Plumbing - $1,337.00 - Ratification of the change order is recommended.
2.Agreements, Grants, & Other - The following are submitted for the Board’s review and approval: Virginia State Police Excess Military Property Participation Agreement - Ratification of the participation agreement is recommended allowing pass through of surplus military weapons for use by the Sheriff’s Department.
e.Contract Approvals - There are no contracts pending at this time.
f.Personnel Changes - Ms. Burchett has provided the Board an update of recent personnel changes.
g.Randolph Park Completion - Both the Randolph Park Fundraising and Steering committees met and reviewed the current status of the Park construction. The Board was provided with a summary of current projects, anticipated costs and fund balances. The Steering Committee recommends to the Board that an additional $250,000 be invested in the park to install automatic sprinklers and lights on four softball fields and one soccer field (sprinklers cost approximately $10,000 per field and lighting costs $40,000 per field). Together installation of these items will significantly enhance our local recreational programs and increase the ability to hold evening tournaments at a profit to the county. Continued
The Steering Committee further recommends that tournament proceeds be applied to repayment of this expenditure. Installation of lights requires a two-month lead-time. Staff recommends only lighting two baseball fields (savings of $80,000) and that bleachers be purchased at a cost of $30,000 for a net cost of $250,000. I would like to correct the information included in the Board packet to note that the Randolph Park Steering Committee recommended an additional appropriation of $300,000 to be repaid through tournament revenue. Continued
In reviewing the matter with the recreation staff and with VDOT, it may be possible to reduce this amount by $50,000 through elimination of an anticipated billing for a portion of the road paving or lighting of two of the four softball fields. Appropriation of the full $300,000 is recommended to allow funding of all contingencies without delay due to budget uncertainties, with any unused funding to be deobligated.
h.Randolph Park Management - Authorization is requested to hire a pool manager for approximately four months at a salary of $600 per week.
i.Resolution of Commendation – Response to Overturned Tanker Spill - Adoption of the resolution is requested.
j.Courthouse Security - The Sheriff’s Department has requested the installation of metal detectors at the entrance to the courtrooms at a cost of approximately $3,700 each. The panic alarm system proposed would have provided wireless alarm button with direct access to the Sheriff’s office would have cost $4,500. Since the installation of the panic alarm system has not yet been purchased, I recommend appropriation of up to $5,000 for the trial purchase of one metal detector and a less sophisticated but functional wired alarm system.
k.DeHaven Park Fencing – As reported in the February 15 weekly update, Mr. L. T. Simmons has removed the board fence generally located along the DeHaven Park property line. He is requesting the fence be replaced at a materials cost of approximately $1,500. While the county can consider it a line fence with cost to be shared with Mr. Simmons, Dr. Fariss suggests, and I recommend, construction of the fence on the DeHaven Park side of the property line to ensure future control by the county. Depending on how much of the construction work can be done by county employees, this option may not cost much more than the line fence.
l.Proposed School Board Funding Policies - Proposed School Board Funding Policies – I have been considering ways of improving the budget process and to ways of supporting good relations between the boards. It seems that it may be helpful to suggest funding guidelines and have drafted the following for consideration by the Board of Supervisors: 1.The School Superintendent will be involved in evaluating and projecting local revenues. This will be done on a quarterly basis and as the initial part of the annual budget process. Continued
2.The percentage increase in local revenues will be passed on to the school system as a general base rate for school funding barring any major economic problems such as is being faced in Henry County. Passing on of local revenue increases encourages use of school resources to assisting in business and community growth. 3.The Board of Supervisors will endeavor to allow the School Board to carryover any unused funds from one year to the next, pending any severe economic situations or unless funds have been misappropriated (i.e. line items overspent or moved without proper approvals). Continued
4.The Board of Supervisors may consider other school needs on a case-by-case basis with the goal of long-term savings or significant improvement in the quality of educational services being rendered.
8m.Adoption of Proposed Member User Agreement & Adoption Resolution – Adoption of the resolution authorizing a change in the method in which Pepper’s Ferry handles debt service is requested. The Board approved revisions to the agreement at its October 2001 meeting; however, the user agreement resolution needs to be officially adopted and made a part of the Board’s minutes.
9.Citizen Comments
10.Other Matters from Supervisors
11.Closed Meeting – 2.1-344.A.
12.Adjournment - From an administrative perspective, adoption of item 8l regarding School Board Funding policies should eliminate the need to meet with the School Board.
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