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Southwest Middle School Trexler Middle School Dixon Middle School New Bridge Middle School Middle School Tips!

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1 Southwest Middle School Trexler Middle School Dixon Middle School New Bridge Middle School Middle School Tips!

2 What I wish I knew before starting 6 th Grade!

3 T-DAP Shots!!!! ALL students must have their T-DAP before starting 6 th Grade!

4 The Night Before: Check your agenda to see what you will need the next day. Set out anything you will need such as your band instrument if you have band the next day. Plan what you will wear to school the next day. Check to be sure your homework is done. Ask parents to sign any papers or write notes needed. Pack backpack and have it ready to go for the morning. Go to bed early and get a good night’s rest.

5 The Morning Rush Hour Stretch! Bathe or Shower if you didn’t the night before. Get dressed. Eat Breakfast – preferably sitting down! Do a quick mirror check to make sure your hair is neat and your shirt isn’t on inside out. Grab your stuff and go.

6 DEVELOP GOOD HABITS! Develop a routine and stick to it. Complete tasks in the same order each day to remember what needs to be done. Eat a healthy breakfast each day. Good choices are toast with peanut butter, granola, an apple or banana, cottage cheese, and a glass of milk.

7 Cafeteria You will have the same lunch number you had at your elementary school, you can scan your ID or tell the lunch ladies your number.

8 Some Supplies! Dixon, Southwest, and Trexler have AVID Some schools use ONE 3 inch binder for all classes 3 Hole Punch Pencil Pouch that fits in binder Lots and Lots of Notebook Paper and Graph Paper Pencils, Pencils, Pencils, Pencils, Pencils, and More Pencils Black/Blue Pens Highlighters Colored Pencils/Small Scissors/Lots of Glue Sticks Tab Dividers Thumb Drive Sheet Protectors

9 Dress Code! NEW BRIDGE MIDDLE HAS A MANDATORY DRESS CODE! OTHER MIDDLE SCHOOLS HAVE THE FOLLOWING DRESS CODE: No Short Shorts (Not above fingertip length) No Spaghetti Straps No Offensive T-Shirt Logos No Under Shirts No Racer Back Tank Tops No Holes In Jeans Above Fingertip Length No Low-cut Shirts, No Half Shirts No Sagging Pants No Pajamas or Slippers No Yoga Pants

10 ATTENDANCE! You will have a different teacher for each class! You will have a lot to catch up on when you miss school!

11 Core Classes & Electives Core: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies Electives: Art, Band, PE, Chorus, others may be offered at your specific school

12 Hall Pass System Sign in and Sign out everywhere you go! Lanyards

13 Behavior System PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Follow all school and classroom rules Chill-out Lunch Detention ISS OSS So Be Cool!

14 Report of Progress 3 Week Progress Report 6 Week Progress Report 9 Week Report Card

15 FUN TIMES may include: School Dances! Lunch on the Lawn Spirit Days Class Competitions And Incentives Fundraisers Pep Rallies Athletic Games

16 Websites: For more information: Dixon Middle School: New Bridge Middle School: Southwest Middle School: Trexler Middle School

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