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San Marcos Unified School District Survey Conducted: March 10-15, 2010 220-2859.

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Presentation on theme: "San Marcos Unified School District Survey Conducted: March 10-15, 2010 220-2859."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Marcos Unified School District Survey Conducted: March 10-15, 2010 220-2859

2 2 Rating On Quality of Education Provided 3. In general, how would you rate the quality of education provided by each of the following institutions? Would you say it is excellent, good, fair, poor or very poor? The San Marcos Unified School District Your local public elementary school Your local public high school

3 3 Need For Additional Funding 4. Generally speaking, would you say that ________________ has a great need for additional funding, some need, a little need, or no real need for additional funding? The San Marcos Unified School District Your local public elementary school San Marcos High School Mission Hills High School

4 4 Repair-Oriented Ballot Language LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD CLASSROOM REPAIR, SAFETY AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ACT. To improve learning and increase safety by: Removing asbestos and lead paint; Upgrading technology in classrooms, libraries, and science labs; Improving heating and ventilation systems to increase energy efficiency; Improving access for students with disabilities; and Improving lighting, fencing and fire safety systems; Shall San Marcos Unified School District issue $377 million in bonds, with citizens’ oversight, independent audits, NO money for administrators’ salaries with all funds remaining local?

5 5 Total Yes 57% Total No 38% Repair-Oriented Measure Vote 5. I’d like to ask you about a school bond measure for the San Marcos Unified School District that might appear on an upcoming ballot. Let me read the possible language for this measure as it might appear on the ballot. It reads:_________. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of it or no to oppose this bond measure? Split Sample

6 6 Education-Oriented Ballot Language LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL QUALITY EDUCATION ACT. To improve learning, prepare students with 21st Century skills, help attract and retain quality teachers, and offset the impact of severe state budget cuts to local schools by: Upgrading technology in classrooms, libraries and science labs; and Improving schools and adding classrooms to support today’s academic and safety standards; Shall San Marcos Unified School District issue $377 million in bonds, with citizens’ oversight, independent audits, NO money for administrators’ salaries with all funds remaining local?

7 7 Total Yes 55% Total No 40% Education-Oriented Measure Vote 6. I’d like to ask you about a school bond measure for the San Marcos Unified School District that might appear on an upcoming ballot. Let me read the possible language for this measure as it might appear on the ballot. It reads:_______. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of it or no to oppose this bond measure? Split Sample

8 8 Statements About SMUSD 11. Now I would like to share with you some statements about the San Marcos Unified School District and its local neighborhood schools. Please tell me if you think each of the following statements is very accurate, somewhat accurate, somewhat inaccurate or very inaccurate. *Split Sample The student population in our local schools will grow over the next few years Severe state budget cuts are threatening the quality of education that our local public schools currently provide The condition of local schools has a direct effect on property values Many classrooms in local public schools are overcrowded Local kids are safe when they are at school (Ranked by % Total Very/Somewhat Accurate)

9 9 Continued 11. Now I would like to share with you some statements about the San Marcos Unified School District and its local neighborhood schools. Please tell me if you think each of the following statements is very accurate, somewhat accurate, somewhat inaccurate or very inaccurate. *Split Sample Many of our local schools are old, deteriorating, run down, and in need of repair San Marcos USD schools offer students a high quality education Portable classrooms should only be used on a temporary basis, not permanently *Local schools are providing skills to students to prepare them for good paying jobs *Local schools are providing students with 21st Century skills The San Marcos school district uses its money and resources efficiently

10 10 Possible Aspects of Ballot Measure 12. I am going to read you a list of projects and improvements that might be included in a ballot measure to provide funding for local schools. Please tell me how important each one is to you: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. ^Not part of Split Sample (Ranked by % Total Extremely/Very Important) ^Retaining and attracting qualified teachers ^Maintaining Advanced Placement and College Preparatory classes Removing asbestos and lead paint if found during renovations Removing asbestos and lead paint Upgrading technology in classrooms, libraries and science labs Preventing increases in class sizes Increasing capacity for vocational education and job training programs

11 11 Continued 12. I am going to read you a list of projects and improvements that might be included in a ballot measure to provide funding for local schools. Please tell me how important each one is to you: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. ^Not part of Split Sample Upgrading outdated electrical systems and wiring for computer technology and Internet access ^Making seismic repairs to meet earthquake safety codes ^Repairing old roofs Upgrading instructional technology and equipment used for vocational education and job training programs Improving access for students with disabilities ^Making all schools fully handicap accessible Repairing and renovating outdated classrooms and school buildings Improving access and equipment for special education students

12 12 Continued 12. I am going to read you a list of projects and improvements that might be included in a ballot measure to provide funding for local schools. Please tell me how important each one is to you: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. ^Not part of Split Sample ^Upgrading aging science labs and instructional equipment ^Replacing outdated restrooms and plumbing systems Maintaining class sizes at current levels Increasing capacity for after school education programs ^Improving lighting, fencing and fire safety systems ^Replacing outdated heating and ventilation systems to increase energy efficiency Replacing outdated classrooms and school buildings Increasing capacity for preschool students

13 San Marcos Unified School District Survey Conducted: March 10-15, 2010 220-2859

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