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Implementing the Scottish Government’s Strategic Guidance for Community Learning & Development Learning Link Scotland Conference, 1/11/12 - Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Scottish Government’s Strategic Guidance for Community Learning & Development Learning Link Scotland Conference, 1/11/12 - Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Scottish Government’s Strategic Guidance for Community Learning & Development Learning Link Scotland Conference, 1/11/12 - Workshop

2 Focus for the session Why strategic guidance for CLD? What changes is it seeking to achieve? What are the opportunities and challenges for adult learning?

3 Why Guidance Now? Major changes in context, policy and practice since 2004 Putting Learners at the Centre: delivering our ambitions for post-16 education Scottish Government commitment to work with partners to develop a CLD strategy Reform of public services SG’s response to the Christie Commission Community Empowerment Renewal Bill & Review of Community Planning

4 Key Messages CLD has a clearly defined purpose....And an important role in delivering the National Performance Framework It should be delivered as a consistent, central element of public services A wide range of partners, including the voluntary sector, should be involved Community Planning Partnerships must lead implementation of the CLD Guidance Local Authorities should provide leadership and direction

5 The purpose of CLD: To empower people, individually and collectively, to make positive changes in their lives and in their communities, through learning. Within the National Performance Framework, CLD should focus on: Improved life chances for people of all ages, through learning, personal development and active citizenship Stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities.

6 Context 1: the future of public services “The focus of public spending and action must build on the assets and potential of the individual, the family and the community…Public services must work harder to involve people in the redesign and reshaping of their activities” (Scottish Government’s response to the report of the Commission on the Future of Public Service Delivery)

7 Context 2: Putting Learners at the Centre Scottish Government proposals for post-16 education include: Develop a CLD Strategy with local authorities, 3 rd sector and others Opportunities and flexible pathways for all learners CfE, 16+ Learning Choices and Activity Agreements: key role for CLD Improving alignment of CLD with SDS & Job Centre + Improving life-chances and job prospects, in particular for “those who have been out of work or learning for a long time”

8 Context 3: Review of Community Planning “Community Planning can…ensure that working for, and with, people and communities and building their capacity is at the heart of reform and that the distinctive needs of different communities are addressed” Delivering Effective Community Planning: CoSLA/Scottish Government report to National Group on Community Planning (August 2012)


10 Context 4: Who Delivers CLD? Less public sector provision Growth and diversity in voluntary sector Specialist CLD - disconnected – Housing, Equalities, Community Care Resources under pressure Better connections required

11 Who is it aimed at? Strategic not operational guidance Community Planning Partnerships – responsible for leading implementation Local authorities: leadership and direction Public agencies and services, voluntary organisations, schools, NHS, housing associations, equalities groups, social enterprises Communities including young people

12 What are we trying to achieve? “Build resilient communities and release the talents of people across Scotland” CLD already has a “powerful impact” Further strengthen and improve this The guidance sets out a programme of change and development to achieve this

13 Implications and expectations: improving outcomes for communities Developing a core role in public services & in building a new partnership with communities Prevention: sharpening practice, widening influence Community empowerment Inclusive partnerships Workforce development that keeps pace with change Performance, self-evaluation, improvement

14 What are the key activities that will deliver the outcomes we expect? Community development, including: Building community capacity Enabling communities to engage with decision-making Early intervention with children, young people and families, including: Youth work Family learning Community-based adult learning, including: Adult literacy and numeracy ESOL Learning for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including people with disabilities, care leavers or offenders Volunteer development Learning support and guidance in the community


16 Implementation framework Governance, leadership, oversight, evidence Driving change and improvement through practice development, support and challenge Workforce development Policy development and communication

17 Related Scottish Government activity… Exploration of legislative powers for CLD Reviewing and strengthen role of CPPs Consideration of the future of pre-service training for CLD Integration of CLD in post-16 Education Reform Funding support for third sector national organisations

18 Questions to consider How does the guidance relate to What my organisation is trying to achieve? What my organisation currently does? What are the opportunities and challenges? How can we make effective use of the guidance and contribute to achieving its aims?


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