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D O Y OU S PEAK Y EARBOOK ? Learning the Jargon of Layout.

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Presentation on theme: "D O Y OU S PEAK Y EARBOOK ? Learning the Jargon of Layout."— Presentation transcript:

1 D O Y OU S PEAK Y EARBOOK ? Learning the Jargon of Layout

2 D O Y OU S PEAK Y EARBOOK ? Like all occupations, publishing has its own jargon and knowing that jargon is helpful if you want to function effectively in the field. This PowerPoint is intended to provide you with the basics of that language.

3 Virtually all yearbook pages will include these elements: captions headlines story photos - These are also called images All these elements fit within the umbrella of graphics. spread

4 Right-justified alignment Text wrap border candid photos folio tab

5 typography Dominan t photo collage photo cropping

6 body text infographic left-justified alignment attributio n headline quotes

7 scoreboard folio tab pulled quote mug shot black-and- white spread margin

8 theme border bold-face text eyeline mug shot candid photo

9 divider COB typography

10 gradient process-color spread

11 ghosted photo feathered edges opaque image tilted text

12 indent white space collage Left-justified alignment folio tab typography

13 color values white space justified text alignment

14 color value attributio n infographic dominant photo logo dropped cap

15 N OW I T ’ S Y OUR T URN Find an example of each of the key terms on your handout in spreads from any magazine, yearbook, or look book. Copy each and label the photos, using the fewest layouts possible. (Five bonus points to the person who uses the fewest layouts to illustrate all key terms!)

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