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Should have seen something like this last week What does do? stands for table row and starts a new row in the table.

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Presentation on theme: "Should have seen something like this last week What does do? stands for table row and starts a new row in the table."— Presentation transcript:


2 Should have seen something like this last week

3 What does do? stands for table row and starts a new row in the table

4 What does do? stands for table data, and starts a new cell in the row

5 What does colspan=‘3’ do? That specific cell will take up 3 columns


7 I forgot to end both table rows with a


9 Content needs to go between and


11 Attributes need quotations around them ( either a ‘ or “ )

12  Why do we want to links?  So we can see more than just 1 page at a time  Creating more pages is better than having a lot of content on one page  People can find what they want a lot easier!  You’ve definitely used them before … but if you’ve forgotten they sometimes look like this…

13 To make a hyperlink you need to use an tag and around what you want users to click on My example asks users to click the text “here…” but you can also make images hyperlinks!

14 The href attribute is the hypertext reference … or in English – the destination page. Remember how you made pathnames for our images using the src attribute? This should be easier as all our pages are in the top folder so we should just write the file name for the href

15  More information @ W3Schools   Task  Open up the Link Worksheet presentation

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