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Presentation on theme: "RUSS SPAIN, CCAP NICK BURROWS, CCAP SHERYL BAILEY, CCAP Strategic Planning The Award-Winning Way! THIS PRESENTATION CAN BE DOWNLOADED AT WWW.EICAP.ORG/CAP2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview Operational Plans Employee Engagement

3 Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Defines Three Things:  Where you are  Where you want to be  How you are going to get there Structure of the Plan  Section I – Mission/Vision Statement, Values  Section II – Organizational Mandates and Stakeholders  Section III – SWOT Analysis  Section IV – Goals and Strategic Objectives  Section V – Updating the Strategic Plan

4 Strategic Plan Section I – Mission/Vision Statement, Values  If you have these already, then they are important for determining what you want your plan to be  If you don’t – this should be an important part of your strategic planning discussions  Key Points:  Mission Statement is what you do  Vision Statement is where you want to go

5 Strategic Plan Section II – Organizational Mandates and Stakeholders  Mandates define what we are required to do by law, as an agency  CSBG Act  Older American’s Act  OMB Circulars  Stakeholders define any group of people who have a vested interest in the success of your agency  This can help you meet the requirement of Standard 3.1 in formally defining your customers

6 Strategic Plan Section III – SWOT Analysis  SWOT is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats  Key Points:  Strengths and Weaknesses are INTERNAL to the organization  Opportunities and Threats are EXTERNAL to the organization  This defines where you are as an agency

7 Strategic Plan Section IV - Goals and Strategic Objectives  There are three components to our Goals and Strategic Objectives section  Goals  Strategies  Metrics  Key Points:  This is defining how you want to get where you want to go

8 Strategic Plan Goals  Our Strategic Plan follows the ROMA Goals  Goal 1. Low-income people become more self-sufficient.  Goal 2. The conditions in which low-income people live are improved.  Goal 3. Low-income people own a stake in their community.  Goal 4. Partnerships among supporters and providers of service to low-income people are achieved.  Goal 5. Agency increases its capacity to achieve results.  Goal 6. Low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening family and other supportive environments.

9 Strategic Plan Strategies  Use SWOT to identify ways to use strengths and opportunities and avoid weaknesses and threats to achieve goals  Strategies are defined for each of the ROMA Goals  Goal 1. Low-income people become more self-sufficient. Provide services that reduce barriers for at-risk individuals and families Facilitate life skills training, education, and other opportunities  Goal 2. The conditions in which low-income people live are improved. Provide opportunities that improve the quality of life for residents throughout our service area.

10 Strategic Plan Strategies  Strategies are defined for each of the ROMA Goals  Goal 3. Low-income people own a stake in their community. Involve participants in program development from design to delivery. Empower and encourage individuals to create and maintain safe neighborhoods.  Goal 4. Partnerships among supporters and providers of service to low-income people are achieved. Foster and develop productive partnerships.

11 Strategic Plan Strategies  Strategies are defined for each of the ROMA Goals  Goal 5. Agency increases its capacity to achieve results. EICAP will use our marketing plan to become more visible and viable in the communities served. Increase funding sources and amounts in response to the growing need for service. Encourage and train the Board of Directors to be more involved in agency activities. Maximize efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

12 Strategic Plan Strategies  Strategies are defined for each of the ROMA Goals  Goal 5. Agency increases its capacity to achieve results. Foster a supportive work environment for employees. Maintain sound fiscal stewardship. Train employees to utilize the scope of supportive services within EICAP and the community at large. Active engage legislative, regulatory and community institutions regarding EICAP’s Board adopted advocacy issues.

13 Strategic Plan Strategies  Strategies are defined for each of the ROMA Goals  Goal 6. Low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening family and other supportive environments. Provide services that reduce barriers to stability for vulnerable populations. Provide information and educational opportunities that empower vulnerable populations. Metrics  Identify key outputs that we already generate internally that can be used to measure the success of each strategy

14 Strategic Plan Section V – Updating the Strategic Plan  Developed and incorporated timeline and sources of information into Strategic Plan to meet requirements of Standard 2.2  Part of the updating process is the use of Needs Assessments and Focus Groups to ensure that we are engaging our constituents in determining our agency’s priorities

15 Operational Plans EICAP has five main programmatic divisions:  Area Agency on Aging  Community Services  Head Start  Housing  Weatherization In the past, we had incorporated all program strategies into a single document which we called the Strategic Plan Due to varying personalities of the Program Directors, some programs had more details and some had fewer This was unbalanced, too much to manage and essentially became incomprehensible over time

16 Operational Plans Each division looked at the Goals and Strategies developed by Senior Leadership and Board The division determines which strategies are relevant to their programs and develops a plan for addressing those strategies Metrics are further defined during this process Program Directors report on their Operational Plans as part of their reports to the Board of Directors

17 Operational Plans These are one of the primary tools that made our Strategic Plan a living document within our organization

18 Employee Engagement Three tools to foster employee engagement in our plan

19 Employee Engagement Strategic Plan Brochure

20 Employee Engagement Strategic Plan Brochure

21 Employee Engagement Job Descriptions  All Employees have the following as a duty in their job descriptions:  As an employee of EICAP you will assume the responsibility of understanding your role in accomplishing the strategic goals and performance measures of the Agency.  All Supervisors have the following as a duty in their job descriptions:  As a supervisor you will assume the responsibility of assuring that all employees working under your direct supervision understand their role in accomplishing the strategic goals and performance measures of the Agency.

22 Employee Engagement Employee Evaluations  All Employees are evaluated on:  Strategic Goals – Consider the employee’s understanding of strategic goals. Does the employee understand their role in accomplishing the strategic goals and performance measures of the Agency?  All Supervisors are evaluated on:  Strategic Goals – Consider how well the employee communicates strategic goals to subordinates. Does the employee actively assure employees under their direct supervision understand their role in accomplishing the strategic goals and performance measures of the Agency?

23 Agency Scorecard The agency Scorecard is based on the metrics listed in the Strategic Plan The Executive Director designates a Scorecard Chair to ensure the annual Scorecard is based on the current Strategic Plan’s metrics Program Directors establish benchmarks for each metric related to their programs Quarterly, the Program Directors send in the data for their metrics to the Scorecard Chair The Scorecard Chair compiles the data into the scorecard The quarterly Scorecard is shared with the Board of Directors and Leadership Team

24 Agency Scorecard There are two components to the Scorecard The first is a listing of the outputs of each Metric The second is an aggregate outcome of the outputs as compared to the benchmarks

25 Agency Scorecard Goal 1 – Low-income people become more self- sufficient.  Strategy – Provide services that reduce barriers for at-risk individuals and families.  Metric – The number of eligible households receiving emergency services.  Metric – The number of eligible households receiving LIHEAP services.  Metric – The number of seniors who receive assistance with Medicare enrollments.  Metric – The average cost savings for Weatherization clients based on the energy audit tool.

26 Agency Scorecard Goal 1 – Low-income people become more self-sufficient Strategy - Provide services that reduce barriers for at-risk individuals and families MetricGoalTypeFactorBench mark Q1 Q3Q4Adj. YTD Diff.% Diff. 1MaxAggr.1500 16620626327662162132% 2MaxAggr.16250 328487902176633989101% 3MaxAggr.166 813046671102% 4MaxUnique$854 $1,153$891$635$706$854$0100% Strategy Score109%

27 Agency Scorecard Goal 1 Low-income people become more self-sufficient. Strategy Provide services that reduce barriers for at-risk individuals and families. Score109% Strategy Facilitate life skills training, education, and other opportunities. Score100% Goal 2 The conditions in which low-income people live are improved. Strategy Provide opportunities that improve the quality of life for residents throughout our service area. Score106% Goal 3 Low-income people own a stake in their community. Strategy Involve participants in program development from design to delivery. Score78% Strategy Empower and encourage individuals to create and maintain safe neighborhoods. Score119%

28 Annual Report Outputs from the Scorecard then feed directly into the Annual Report

29 Contact Information Russ Spain – Nick Burrows – Sheryl Bailey – Any Questions??? This Presentation and Supporting Documentation can be Downloaded at


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