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Chemistry of Foods! You are what you eat…. The Vitals… 1.Carbohydrates 2.Fats 3.Proteins 4.Minerals 5.Vitamins 6.Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry of Foods! You are what you eat…. The Vitals… 1.Carbohydrates 2.Fats 3.Proteins 4.Minerals 5.Vitamins 6.Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry of Foods! You are what you eat…

2 The Vitals… 1.Carbohydrates 2.Fats 3.Proteins 4.Minerals 5.Vitamins 6.Water

3 Carbo-loading!!! Love those pasta parties! Starches and sugars –Important sources of energy for cells –Ex: pasta, bread, corn, cereal, fruit During digestion, carbs are broken down into simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and galactose (Key: -ose = sugar) Cellulose are carbs in plants. –Hard to digest for humans –Good source of fiber (ex: spinach and bran)

4 Fats…or it is Phat? Provide energy for body Used as building materials in cell membrane Synthesize hormones Protect body organs against injury Insulate body from cold Ex: meats, nuts, dairy products, cooking oils –Fats are broken down into fatty acids (lipids) and glycerol

5 Powerful Proteins! Make enzymes, antibodies, hormones, and help blood to clot Form part of muscles and cell membranes Ex: meats, beans, eggs, grains, dairy –Broken down into amino acids Only used for energy if other sources are depleted

6 Marvelous Minerals! Inorganic substances that serve as building materials or take part in a chemical reaction Make up 4% of body weight (bones!) Not used as an energy source Ex: Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium…

7 Very Cool Vitamins! Organic nutrients required to maintain growth and metabolism 2 kinds: Fat-soluble and Water-soluble –Fat-soluble are stored in the liver and can be toxic in large amounts –Water-soluble cannot be stored and have to be included in daily diet

8 Splish Splash---WATER! Drink up! Most abundant substance in body! –60% of red blood cells –75% of muscle cells Facilitates chemical reactions Necessary for digestion Excellent solvent Important for temperature regulation because water absorbs and releases heat slowly Must be replaced CONSTANTLY!

9 Calories – How many is enough? A CALORIE is the energy content of food measured in units of heat –Actually it is the amount of heat needed to raise the temp. of 1mL of water 1 degree C. Some foods have more calories than others –Ex: 1g of fat = 9 calories 1g protein = 4 calories # of calories needed varies from person to person depending on metabolism


11 What’s a “metabolism?” METABOLISM = rate at which you burn energy –Determined by body mass, age, gender, and level of physical activity In general, males need more calories than females, teenagers need more than adults, active people need more than inactive people (slugs)


13 What happens if you eat more calories than you can metabolize? You store the extra calories as body fat and gain weight.  If you eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight.


15 What’s with Fad Diets? Fad diets are appealing because they look like a fast and easy solution to weight problems. Types of fad diets include: fasting, taking pills to lose water weight or depress the appetite, liquid diets, or eating a certain kind of food. –Ex: Dexatrim, Slim Fast, Atkins…


17 Fad Diets Continued… Usually fad dieters lose weight the first few weeks (water weight), and then gain it back afterwards. Advertisers don’t mention that fad diets are nutritionally unhealthy!!! –Most of these diets do not allow for the proper amounts of minerals and vitamins for the body to function properly. –Some lead to serious health problems, like heart disease, etc.


19 The only SAFE way to lose… Eat fewer calories (smaller portions) –Maybe you don’t need the double quarter pounder AND the fries AND the apple pie! Eat healthier foods! –Make sure you are getting all your vitamins! Become more active! Burn those calories! –Take a walk each day or find an activity you like! Ex: Running, skateboarding, tennis, or biking


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