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 Cultivating a Congregational Culture of Evangelism Dwight Zscheile.

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Presentation on theme: " Cultivating a Congregational Culture of Evangelism Dwight Zscheile."— Presentation transcript:

1  Cultivating a Congregational Culture of Evangelism Dwight Zscheile

2 Congregational Culture  Congregational culture must embrace and support evangelism or it will be marginal  Culture is most difficult thing to change  Takes time, patience, practice (experiences/changed behaviors)  Leadership commitment is necessary  Role of preaching/teaching/modeling

3 Spiritual Renewal  No congregation will be vital in evangelism if not spiritually vital  Invitation to renewal and revival (personal and communal)  We can’t tell faith stories to others without knowing our own

4 Reorienting Church Life around Discipleship  Refocusing on helping ordinary Christians know, claim, live into Gospel  Engaging stories of faith  Dwelling in Word or other participatory biblical engagement  Learning stories of tradition

5 Posture of Learning  Risking exposing what isn’t known  Permission to risk and fail (theologically legitimized!)  Small experiments  Action learning  Telling stories publicly of trying

6 Safe Spaces  Addressing fear of shame  Storytelling and spiritual expression  Environment of openness and support, not judgment

7 Catechesis and Initiation  Case Study: Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle

8 Testimonials  Putting our experience into words  Mentoring/coaching/support  Clear prompts/questions to answer  Defined boundaries of time, place, etc.  Part of regular rhythm church life

9 Small Groups  Luther: “mutual conversation and consolation of brothers and sisters in Christ.”  Space to go deeper together  Lower barriers to access for unchurched  Evangelistically-focused:  Empty chair  Open invitations  Keeping neighbors in prayer

10 Culture Change  Behaving our way into new ways of being, thinking  Fostering peer learning  Building critical mass  Taking long view  Celebrating small wins

11  Discussion

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