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All Aboard the Underground Railroad: A Topical Study of Children’s Literature Dr. Robbie Ergle University of Central Florida

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1 All Aboard the Underground Railroad: A Topical Study of Children’s Literature Dr. Robbie Ergle University of Central Florida

2 Methodology The Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database and Lisa Bartle’s Database of Award Winning Children’s Literature was used to search for all recently published picture books about the Underground Railroad. This extensive list of over 60 books was narrowed by selecting books: Received regional, national or international awards recognition such as a Caldecott or Coretta Scott King Award. Horn Book Rating of 3 or better. Read Reviews from a variety of scholarly sources.

3 Methodology The books that met these criteria were located and read in hard copy by the researcher using a critical literacy approach proposed by McLaughlin & DeVoogd (2013) Who or what is in the text? Who or what is missing from the text? What is marginalized? What does the author want you to think? What story might an alternative text tell? How can the information from the text be used to promote justice?

4 Finally, the hard copy was read again for a holistic assessment of the text and artwork with Bader’s definition in mind: “A picture book is text, illustrations, total design; an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural, historical document; and, foremost, an experience for a child. As an art form, it hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning of the page. On its own terms, its possibilities are limitless.” ( Bader, 1976)

5 A final, well-rounded list of the best, high-quality literature about the Underground Railroad was selected and includes 10 historical fiction and 4 non-fiction selections published from 1988-2013.

6 Handling Violence and Fear Authors and illustrators had to make difficult choices about how to accurately portray the realities of the Underground Railroad and system of slavery while making the books understandable, meaningful and appropriate for children.

7 Handling Violence and Fear These authors and illustrators tempering violent and disturbing practices such as being whipped, killed, or sold away from the family by creating other immediate instances of success or security for the main characters. However, readers are not allowed to falsely believe the Underground Railroad was completely successful or easy in any of the stories or that black slaves were passive and inept.

8 Variety of Conductors Conductors are portrayed as both white and black and men and women in the text set. There is a white male conductor represented in Follow the Drinking Gourd (Winter, 1988) Black and white conductors in Henry’s Freedom Box, and A free, black conductor in the story of John Parker in Freedom River (Rappaport, 2000).

9 Variety of Perspectives A young black slave girl’s perspective in Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad and Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt A young Harriet Tubman in Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman A young white boy’s perspective as a conductor in Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad and Show Way have the perspective of a modern day children looking back and trying to relate to slavery and the Underground Railroad. Two slave fathers tell their stories in Henry’s Freedom Box and Freedom River. Non-Fiction books give essential factual information about the time, context, events and historical figures of the period.

10 Respectful Portrayal Slaves are seen as a culture with community and integrity in the stories rather than the stereotyped dumb, ignorant, or child-like adult slave. These books highlight the slaves’ tenacity, courage, and humanity despite the social and cultural oppression of the time.

11 Classroom Use The author, illustrator, and bibliographic information included in many of the texts reassure the reader of the historical accuracy of the stories. The illustrations of oils, watercolors, collage, primitive art, and photographs are authentic, complement the texts and will extend the emotional and intellectual response of readers as they experience the picture book format. The depth and complexity of the text and artwork in these books will allow children and adults to revisit them with new discoveries waiting each time. They are ideal for mentor texts and interdisciplinary lessons in reading and the social sciences.

12 Conclusion This collection of books on the Underground Railroad contains a group of authors and illustrators that have successfully portrayed a topic in an artful, respectful, realistic, and appropriate way for all readers. The books are sophisticated enough for any age reader but will be engaging and beneficial to children. They are a clear and accurate window into the past but are also a springboard for discussions of social justice for today. Digging deeper into the Underground Railroad will be a fruitful endeavor for all who open a book and hop aboard.

13 Conclusion This collection of books on the Underground Railroad contains a group of authors and illustrators that have successfully portrayed a topic in an artful, respectful, realistic, and appropriate way for all readers. The books are sophisticated enough for any age reader but will be engaging and beneficial to children. They are a clear and accurate window into the past but are also a springboard for discussions of social justice for today. Digging deeper into the Underground Railroad will be a fruitful endeavor for all who open a book and hop aboard.


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