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Totoket Valley Elementary School Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) Action Plan 2010-2011.

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1 Totoket Valley Elementary School Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) Action Plan 2010-2011

2 TVES CMT Action Plan - Mathematics Goal: By 2012 eighty percent of our students will be at or above state goal in math as measured by the annual CMT Needed ImprovementActivitiesPerson (s) Responsible Beginning Date Ending Date Evidence of Success Progress monitoring (that more accurately predicts CMT results) Administer CREC benchmarks 3x per year Develop common assessments that use CMT wording & format Provide PD on data teams Format SBRC to mirror CMT strands Classroom teachers & related personnel, CALI consultants September 2010 June 2011Benchmark results will be similar to CMT results & SBRC data (per analysis in summer 2011) Mathematical applicationsImplement Math Expressions Administer Exemplars 1x per month Use CMT-like language in instruction and assessment Classroom teachers & related personnel September 2010 June 2011Improved scores as measured by formative and common assessments Math fact fluency Continue math fact fluency initiative Classroom teachers & related personnel September 2010 June 2011Increase in math fact fluency as measured on timed fluency assessments

3 TVES CMT Action Plan - Mathematics Goal: By 2012 eighty percent of our students will be at or above state goal in math as measured by the annual CMT Needed Improvement ActivitiesPerson (s) Responsible Beginning Date Ending Date Evidence of Success Develop improved understanding of mathematical language Build math vocabulary Post CMT math lists in each classroom Identify key words in word problems Incorporate more literacy into math Classroom teachers and related personnel September 2010June 2011Increased scores as measured by formative and common assessments Strengthen the home- school connection in mathematics Provide a math workshop for parents Promote home access to technology (i.e. Symphony, ThinkCentral, etc). K-5 Math Leader, classroom teachers September 2010June 2011Workshop attendance, rate of online access, feedback from parents & students

4 TVES CMT Action Plan – Reading Goal: By 2012 eighty percent of our students will be at or above state goal in reading as measured by the annual CMT Needed Improvement ActivitiesPerson (s) Responsible Beginning Date Ending Date Evidence of Success Progress monitoring (that more accurately predicts CMT results) Use CREC benchmark assessments 3x per year Develop common assessments that use CMT working & format Provide RTI team with data team PD Format SBRC to mirror CMT strands Classroom teachers and related staff members September 2010 June 2011Benchmark results will be similar to CMT results and SBRC data (per analysis in summer 2011) Increase students’ reading fluency Implement fluency drills for targeted students using passages similar to CMT Classroom teachers and related staff September 2010 June 2011Increased scores on reading fluency drills and similar Degrees of Reading Power (DRP) Explicit Cloze instruction & practice Build reading stamina through practice Build background information Classroom teachers, special educators, LA consultants September 2010 June 2011Improved performance on formative and common assessments

5 TVES CMT Action Plan – Reading, continued Goal: By 2012 eighty percent of our students will be at or above state goal in reading as measured by the annual CMT Needed Improvement ActivitiesPerson (s) Responsible Beginning Date Ending Date Evidence of Success Making reader/text connections Guided reading & SSR Emphasis on Identifying similarities & differences Building summarizing skills Use of graphic organizers Classroom teachers, special educators, LA consultants September 2010 June 2011Improved performance on formative and common assessments Performance of students in subgroup Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Targeted RTI Careful IEP development, implementation & progress monitoring SES provider ELL teacher Classroom educators special educators September 2010 June 2011Data showing improved performance on formative & common assessments

6 TVES CMT Action Plan – Writing Goal: By 2012 eighty percent of our students will be at or above state goal in writing as measured by the annual CMT Needed Improvement ActivitiesPerson (s) Responsible Beginning Date Ending Date Evidence of Success Student s’ performance on writing prompts Monthly writing prompts (aligned to CMT) Weekly quick-writes in response to a prompt Blind scored prompts PD for staff Student-friendly rubrics Writing models Classroom teachers Language Arts Consultants September 2010 June 2011Increase in writing prompt scores Improve students’ editing and revising skills Direct instruction and daily practice using Rise & Shine series or similar Classroom teachers Language Arts consultants Special educators & related personnel September 2010 June 2011Increase in performance as measured by common and formative assessments

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