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Synthesis of the Eurosmart’ Technical Day on eID interoperability Bruno Rouchouze, ID SG Convenor Porvoo 12, Grosseto - Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "Synthesis of the Eurosmart’ Technical Day on eID interoperability Bruno Rouchouze, ID SG Convenor Porvoo 12, Grosseto - Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthesis of the Eurosmart’ Technical Day on eID interoperability Bruno Rouchouze, ID SG Convenor Porvoo 12, Grosseto - Italy

2 Eurosmart in brief Eurosmart is an international non-profit association founded in 1995 and located in Brussels. Eurosmart represents 25 companies of the smart security industry for multi-sectors applications and includes : manufacturers of smart cards, semiconductors, terminals, equipment for smart cards system integrators, application developers and issuers. Eurosmart member companies represent 75% of the worldwide shipment of cards

3 From Smart Cards to Smart Secure Devices Eurosmart is acknowledged as the “Voice of the Smart Security Industry” Security is the core of the smart security industry activities The role of Eurosmart is to make sure that security is well positioned and valued

4 The Smart & Secure World in 2020 a Vision Paper by Eurosmart Reflection of a representative panel of experts Present the future applications and market trends in 13 years Explain the characteristics of the smart security technology family to the general public Smart Secure Devices will help our lives become easier, safer and more enjoyable, while protecting our privacy

5 Before 2020…i2010! The i2010 Initiative: A European society for Growth and Employment - Adopted by the EC (June 05) The eGovernment Ministerial Declaration – Manchester (Nov. 05) The i2010 eGovernment Action Plan –Aligning its objectives with the Manchester Declaration –Adopted by the Council (June 06) Ministerial Declaration approved unanimously in Lisbon (Sept. 07) –4 priorities: Cross-border interoperability Reduction of administrative burdens Inclusive eGovernment Transparency & democratic engagement

6 Current Landscape Europe Not launched New gen Deployed/launched Chipless/ cardID1 high end Countries with no ID cards StatusCountriesStart issuing Voluntary Running projects Finland Belgium Austria Estonia Sweden Italy Portugal Spain 2003 2004 2005 2006 OutlookUK Poland Germany France … 2008/9

7 eID Large Scale Pilot – 2007/2010 A European Commission initiative for European Members States Objective: Have a full interoperability between 6 MS for eID for eGovernment pan-european services Should be based on Standards & Open technologies  Eurosmart wants to share its expertise and its know-how

8 Targets of EU eID EU eID  Increase the quality and accessibility of public services  Improve security for government services security, ID documents, and enrolment process  European Citizen Card (ECC) is the key to the virtual town hall*.  Harmonized data- and security architecture in the EU- area.  Pick out services with clear added-values to Citizens & Governments  Cost reduction in administration * The Data is running around, not the citizen

9 On-Line Services Government Citizen Enterprise G2C G2B B2C Regulated Services Tax computation Registration eVoting Regulated Information Tax on input Certificates of exports Public tender On-Line Trading Internet Market Internet Auction G2G Business to Customer Government to Citizen Government to Business EURODAC Government to Government: SIS, VIS

10 Private Local Government National EU-Wide  Local income tax  Education  Social Services  Access to amenities  Access to voting systems  Tax services for self employed  Authentication for health services  Authentication for social services  Cross border services  Support of travel and health documents  Authentication of entitlement to services The four pillar approach  Physical and logical ID for 3 rd party uses  Authentication on-line  Financial transactions  Legal transactions  Company ID

11 ECC Interopeability Framework First European Standardized solution for e-Government Based on Open Interfaces enabling different implementations The mechanisms are under adoption by ISO Compatible with different e-ID Management Systems Preserves the investments by providing a migration path Stress is put on Privacy and Accessibility features Framework proposed for electronic Health Insurance Card Proof of the concept validated by Onom@Topic Project

12 eID Interoperability using the ECC The interoperability is achieved with 4 keys features – A common set of card commands and data structures specified in the ECC part 2 and ISO 8716 compliant –A core of IAS protocols and algorithms from prEN 14890 with specific provisions for privacy –A middleware based on Open Interfaces which makes any ECC look the same for the external applications –The definition of ECC profiles: eGovernment card, National ID Card, Traveling ICAO defined in part 4

13 It’s the most secure in the world I bought a new lock… SAFE Pan-European security only achievable if all eID implementations are equally strong Cyber criminals & terrorists will attack the weakest link in the European defense chain Member states should evaluate and compare security levels of all national implementations eID should be evaluated by independent expert labs with international recognition  Common Criteria must be used

14 Conclusions for 2007 (1) Combination of interoperability & security mixed with Privacy is the European goal for cross border services on eID –Technical interoperability needs international accepted and proofed standards Standards & Products exist for a full secured interoperability –CEN ECC & ISO/IEC 24727 need only additional 8 months for its completeness –Countries with the vision of upcoming eGov services should follow the three standards for IAS ( CEN TC 224 WG16), eID cards and for Middleware ( both CEN TC 224 WG 15)  The solution for European interoperability and an important step for a worldwide interoperability  by following international standards, governments can reduce time to market, financial efforts and technical risks at the national level

15 Conclusions for 2007 (2) National and European approaches can and must mixed –Countries with running projects and issued government service cards can follow the Middleware- Standards CEN European Citizen Standard part 3 based on ISO/IEC 24727 as transition vehicle for interoperability in the EU The proposed Eurosmart’ approach is: –Compatible with already deployed solutions and with coming ones –In line with the objectives of Manchester (2005) and Lisbon (2007) declarations

16 An unique scheme for all European eID requirements based on CEN & ISO Standards eDriving License eHealth eID eGovernment eVehicle Registration ISO 24727 ECC - 3 National Middleware National Middleware ISO 24727

17 Thank you for your attention

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