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MUNICIPALITY OF OPPORTUNITIES. M UNICIPALITY P ROFILE ⇨ Area: 582 kм 2 ⇨ Population: 54,141 ⇨ 17 communities ⇨ 74% agricultural area, 13% forests, 13%

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Presentation on theme: "MUNICIPALITY OF OPPORTUNITIES. M UNICIPALITY P ROFILE ⇨ Area: 582 kм 2 ⇨ Population: 54,141 ⇨ 17 communities ⇨ 74% agricultural area, 13% forests, 13%"— Presentation transcript:


2 M UNICIPALITY P ROFILE ⇨ Area: 582 kм 2 ⇨ Population: 54,141 ⇨ 17 communities ⇨ 74% agricultural area, 13% forests, 13% other ⇨ Ethnic structure: 21 nationalities ⇨ Number of enterprises: 497 ⇨ Number of entrepreneurs: 1,560 ⇨ Avg. monthly gross salary: 400 €

3 ⇨ Strategic position ⇨ Access to big market ⇨ Good quality and experienced work force ⇨ Great investment potential ⇨ Intersection of European traffic corridors (E-70, railway, river transport, airport) ⇨ Political stability O PPORTUNITIES

4 Customs free access to the 15% of the world market Agreement of free trade with: ⇨ CEFTA (population of 30 million) ⇨ Russia (143 million) ⇨ Byelorussia (10 million) ⇨ Turkey (77 million) Preferential status: ⇨ EU (494 million) ⇨ USA (302 million) A TTRACTIVE M ARKET

5 ⇨ 4 High Schools,12 elementary schools ⇨ Between two greatest University centers: Belgrade (50km) and Novi Sad (35km) ⇨ Active population – 26,240 ⇨ Available work force – 6,463 unemployed (about 28,362 in Srem district) ⇨ Great experience in certain domains ⇨ Competitive wages G OOD Q UALITY W ORKFORCE

6 Investment Incentives: I NCENTIVES Municipal level: Land price deduction and communal tax deduction up to full price value (free of charge)

7 ⇨ 238 ha ⇨ Road intersection Е–70 and М-21 ⇨ Plot sizes from 1 ha to 50 ha ⇨ Electric network of cca. 14 MW ⇨ Magistral water supply system situated 250 m from the plot, with capacity of 200 l/ second ⇨ Gas network I NDUSTRIAL Z ONE Ruma Highway Junction

8 F OREIGN INVESTMENTS  "KERRING GROUP" - Republic of France and Republic of Italy. Basic activity of the company is leather processing. The company employs 220 employees.  "MITAS" Ltd. - Czech Republic. Basic activity of the company is production of tires (external tires for agricultural and industrial machinery). The company employs 554 employees.  "ALBON ENGINEERING&MANUFACTURING" LTD - United Kingdom. Basic activity of the company is the production of engines and turbines, except for aircrafts and motor vehicles.Employment of 200 employees is planned.  "ADRIANA TEX" Ltd. - Republic of Italy and Republic of Croatia. Basic activity of the company is production of bathing suits. Employment of 264 employees is planned.


10 A LBON E NGINEERING & M ANUFACTURING L TD (P RODUCTION OF E NGINES AND T URBINES )  First meeting between the Municipality of Ruma and Albon Engineering & Manufacturing Ltd. – 08 th December, 2011  Sent letter of intent to the Municipality of Ruma by Albon Engineering & Manufacturing Ltd. – 04 th January, 2012  A justifiability study concerning the alienation of construction land without charges drafted and adopted at the Assembly meeting - 16 th March, 2012  Signed contract between the Municipality of Ruma and Albon Engineering & Manufacturing Ltd. - 20 th April, 2012

11 A LBON E NGINEERING & M ANUFACTURING L TD (P RODUCTION OF E NGINES AND T URBINES )  Submitted Request for getting Location Permit – 09 th May, 2012  Location Permit issued – 06 th June, 2012  Submitted Request for getting Building Permit – 27 th June, 2012  Decision concerning freeing of charges for construction land issued by the Municipal Council – 11 th July, 2012  Signed contract concerning freeing of charges for construction land arranging – 13 th July, 2012  Building Permit issued – 16 th July, 2012



14 C ONTACTS  Telephone: +381 22/478-314  Fax: +381 22/479-588  Е-mail:  Web site:  Address: Glavna 155, Ruma

15 C ONTACTS  Address:Glavna 107, Ruma  Теlephone:+381 22/ 433-518  OFFICE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


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