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Presentation on theme: "PHOTOSYNTHESIS Chapter 7"— Presentation transcript:

Where It Starts - Photosynthesis

2 Impacts, Issues: Sunlight and Survival
Plants are autotrophs, or self-nourishing organisms The first autotrophs filled Earth’s atmosphere with oxygen, creating an ozone (O3) layer The ozone layer became a shield against deadly UV rays from the sun, allowing life to move out of the ocean

3 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Shortest Gamma rays wavelength X-rays UV radiation Visible light Infrared radiation Microwaves Longest Radio waves wavelength

4 Photons Packets of light energy
Each type of photon has fixed amount of energy Photons having most energy travel as shortest wavelength (blue-violet light)

5 Visible Light Wavelengths humans perceive as different colors
Violet (380 nm) to red (750 nm) Longer wavelengths, lower energy Figure 7-2 Page 108

6 Visible Light Fig. 7-2, p.108 shortest wavelengths (most energetic)
range of most radiation reaching Earth’s surface range of heat escaping from Earth’s surface longest wavelengths (lowest energy) gamma rays x rays ultraviolet radiation near-infrared radiation infrared radiation radio waves microwaves VISIBLE LIGHT 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelengths of light (nanometers) Fig. 7-2, p.108

7 Pigments Color you see is the wavelengths not absorbed
Light-catching part of molecule often has alternating single and double bonds These bonds contain electrons that are capable of being moved to higher energy levels by absorbing light

8 Chlorophylls a and b Carotenoids Anthocyanins Phycobilins
Variety of Pigments Chlorophylls a and b Carotenoids Anthocyanins Phycobilins

9 Wavelength absorption (%) Wavelength (nanometers)
Chlorophylls Main pigments in most photoautotrophs Wavelength absorption (%) chlorophyll a chlorophyll b Wavelength (nanometers)

10 Accessory Pigments Carotenoids, Phycobilins, Anthocyanins
beta-carotene phycoerythrin (a phycobilin) percent of wavelengths absorbed wavelengths (nanometers)

11 Pigments in Photosynthesis
Bacteria Pigments in plasma membranes Plants Pigments and proteins organized into photosystems that are embedded in thylakoid membrane system

12 T.E. Englemann’s Experiment
Background Certain bacterial cells will move toward places where oxygen concentration is high Photosynthesis produces oxygen

13 T.E. Englemann’s Experiment

14 T.E. Englemann’s Experiment
Fig. 7-4c, p.110

15 Photosynthesis Aerobic Respiration Linked Processes
Energy-storing pathway Releases oxygen Requires carbon dioxide Aerobic Respiration Energy-releasing pathway Requires oxygen Releases carbon dioxide

16 Chloroplast Structure
two outer membranes stroma inner membrane system (thylakoids connected by channels) Fig. 7-6, p.111

17 Photosynthesis Equation
LIGHT ENERGY 12H2O + 6CO2 6O2 + C2H12O6 + 6H2O Water Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Glucose Water In-text figure Page 111

18 Photosynthesis Fig. 7-6a, p.111

19 light-dependant reactions light-independant reactions
Photosynthesis SUNLIGHT H2O O2 CO2 NADPH, ATP light-dependant reactions light-independant reactions NADP+, ADP sugars CHLOROPLAST Fig. 7-6c, p.111

20 Where Atoms End Up Reactants 12H2O 6CO2 Products 6O2 C6H12O6 6H2O

21 Two Stages of Photosynthesis
sunlight water uptake carbon dioxide uptake ATP LIGHT-DEPENDENT REACTIONS ADP + Pi LIGHT-INDEPENDENT REACTIONS NADPH NADP+ P glucose oxygen release new water

22 Arrangement of Photosystems
water-splitting complex thylakoid compartment H2O 2H + 1/2O2 P680 P700 acceptor acceptor pool of electron carriers PHOTOSYSTEM II stroma PHOTOSYSTEM I

23 Light-Dependent Reactions
Pigments absorb light energy, give up e-, which enter electron transfer chains Water molecules split, ATP and NADH form, and oxygen is released Pigments that gave up electrons get replacements

24 Light-Dependent Reactions
photon Photosystem Light-Harvesting Complex Fig. 7-7, p.112

25 cross-section through a disk-shaped fold in the thylakoid membrane
LIGHT- HARVESTING COMPLEX PHOTOSYSTEM II sunlight PHOTOSYSTEM I H+ NADPH e- e- e- e- e- e- NADP + + H+ e- H2O H+ H+ H+ H+ thylakoid compartment H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ O2 H+ thylakoid membrane stroma ADP + Pi ATP cross-section through a disk-shaped fold in the thylakoid membrane H+ Fig. 7-8, p.113

26 Pigments in a Photosystem
reaction center

27 Photosystem Function: Reaction Center
Energy is reduced to level that can be captured by molecule of chlorophyll a This molecule (P700 or P680) is the reaction center of a photosystem Reaction center accepts energy and donates electron to acceptor molecule

28 Electron Transfer Chain
Adjacent to photosystem Acceptor molecule donates electrons from reaction center As electrons pass along chain, energy they release is used to produce ATP

29 Cyclic Electron Flow Electrons Electron flow drives ATP formation
are donated by P700 in photosystem I to acceptor molecule flow through electron transfer chain and back to P700 Electron flow drives ATP formation No NADPH is formed

30 Cyclic Electron Flow e–
electron acceptor Electron flow through transfer chain sets up conditions for ATP formation at other membrane sites. electron transfer chain e– e– ATP e–

31 Noncyclic Electron Flow
Two-step pathway for light absorption and electron excitation Uses two photosystems: type I and type II Produces ATP and NADPH Involves photolysis - splitting of water

32 Machinery of Noncyclic Electron Flow
H2O second electron transfer chain photolysis e– e– ATP SYNTHASE first electron transfer chain NADP+ NADPH ATP PHOTOSYSTEM II PHOTOSYSTEM I ADP + Pi

33 Potential to transfer energy (volts)
Energy Changes second transfer chain e– NADPH first e– transfer chain Potential to transfer energy (volts) e– e– (Photosystem I) (Photosystem II) H2O 1/2O2 + 2H+

34 Cyclic Pathway of ATP Formation
PHOTOSYSTEM I p700* H+ e- photon p700 Higher energy Cyclic Pathway of ATP Formation Fig. 7-9a, p.114

35 Noncyclic Pathway of ATP and NADPH Formation 4H+ + O2
PHOTOSYSTEM I NADPH p700* PHOTOSYSTEM II NADH+ p680* e- photon p700 p680 2H2O Noncyclic Pathway of ATP and NADPH Formation 4H+ + O2 Fig. 7-9b, p.114

36 Chemiosmotic Model of ATP Formation
Electrical and H+ concentration gradients are created between thylakoid compartment and stroma H+ flows down gradients into stroma through ATP synthesis Flow of ions drives formation of ATP

37 Chemiosmotic Model for ATP Formation
H+ is shunted across membrane by some components of the first electron transfer chain Gradients propel H+ through ATP synthases; ATP forms by phosphate-group transfer Photolysis in the thylakoid compartment splits water H2O e– acceptor ATP SYNTHASE ATP ADP + Pi PHOTOSYSTEM II

38 PHOTOSYNTHESIS QUIZ 1 1. Give the equation for photosynthesis.
2. Give the 2 major reactions occurring in photosynthesis. 3. What reactant goes into the light reactions? What product? 4. What reactant goes into the Calvin cycle? What product? 5. Within the chloroplast, where do the light reactions occur? 6. Within the chloroplast, where does the Calvin cycle occur? 7. What does noncyclic electron flow produce (besides ATP) that that cyclic electron flow does not produce? 8. Why doesn’t the overall action spectrum of photosynthesis exactly match the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll? 9. Which photosystem acts first in noncyclic electron flow? ****BONUS**** 1. What are Pq, Pc, and Fd? 2. Explain what chemiosmosis is.

39 Light-Independent Reactions
Synthesis part of photosynthesis Can proceed in the dark Take place in the stroma Calvin-Benson cycle

40 Overall reactants Overall products Calvin-Benson Cycle Carbon dioxide
ATP NADPH Overall products Glucose ADP NADP+ Reaction pathway is cyclic and RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate) is regenerated

41 unstable intermediate
6 CO2 (from the air) Calvin- Benson Cycle CARBON FIXATION 6 6 RuBP unstable intermediate 12 PGA 6 ADP 12 ATP 6 ATP 12 NADPH 4 Pi 12 ADP 12 Pi 12 NADP+ 10 PGAL 12 PGAL 2 PGAL Pi P glucose


43 phosphorylated glucose
Calvin- Benson Cycle 6CO2 ATP 6 RuBP 12 PGA 12 6 ADP 12 ADP + Calvin-Benson cycle 12 Pi ATP 12 NADPH 4 Pi 12 NADP+ 10 PGAL 12 PGAL 1 Pi 1 phosphorylated glucose Fig. 7-10b, p.115

44 The C3 Pathway In Calvin-Benson cycle, the first stable intermediate is a three-carbon PGA Because the first intermediate has three carbons, the pathway is called the C3 pathway

45 Photorespiration in C3 Plants
On hot, dry days stomata close Inside leaf Oxygen levels rise Carbon dioxide levels drop Rubisco attaches RuBP to oxygen instead of carbon dioxide Only one PGAL forms instead of two

46 C3 Plants Fig. 7-11a1, p.116

47 C3 Plants upper epidermis palisade mesophyll spongy mesophyll lower
stoma leaf vein air space Basswood leaf, cross-section. Fig. 7-11a2, p.116

48 Twelve turns of the cycle, not just six, to
C3 Plants Stomata closed: CO2 can’t get in; O2 can’t get out Rubisco fixes oxygen, not carbon, in mesophyll cells in leaf RuBP 6 PGA glycolate Calvin-Benson Cycle 5 PGAL 6 PGAL CO2 + water 1 PGAL Twelve turns of the cycle, not just six, to make one 6-carbon sugar Fig. 7-11a3, p.117

49 C4 Plants Carbon dioxide is fixed twice
In mesophyll cells, carbon dioxide is fixed to form four-carbon oxaloacetate Oxaloacetate is transferred to bundle-sheath cells Carbon dioxide is released and fixed again in Calvin-Benson cycle

50 C4 Plants Fig. 7-11b1, p.117

51 C4 Plants upper epidermis mesophyll cell bundle- sheath cell lower
Basswood leaf, cross-section. Fig. 7-11b2, p.117

52 C4 Plants Stomata closed: CO2 can’t get in; O2 can’t get out
Carbon fixed in the mesophyll cell, malate diffuses into adjacent bundle-sheath cell PEP oxaloacetate C4 Plants C4 cycle malate pyruvate CO2 In bundle-sheath cell, malate gets converted to pyruvate with release of CO2, which enters Calvin-Benson cycle RuBP 12 PGAL Calvin-Benson Cycle 10 PGAL 12 PGAL 2 PGAL 1 sugar Fig. 7-11b3, p.117

53 CAM Plants Carbon is fixed twice (in same cells) Night Day
Carbon dioxide is fixed to form organic acids Day Carbon dioxide is released and fixed in Calvin-Benson cycle

54 CAM Plants Fig. 7-11c1, p.117

55 CAM Plants stoma epidermis with thick cuticle mesophyll cell air space
Fig. 7-11c2, p.117

56 Stomata stay closed during day, open for CO2 uptake at night only.
CAM Plants Stomata stay closed during day, open for CO2 uptake at night only. C4 cycle operates at night when CO2 from aerobic respiration fixed C4 CYCLE CO2 that accumulated overnight used in C3 cycle during the day Calvin-Benson Cycle 1 sugar Fig. 7-11c3, p.117

57 Summary of Photosynthesis
light 6O2 12H2O CALVIN-BENSON CYCLE C6H12O6 (phosphorylated glucose) NADPH NADP+ ATP ADP + Pi PGA PGAL RuBP P 6CO2 end product (e.g., sucrose, starch, cellulose) LIGHT-DEPENDENT REACTIONS 6H2O LIGHT-INDEPENDENT REACTIONS Figure 7-14 Page 120

58 Carbon and Energy Sources
Photoautotrophs Carbon source is carbon dioxide Energy source is sunlight Heterotrophs Get carbon and energy by eating autotrophs or one another

59 Carbon and Energy Sources
glucose (stored energy, building blocks) sunlight energy Photosynthesis Aerobic Respiration 1. H2O is split by light energy. Its oxygen diffuses away; its electrons, hydrogen enter transfer chains with roles in ATP formation. Coenzymes pick up the electrons and hydrogen 1. Glucose is broken down completely to carbon dioxide and water. Coenzymes pick up the electrons, hydrogens. oxygen 2. The coenzymes give up the electrons and hydrogen atoms to oxygen-requiring transfer chains that have roles in forming many ATP molecules. 2. ATP energy drives the synthesis of glucose from hydrogen and electrons (delivered by coenzymes), plus carbon and oxygen (from carbon dioxide). carbon dioxide,water ATP available to drive nearly all cellular tasks Fig. 7-12, p.118

60 Photoautotrophs Capture sunlight energy and use it to carry out photosynthesis Plants Some bacteria Many protistans

61 Satellite Images Show Photosynthesis
Atlantic Ocean  Photosynthetic activity in spring Figure 7-13 Page 119

62 phosphorylated glucose
sunlight Light- Dependent Reactions 12H2O 6O2 ADP + Pi ATP NADPH NADP+ 6CO2 Calvin-Benson cycle 6 RuBP 12 PGAL Light- Independent Reactions 6H2O phosphorylated glucose end products (e.g., sucrose, starch, cellulose) Fig. 7-14, p.120

63 http://www. youtube. com/watch

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