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Presented By: Arpit Jain 113050028 Guided By: Prof. D.B. Phatak.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Arpit Jain 113050028 Guided By: Prof. D.B. Phatak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Arpit Jain 113050028 Guided By: Prof. D.B. Phatak

2 Components of NFC Attacks in NFC Relay attack Countermeasures References

3 Application Execution Environment (AEE)- General application area of the mobile phone providing data storage and processing capabilities. Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)- It is realized as use of a secure element (SE) and provides secure data storage. NFC Controller- NFC Controller handles the physical transmitting and receiving of data over the RF interface.


5 Eavesdropping- RF signal for the wireless data transfer can be picked up with antennas. Data modification- It is relatively easy to destroy data by using an RFID jammer. There is no way currently to prevent such an attack. However, if NFC devices check the RF field while they are sending, it is possible to detect attacks. Relay attack- Attack based on relay of messages between sender and receiver.

6 Chess Problem- Player forward the message from one grand master to other using some wireless or wired technology. Grandmaster thinks that they are playing against said person. Actually 2 grandmaster playing against each other.


8 No separate hardware required for relay attack, can be done using some application software. Attacker is able to circumvent any application layer security protocol, even if protocol is based on cryptographic principles.

9 Integrating Location into NFC Transactions. Determined by network operator or handset itself. Location information is incorporated to provide relay- resistant. Location information contains Cell-ID, Mobile country Code (MCC), Mobile Network Code (MNC) and Location Area Code (LAC) LC=‘‘23415431824422847’’, where MCC=234 | MNC=15 | LAC=43182 | Cell-ID=4422847


11 limitations depends upon how the location information is obtained and used within the application. Some operators may not be prepared to share this information nor to confirm its accuracy unless for legal or investigative reasons. GPS provide more independent solution, no need of network operator But device should support GPS functionality.

12 [1]. Lishoy Francis, Gerhard Hancke, Keith Mayes, Konstantinos Markantonakis Practical Relay Attack on Contactless Transactions by Using NFC Mobile Phones, In Information Security Group, Smart Card Centre Royal Holloway University of London [2]. Practical Experiences with NFC Security on mobile Phones Gauthier Van Damme and Karel Wouters Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Dept. Electrical Engineering-ESAT/SCD/IBBT-COSIC Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001.

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