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Psychoeducational Clinic North Carolina State University © 2007 Cogmed.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychoeducational Clinic North Carolina State University © 2007 Cogmed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychoeducational Clinic North Carolina State University © 2007 Cogmed

2 Improving Academic Performance Does my child have a working memory deficit? © 2007 Cogmed

3 Working memory is The ability to keep information in your mind for a short period of time (seconds) and be able to use this information in your thinking. © 2007 Cogmed

4 Working memory is essential for:  Controlling attention  Reading comprehension  Mathematical reasoning  Planning and organizing activities  Keeping instructions in mind  Resisting distraction  Problem solving and fluid intelligence © 2007 Cogmed

5 The working memory gap © 2007 Cogmed Test performance Visuospatial Working Memory Capacity

6 Signs of a poor working memory  An inability of maintain attention  Distractibility  An inability to start projects or follow them through to completion  Problems remembering instructions  A habit of interrupting or not waiting for one’s turn  Difficulties getting organized  Learning difficulties © 2007 Cogmed

7 A deficit in working memory  Can lead to poor performance in math, science and reading when compared to their peers  Children with attention deficits often have working memory deficits  It is possible to improve working memory with sustainable results © 2007 Cogmed

8 Introducing Cogmed Working Memory Training A clinically proven program for children with attention deficits. © 2007 Cogmed TM

9 Research & development  Cogmed Working Memory Training was developed by leading researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden - Discovered that working memory can be improved by correctly designed and rigorous training.  Clinical research published in leading medical journals - Studies show that children with ADHD significantly improve their working memory with training, reaching the working memory span of their age group.  A total of 1,400 participants have completed Cogmed Working Memory Training - In use in Sweden, Switzerland and England since 2002 © 2007 Cogmed

10 Research & development

11 Cogmed Working Memory Training The current program is designed especially for children and adolescents with attention deficits.  Software-based  Used at home  Supported by Cogmed Personal Coaches  Clinically proven to be effective © 2007 Cogmed TM

12 RoboMemo software program  Designed for children 7 and older  A series of engaging, rotating exercises  Trains visuospatial and verbal working memory  Adaptive algorithm continually adjusts the level of difficulty - Based on the real-time performance of the user © 2007 Cogmed

13 The CogmedRM training software © 2007 Cogmed

14 The training process 1: Interview 2: Start-up session 3: Training for 5 weeks 4: Wrap-up session 5: Follow-up Training can be started and completed with or without an office visit. © 2007 Cogmed

15 How the program works  Your personal coach provides one-on-one support  A parent or training aide supervises the child during each session  The program is rigorous and engaging - 30-45 minutes each day - 5 days a week - 5 weeks  A reward system provides encouragement © 2007 Cogmed

16 What’s needed to train?  PC with Internet connection  Headphones and speakers  Separate, quiet room preferred © 2007 Cogmed

17 Results are impressive © 2007 Cogmed

18 90% compliance in the U.S.  Engaging software developed for children by game developers with psychologists and medical researchers  Personal Coach provides one-on-one support for each participant  Reward system motivates throughout training © 2007 Cogmed

19 8 out of 10 children show measurable effects  Improved ability to sustain attention  Improved impulse control  Better complex reasoning skills  Better academic performance © 2007 Cogmed

20 Scientifically proven effects © 2007 Cogmed ControlTreat Visuospatial

21 What they have said: Teacher “She is able to hold verbal information in her head better, her mental processing has improved.” Psychologist “I have observed a “maturity” in each child, the ability to remember better, and be more organized.” © 2007 Cogmed Child “I can focus better in school. I got all of my math homework correct.” Parent “He has felt better within himself and does his work more quickly.”

22 Long-lasting effects A one-year follow-up analysis of users confirms that results are maintained Of the 80% who have benefited after training: Data on file, Cogmed (2007) © 2007 Cogmed

23 New Products Adults CogmedQM © 2007 Cogmed Children age 4-7 Under Development

24 References  WM in children with diagnosed ADHD (Westerberg, Child Neuropsychology, 2004)  WM training for children with ADHD, pilot results (Klingberg, J. of Clin. and Exp Neuropsychology, 2002)  WM training for children with ADHD, multi-site clinical validation (Klingberg, J. Am. Ac. Child & Adol. Psychiatry, 2005)  Brain imaging analysis of change following WM training (Olesen, Nature Neuroscience, 2004) © 2007 Cogmed

25 For more information about Cogmed Working Memory Training Contact Psychoeducational Clinic North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7650 515-1713 Visit © 2007 Cogmed TM

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