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Welcome To The Student Council. Our Goals To represent the student bodies To represent the student bodies To create school events to enhance school spirit.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To The Student Council. Our Goals To represent the student bodies To represent the student bodies To create school events to enhance school spirit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To The Student Council

2 Our Goals To represent the student bodies To represent the student bodies To create school events to enhance school spirit To create school events to enhance school spirit To focus on student issues and to come up with solutions To focus on student issues and to come up with solutions To collect data about student concerns and needs To collect data about student concerns and needs To work as a team to get everything done in a timely fashion To work as a team to get everything done in a timely fashion

3 Our Makeup

4 The Student Council Executive Council Freshman Officers Sophomore Officers Junior Officers

5 How Do We Do All This?

6 We Must Get Organized

7 Communication is Key! All officers need to have everyone’s e-mail (cell phone numbers would be a plus) Everyone should check the Student Council Web Page and the calendar at least weekly for updates ( Listen to the school’s daily announcements The secretaries must share minutes and documents with everyone

8 Put Curser over Students tab

9 Click on Student Council

10 Click here to access Gio’s Page

11 Click Here

12 Student Council Documents

13 Have Meetings Make sure to schedule meeting to accommodate as many people as possible Reserve a room two days prior to meeting Make sure there is an adult to supervise The secretary should take minutes at all meetings

14 How To Take Minutes…. The date and location of meeting should be on top of the document A list of people present should also be added to the top The Minutes should consist of all the main topics discussed in bold with details about the issue in bullets under it The person who brought up the topic should also be listed under the topic When a vote is taken on an issue it should be list and the person who proposed as well as the person who seconded it should be listed If a motion is not passed by majority the ratio of the vote should be listed HERES AN EXAMPLE

15 Student Council Von Steuben MSC 5039 N. Kimball Ave. Chicago, IL 60651 773/534-5100 Junior Class October 29, 2007 Giovanni Medina Jr. Class Wynndee Reese, Morghan Brandon, Kelsey Hodgkinson, Marline Johnson  Instead of Jr. Prom have a turnabout o Different location than school o Only Upperclassmen  Change Days of Spirit Day – no Hawaiian day  Carnival Night o In the courtyard o Different clubs run different booths  Game and food booths o In the springtime  Meetings every Tuesday during 9 th  Future Meetings Discussions o Places for turnabouts o Prices o DJ’s o Themes for a turnabout o Food or no food???  Morghan is looking for DJ’s, themes and designing a preliminary playlist  Wynndee is researching location and a price range  Kelsey and Marline are looking at themes and ticket prices

16 How Do We Find Out Students Needs? You have to ask! Put out surveys to your student body During your free periods ask them about their concerns Ask them to attend your meetings to discuss issues and concerns All of this data should be put into some type of visual and Numerical Representation

17 What Do We Do with out Data? Once You have surveyed the student body and heard about what they want and their concerns you have to evaluate it As a group look at te issues that students are concerned about the most as well as the things they want You have to pick Issues that A) You can tackle and is not to far fetched and B) you have to be able to come up with a plan to resolve the issue or a plan to achieve some goal.

18 Now Be Prepared to Bring Your Plan to the Executive Council, Your Sponsor and The Administration for Approval. Student Council Von Steuben MSC 5039 N. Kimball Ave. Chicago, IL 60651 773/534-5100

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