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Visual processing in Working Memory The experiment of Brandimonte et al. (1992):Brandimonte et al. (1992): The visuo-spatial sketchpad is part of working.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual processing in Working Memory The experiment of Brandimonte et al. (1992):Brandimonte et al. (1992): The visuo-spatial sketchpad is part of working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual processing in Working Memory The experiment of Brandimonte et al. (1992):Brandimonte et al. (1992): The visuo-spatial sketchpad is part of working memory. In their study, Brandimonte et al. demonstrated that materials can be processed in visual form if the verbal channel via the phonological loop is made inaccessible. During the training session, they presented participants a set of pictures repeatedly until they knew the pictures in order. Here an example of the original picture and the subsequent task: Contributor© POSbase 2003

2 Visual processing in Working Memory Participants saw this shape They then had to subract this part Finally, they had to imagine the remaining picture and to name it

3 A group of participants instructed to do this task was able to name correctly only 2.7 out of 6 objects. Another group was given the identical task, but they were instructed to repeat an irrelevant sound („la la la“) during looking at the set of pictures during the training session. Under this condition, participants named 3.8 items correctly on average. The authors concluded that people were able to process the stimuli visually after verbal processing during the training session was blocked by uttering the irrelevant sound. © POSbase 2003 Visual processing in Working Memory

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