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Master’s Program Orientation Spring 2014 Shirley C. Gordon PhD, NCSN Professor Assistant Dean Graduate Practice Programs 561-297-3389

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Presentation on theme: "Master’s Program Orientation Spring 2014 Shirley C. Gordon PhD, NCSN Professor Assistant Dean Graduate Practice Programs 561-297-3389"— Presentation transcript:

1 Master’s Program Orientation Spring 2014 Shirley C. Gordon PhD, NCSN Professor Assistant Dean Graduate Practice Programs 561-297-3389

2 Mission and Philosophy Mission and Vision nav=636 nav=636 Philosophy nav=635 nav=635

3 Deans/Directors Dean Dr. Marlaine Smith Associate Dean for Academics: Dr. Karethy Edwards Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship: Dr. Patricia Liehr Dr. Shirley Gordon: Assistant Dean Graduate Practice Programs Dr. Sharon Dormire: Assistant Dean Undergraduate Programs Dr. Christine Williams: Director PhD Program Dr. Ruth McCaffrey: Director DNP Program

4 Program Objectives nav=96 nav=96

5 Master’s Program Offerings Direct Care Focus Concentrations –Family Nurse Practitioner –Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner –Clinical Nurse Leader Advanced Holistic Nursing Nurse Educator Non- Direct Care Focus Concentrations Nursing Administration and Financial Leadership Bridge ( enrollment currently suspended recommended for termination) Post Master’s Certificate

6 Master’s Concentrations Faculty Graduate Coordinators Continued Dr. Rose Sherman –Nursing Administration and Financial Leadership Dr. Kathryn Keller Nurse Educator Dr. Bernadette Lange –Advanced Holistic Nursing Dr. Terry Eggenberger –Clinical Nurse Leader

7 Administrative Staff Master’s Program Staff Assistant –Carol Kruse 561-297-3261 –

8 Getting Started

9 Admission Background Checks [Conditional Admission Status] Colleen Alcantara-Slocombe is contact – Florida Law restricts access to children, elderly, and disabled patients by persons convicted of specific misdemeanors and felonies (Chapter 435 Florida Statues). This law places restrictions on all health care facilities, which in turn require students to comply with the same restrictions as their employees and volunteers. Therefore, a two part background check is required of all applicants prior to admission to the College of Nursing and for all students in order to secure access to nursing practice experiences as required by the College of Nursing degree programs.

10 Oath & Affirmation If the student experiences a break in enrollment of one or more calendar year(s) from the original background check or most recent oath and affirmation statement, a new complete background check (both components) will be required before the student may resume coursework. The College of Nursing requires the annual submission of a signed and notarized Oath and Affirmation statement indicating that the student has not been arrested or charged with any crime or misdemeanor since the date of the initial background check. However, some agencies may require annual background checks and will not accept the Oath and Affirmation statement. It is the student's responsibility to find out if she or he will need to resubmit the background check or if the Oath and Affirmation statement will be acceptable for the agency she or he will attend.

11 Curriculum Overview GRADUATE CORE COURSES (12 Credits) NGR 6110 Advanced Nursing Practice: Grounded in Caring NGR 6891 Advanced Nursing Practice: Leadership, Policy, & Finance [CNL students do not tack this course] NGR 6811 Roles, Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing NGR 6812 Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice DIRECT CARE CORE and/or ELECTIVE COURSES ( 9 Credits) All concentrations except Nursing Administration and Financial Leadership NGR 6002 Advanced Nursing Situations: Health Assessment NGR 6002L Advanced Nursing Situations in Practice: Health Assessment* NGR 6141 Advanced Pathophysiology NGR 6172 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics CONCENTRATION COURSES (Track Specific ) Electives ( Nursing Administration & Financial Leadership has Required electives )

12 Directed Independent Study(DIS) Can be used as elective –Plan ahead (file form)

13 Academic Advisement Students are advised by Graduate Coordinators by concentration Seek out your advisor/Graduate Coordinator: –Course Selection –Preceptor experiences –General Academic support Before withdrawing from courses

14 Registration for Courses E-mail Carol Kruse to receive departmental permission to register for –Course Name –Course Number & CRN Number –Your name and Z Number You can cut and paste course information from course schedule into the e-mail

15 University Course Schedule chdl.php chdl.php Click on CRN number to see additional course information

16 Black Board and E-College (College moving completely to BB by Summer 2014) Multiple Formats –Fully online –Web assisted –Hybrid Many courses have E-College option Stay connected with Faculty and Course! –If you do not get response use phone –Skype

17 University Academic Calendar Go to University Website

18 Plan of Study Must be filed electronically with the Graduate College at midpoint of program listing all anticipated courses Plans must be approved the semester before you graduate Information/instructions located online on the Graduate College Website

19 Continuous Enrollment Must enroll 2 of three terms each year to maintain good standing If students violate the continuous enrollment policy, they must reapply to the university and college of nursing There is no guarantee of re-admission into limited access programs If you have any problems, please communicate with us early!

20 Graduation Applications You must apply to graduate! File graduation application early in the semester you plan to graduate The Graduate College posts deadlines online and the deadlines are firm.

21 Practicum Course Requirements

22 Current Background Check

23 Health forms Clinical requirements –Required for all practicum courses –It is the students responsibility to have current health information on file with the college –All information is uploaded into the clinical tracking system –Clinical Faculty will review requirements prior to students being cleared to enter practicum settings

24 Clinical Requirements: HIPAA HIPAA –Mandatory training will be presented in the Advanced Health Assessment course or other designated course. –Students upload completion form into the clinical tracking system prior to entering clinical sites.

25 FAU Self Insurance Program (SIP) URL: Title: SIP 101: SIP 101 is an online, 30 minute overview of the university SIP which provides faculty and students with malpractice coverage. Faculty and students register for the course by clicking on the FAU icon before beginning the course. (Please note SIP 101 can be viewed without registering but you must register as an FAU student or faculty member to successfully receive the certificate). At the end of the program, print the certificate of completion and upload the certificate into the CON clinical tracking program.

26 General Information

27 Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Building Moved in Fall 2005 Energy Principles – “Green Building” Leadership in Energy and Environment (LEED) Certified Please cooperate in Protecting and Nurturing all our Buildings! Tour our new building!

28 College of Nursing Centers 6&nav=352 6&nav=352

29 Academic Resources Library –Get your OWL card to access from home – FAU Center for Writing Excellence Online Skype appointments are available – book early – midterm and end of semester are very busy.

30 Additional Resources Student Group Health Insurance from University (short term health insurance programs are available) Discounts at Office Depot Sport facilities Counseling Center Student Health

31 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing Iota Xi Chapter Can be dual chapter member Can apply for membership after ¼ of MS program complete Lifetime membership (annual dues) nav=191 nav=191

32 College of Nursing Website Students are responsible for all information in the Graduate Student Handbook nav=466 nav=466

33 Student Participation: Student Council Committees welcome students –Committee on Programs –Committee on Faculty –Committee on Students –Master’s Programs Committee Meet on Mondays once a month –Students can participate in person or by phone.

34 Questions? Email Dr. Shirley Gordon – Carol Kruse Program Assistant (All Campuses) –

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