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First-Year Engineering Program Advanced Energy Vehicle Arduino Programming Basics Reference:  AEV Lab Manual  Arduino Programming Basics Grading Guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "First-Year Engineering Program Advanced Energy Vehicle Arduino Programming Basics Reference:  AEV Lab Manual  Arduino Programming Basics Grading Guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 First-Year Engineering Program Advanced Energy Vehicle Arduino Programming Basics Reference:  AEV Lab Manual  Arduino Programming Basics Grading Guidelines

2 First-Year Engineering Program AEV Project Objective (Problem Definition) INITIAL CONCEPTS (Brainstorming) EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ANALYZE DESIGN DECISION RESEARCH COMPARE FINAL DESIGN Present AEV Design PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 (System Analysis)(Programming)

3 First-Year Engineering Program Lab Objectives  The objectives of this lab are: 1.Become familiar with the automatic control system hardware components 2.Setup the software 3.Program the basic function calls in controlling the AEV 4.Become familiar with uploading programs on the Arduino and testing  Become familiar with troubleshooting techniques

4 First-Year Engineering Program Hardware  The heart of the system consists of an Arduino Nano (see Figure 1), controlling two Toshiba motor control chips  See AEV Controller Manual  For those interested in details

5 First-Year Engineering Program Making the Connections  Take careful consideration where the motors and battery are connected to the control system!  We will only be using the first and second motor ports  Male and female connectors are already installed  ASK if uncertain!

6 First-Year Engineering Program The Arduino Software  The Backbone has been developed for AEV  Not expected to be a microprocessor programmer  The AEV controller is programmed by the user (you), using a series of function calls which have various integer input types:  byte, int, and long  More detail can be found in AEV Controller Manual if interested

7 First-Year Engineering Program Programming Basics Arduino Programming Basics Procedure Guidelines:  The following slides are a summary of the AEV Lab Manual and Lab Procedure Guidelines  First an overview will be given on how to properly upload the AEV sketchbook program  Then a review of the function calls available to you

8 First-Year Engineering Program AEV Controller AEV Controller – Loading the executable  Copy sketchbook folder from the class drive  Paste into and run from a flash drive (or N: drive)  Using the AEV Lab Manual load the Arduino Software

9 First-Year Engineering Program AEV Controller AEV User Manual – Arduino Programming Basics  In the Arduino software  File – Preference  Browse to AEV Controller Folder and select the sketchbook folder  ***CLOSE AND RELOAD EXECUTABLE***  In the Arduino software  File – sketchbook – “Open desired file”  Confirm that the right Com Port is selected when uploading control programs  Tools – Serial Port – last Com Port listed

10 First-Year Engineering Program AEV Controller AEV User Manual – Available Keywords  celerate( )  Four Arguments  Motor number 1,2,3, and 4 for all  Start speed in % (0 – 100)  End speed in % (0 – 100)  Time in seconds (1 – 10)  Example: celerate(4,20,50,2)  Will accerlarate all motors from 20% to 50% full power in 2 seconds.  Example: celerate(2,100,20,1)  Will decelerate motor 2 from 100% to 20% full power in 1 second.

11 First-Year Engineering Program AEV Controller AEV User Manual – Available Keywords  motorSpeed( )  Two Arguments  Motor number 1,2,3, and 4 for all  Start speed in % (0 – 100)  Example: motorSpeed(2,67)  Sets motor 2 speed to 67% full power  goFor( )  One Argument  milliseconds  Example: goFor(5000)  Continues the last command for 5 seconds.

12 First-Year Engineering Program AEV Controller AEV User Manual – Available Keywords  brake( )  One Argument  Motor number 1,2,3, and 4 for all  Example: brake(2)  Fully brake motor 2  reverse( )  No Arguments; reverses all motors  Example: reverse ()  Reverses all motors

13 First-Year Engineering Program Arduino Programming Basics Lab Lab Activity  Follow AEV Lab Manual and Lab Procedure Guidelines  Team:  Setup for testing  Individual:  Copy sketchbook folder on to a flash drive  Setup Arduino software with sketchbook  Program the following basic commands requested in procedure document  Demonstrate to one of the instructional team members (signed)  Make sure to include in your INDIVIDUAL summary report

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