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Chapter 18 The Endocrine System. communication between cells mechanisms direct cell-to-cell cell-to-cell (short distance) cell-cell cell-to-cell (long.

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1 Chapter 18 The Endocrine System

2 communication between cells mechanisms direct cell-to-cell cell-to-cell (short distance) cell-cell cell-to-cell (long distance) gap junctions paracrine local chemicals neurotransmitters endocrine chemicals via bloodstream

3 Table 18-1

4 Endocrine system cells (tissues, organs) that produce chemical messengers (hormones) that travel via the bloodstream to have distant effects

5 Endocrine system classes of hormones: peptide: lipid: amino acid derivatives polypeptides eicosaniods (from arachidonic acid) steroids (from cholesterol)

6 fig. 18-2

7 Endocrine system receptors and mechanism of action peptide hormones receptors on cell surface activate G proteins use second messengers (cAMP) activates enzymes alter cellular activity

8 Endocrine system receptors and mechanism of action steroid hormones diffuse across membrane receptors in cytoplasm activate specific genes alter cellular activity

9 100 keys (pg. 599) “Hormones coordinate cell, tissue, and organ activities on a sustained basis. They circulate in the extracellular fluid and bind to specific receptors on or in target cells. They then modify cellular activities by altering membrane permeability, activating or inactivating key enzymes, or changing genetic activity.”

10 Endocrine reflexes triggered by: humoral stimuli body fluid changes hormonal stimuli neural stimuli

11 Endocrine reflexes many are controlled by negative feedback simple-a single hormone complex-two or more several steps many are controlled by the hypothalamus

12 the “master gland” of the endocrine system: pituitary gland anterior posterior fig 18-6

13 pituitary gland produces 9 “peptide” hormones anterior*posterior TSH ACTH FSH LH prolactin GH MSH ocytocin ADH

14 pituitary gland controlled by hypothalamus produces RHreleasing hormones IHinhibiting hormones

15 pituitary gland controlled by hypothalamus fig 18-7 produces RH IH

16 pituitary gland anterior TSH ACTH FSH LH prolactin GH MSH thyroid gland adrenal gland gamete development reproduction milk production growth pigment cells

17 pituitary gland an example TSH thyroid gland 1 2 3 4 5

18 pituitary gland controlled by hypothalamus fig 18-7 produces RH IH OT ADH OT ADH

19 pituitary gland fig 18-9 the “master gland”

20 100 keys (pg. 604) “The hypothalamus produces regulatory factors that adjust the activities of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which produces 7 hormones. Most of the hormones control other endocrine organs, including the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, and gonads. The anterior lobe also produces growth hormone, which stimulates cell growth and protein synthesis.”

21 100 keys (pg. 604) “The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland releases two hormones produced in the hypothalamus; ADH restricts water loss and promotes thirst, and oxytocin stimulates smooth muscle contractions in the mammary lands and uterus (in females) and the prostate gland (in males).”

22 other endocrine organs thyroid glands C-cells of thyroid gland parathyroid glands adrenal glands cortex medulla pineal gland pancreas intestines, gonads, kidneys, adipose

23 other endocrine organs thyroid glands produce thyroxine (T3, T4) affect all cells  O2 use  ATP production  HR, bp  erythropoiesis

24 other endocrine organs thyroid glands C-cells of thyroid gland parathyroid glands calcitonin  blood [Ca 2+ ] PTH  blood [Ca 2+ ]

25 100 keys (pg. 612) “The thyroid gland produces (1) hormones that adjust tissue metabolic rates and (2) a hormone that usually plays a minor role in calcium ion homeostasis by opposing the action of parathyroid hormone.”

26 to here 4/18 lec #39

27 other endocrine organs adrenal glands cortex medulla mineralocorticoids aldosteroneretain Na + lose K + glucocorticoids hydrocortisone anti-inflammatory NE, E (Sympathetic ANS)

28 100 keys (pg. 616) “The adrenal glands produce hormones that adjust metabolic activities at specific sites, affecting either the pattern of nutrient utilization, mineral ion balance, or the rate of energy consumption by active tissues.”

29 other endocrine organs pineal gland produce melatonin timing of sexual maturation protect from free radicals set circadian rhythms

30 other endocrine organs pancreas produces digestive enzymes contains islets produce (4) hormones insulin glucagon

31 pancreas insulin released when blood [glucose] is greater than ~110 mg/dl most cells in the body have insulin receptor insulin dependent

32 insulin most cells in the body have insulin receptor insulin dependent insulin causes these cells to  glucose absorption  glucose utilization  blood [glucose]  pancreas

33 glucagon released when blood [glucose] is less than ~70 mg/dl stimulates: breakdown of glycogen breakdown of triglycerides production of glucose  blood [glucose]  pancreas

34 100 keys (pg. 620) “The pancreatic islets release insulin and glucagon. Insulin is released when blood glucose levels rise, and it stimulates glucose transport into, and utilization by, peripheral tissues. Glucagon is released when blood glucose levels decline, and it stimulates glycogen breakdown, glucose synthesis and fatty acid release.”

35 the “other” diabetes diabetes insipidus diabetes mellitus flow-throughsweet What would make the urine sweet? Why would glucose be in the urine?

36 diabetes mellitus causes genetic pathological conditions injury immune disorder hormonal abnormality mutations leading to low insulin production abnormal insulin defective receptors

37 diabetes mellitus types type 1 insulin dependent (juvenile onset) controlled by insulin injections type 2 insulin independent (adult onset) controlled by diet/lifestyle

38 diabetes mellitus abnormally high blood [glucose] (hyperglycemia) so much glucose in the glomerular filtrate, that PCT can’t reabsorb it all… (transport proteins are saturated) … so some ends up in the urine glycosuria polyuria

39 diabetes mellitus health problems much of the body thinks it is “starving” diabetic retinopathy diabetic neuropathy  risk of MI (3x-5x) other vascular problems

40 other endocrine organs intestines gonads kidneys adipose, thymus, heart digestive hormones reproductive hormones EPO, renin

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