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Sartorette School 2015 School Plan/Local Control Accountability Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Sartorette School 2015 School Plan/Local Control Accountability Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sartorette School 2015 School Plan/Local Control Accountability Plan

2  Conditions of Learning Basic Services Course Access Common Core Implementation  Student Achievement Student Achievement Other Measures  Engagement Student Engagement School Climate Parent Involvement Alignment with the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

3  GLAD Professional Development  Common Core Professional Development Common Core Unit development with RtI consultant Illuminate Depth of Knowledge (DOK) and Formative Assessment  I-Pad Academy  Library Service for all K-5  ELD Teacher Training  Facilities: New Solar Panels and Security Fencing Basic Conditions

4  Response to Intervention (RtI) regrouping model provides support for all students  RtI coach provided support for Common Core unit development for 2 and 3 grades  Tier 2 Reading Intervention for students in grades 1-3  Extended Day Math Academies (1-3 & 4-5)  Tier 2 School wide RSP (through SST process)  DRA Formative Assessment (guides instruction) Student Achievement

5 Implementation of Common Core

6 Title III Accountability 2014-15 Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) AMAO 1 – Percentage of English Learners Making Annual Progress in Learning English 2015 TARGET FOR AMAO 1 = 60.5% % Meeting AMAO 1 = 73.7% MET TARGET = Yes AMAO 2 – Percent of ELs Attaining the English Proficient Level on the CELDT  Less than 5 Years Cohort 2015 TARGET FOR AMAO 2 = 24.2% % Meeting AMAO 2 = 47.9% MET TARGET = YES  5 Years or More Cohort 2015 TARGET FOR AMAO 2 = 50.9% % Meeting AMAO 2 = 58.3% MET TARGET = YES

7 Number of ELs Performing in CELDT Domains 2014-15

8 ELA Benchmark 1 Grades 1-5 CCSS Formative Assessment 2014-15

9 ELA Benchmark 2 Grades 1-5 CCSS Formative Assessment 2014-15

10 Math Benchmark 1 Grades 1-5 CCSS Formative Assessment 2014-15

11 Math Benchmark 2 Grades 1-5 CCSS Formative Assessment 2014-15

12  Met all targets for EL students (74% Annual Progress)  SBAC Analysis in the Fall  Baseline year for district benchmarks Student Achievement Reflections Math Benchmark  Grade 4 B1: 100% at Beginning B2: 47% at Proficient or Above  Grade 1 B1: 54% at Proficient or Above B2: 91% at Proficient or Above ELA Benchmark  Grade 4 B1: 59% at Proficient or Above B2: 58% at Proficient or Above  Grade 1 B1: 60% at Proficient or Above B2: 94% at Proficient or Above

13  Cornerstone Kids  Almaden Valley Counseling Services  PBIS Sustainability and Expansion  Music & PE program  Lunch Bunch (3 rd -5 th )  Student Council  Safety Patrol  Student Recognition at Spirit Assemblies  Recess & Lunch: Garden, Library, and Jogging Club Student Engagement School Climate

14 Parent Involvement  Art Vistas  Safety Patrol Watch  Garden Committee  HSC Sponsored Events  School Site Council, Home & School Club, Principal Coffees, English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)  Volunteer in the Classroom

15  Extended day opportunities for target students  Develop Curriculum Maps for pacing  Continue to build teacher leadership to expand the use of technology as a teaching and learning tool  Continue and Expand Professional Development GLAD Illuminate Data System CCSS Coaching and Support for ELA Digital Academy PBIS training for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Next Steps…

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