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Vn117 animal nursing.   Prevention of injury by drugs  Prevention of injury by admin equipment  Correct storage of drugs  Correct admin methods for.

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Presentation on theme: "Vn117 animal nursing.   Prevention of injury by drugs  Prevention of injury by admin equipment  Correct storage of drugs  Correct admin methods for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vn117 animal nursing

2   Prevention of injury by drugs  Prevention of injury by admin equipment  Correct storage of drugs  Correct admin methods for formulation  Correct disposal of drugs Safe handling of drugs

3   Right drug,  Right patient,  Right dose  Right route  Right time Golden rules of drug administration

4   Can you read the prescription, interpret it and recognise the drug? Wrong drug can kill or be ineffective Right drug

5  Right patient

6  Right dose

7   IV admin: a rapid bolus creates high blood levels  IM admin: muscles are well supplied with blood so this route provides quite quick uptake  SC admin: minimal blood supply to the site so slow uptake of the drug. Creates a depot of drug.  Doses that reach correct blood levels after SC administration may be toxic if administered by routes that have more rapid uptake Right route

8  IV versus IM

9 Right time Redosing schedules must be accurate to avoid toxic accumulation of drug or blood concentrations falling too far for intervals

10   In pairs read the definitions then test your buddy on 3 of them by either  describing the drug group and asking them to name it or  naming it and asking them to describe it Major drug groups: activity

11  Common abbreviations match 1.Ad lib 2.BID 3.RX 4.TX 5.PWD A.Treatment B.Powder C.Allow free access to eat or drink as desired D.Twice a day E.prescription

12 Storage Follow manufacturers guidelines for heat light humidity. Limit public access, shelving should minimise breakage, restock so old stores are used first, logically group drugs, ensure refrigeration space available for vaccines etc. not for food!

13 Legal issues of dispensing, and labeling registered veterinary medications Please note the notes on the moodle site 102-4are relevant

14   The practices usually have automated labeling dispensers which only need the fields filled in and a typed label is produced quickly Labels for RVMs

15   Through skin, cuts and skin absorption  Mucous membranes  Accidental ingestion(powders)  Inhalation (aerosols, anesthetics and therapeutic sprays)  Accidental injection (cap needles,beware of thick liquids and plain luer needles) Accidental exposure of dispensing staff to drugs they are handling

16   Ensure you have clear instructions (RX)  Be able to interpret that RX(terminology and abbreviations)  Be able to find and prepare the medication from the pharmacy  Write a clear legal label  Ensure the owner that is receiving the medication is able to administer the drug safely (instruct, demonstrate, answer questions, follow up with written explanation 5 Rules of dispensing

17  Routes of administration  Systemic  Drugs administered by a variety of routes are absorbed into the blood stream and distributed to target tissues(as well as others)  Parenteral and enteral routes, inhalation and cutaneous  Topical  Drugs administered to an accessible area remain in that area and act locally  Common sites  Eyes ears skin rectum

18  Routes of administration  Parenteral: generally means by injection. Ones commonly used in vet medicine are:  IV, IM, SC, IP, IO  Epidural  others not injected are:  inhalation  Cutaneous eg pour on drench  Enteral route: absorbed by the GIT to act systemically: eg orally  Topical: Acts at the site applied  Skin  Eyes  Ears  Enemas

19  1.Pethidine is an RVM, but morphine is a human medication not registered for use in veterinary medicine, both are Class B controlled drugs. Which acts cover their use if they are used by veterinary practioners? 2.What is the key change that affects veterinary nurses about anaesthetic administration when the ACVM act came into full effect? 3.What are the old OTC drugs now called and what is the difference between these and the RVMs? 4.What is the legal definition of a veterinary consultation? 5.What is the key purpose of VOI and what limitations are placed on the situations where they might be used Pharmacy quiz

20  Drug terminology match  Chemical name  Active ingredient  Generic name  Trade name  Proprietary name  Neurofen plus  Ibuprofen  Codeine phosphate  Codeine

21   Licensed drugs have been tested extensively in the species for the purpose they are licensed and the manufacturers take significant responsibility for the safety and efficacy of their use  Discretionary “off license” use of drugs is where there is insufficient testing for the manufacturers guarentee and the prescribing veterinarian must ensure the client understands the extra risk of the use of these drugs Licensed and off license

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