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Presentation on theme: "U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Core Components."— Presentation transcript:


2 U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Core Components Duane Nickull, CEFACT Plenary Bureau Vice-Chair

3 UN/CEFACT Acknowledgements  Without the help of the following people, this presentation would not be possible:  Fred Van Blommestein, Mary Kay Blantz, Mark Crawford, Markus Pikart, Monica Martin, Sue Probert, Ed Buchinski, Jack Lindsey, Ivan Bedini and the entire UN/CEFACT Core Components team and Advanced Technologies Group (ATG).

4 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

5 UN/CEFACT  Core Components are building blocks of metadata.  Each Core Component captures and declares details about a real world business concept (example – “date”)  Designed to be re-used globally.  Design time artefacts. Could aid in building XML schemas, UNeDocs code lists etc.  May be specialized for use within a certain context (example – “date” becomes “OrderDate”) NOTE: “Core Component” is used herein to cover all CC terms including ACC, BCC, ABIE, BBIE What are Core Components

6 UN/CEFACT Core Component concepts BIE

7 UN/CEFACT Data Elements build Business Messages at Design Time Name AddressemailPhone #Company Phone # email Address NameParty Party ID Invoice PO #Line ItemCost CONTEXT DateOrder.Date Business Information Entities (BIE’s)

8 UN/CEFACT What items do we use to describe a CC Base Data  Unique definition  UUID (DCE 128 bit algorithm format)  Data Dictionary Name  Object Class Term  Property Term  Representation Term  Data Type Meta Data (from Registry)  Owner  Version  Status  Home Registry URI  Name  Associations  Classifications  Syntax Information

9 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

10 UN/CEFACT Too many data standards All have different data elements! HR- XML EHD xCat UBL Rosettanet OTAIATA cXML E- construct CAT XML SMDG PIDXGCIUNe Doc XAML Open trans GMLxCBL HL7 AcordCIDXxBRLBSMLagXMLVICSSWIFTTogaf Bolero

11 UN/CEFACT Problem: Inconsistent use of Data Elements  Nickull, Duane A.  Mr. Nickull  Duane Nickull  D. A. Nickull  Duane A. Nickull  Duane Allan Nickull  Nickull, Duane Allan  Mr. D. Nickull  Monsieur D.A. Nickull NAME OF PERSON

12 UN/CEFACT Solution: Data Dictionary “Incompatibility becomes incremental rather than wholesale, i.e. the detailed points of difference are noted, rather than a whole model being dismissed as incompatible.” Data Element: Name Type: string Data Element: Date Type: integer Mask: DDMMYY Data Element: Address Type: Aggregate Data Element: Telephone Type: string

13 UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Core Components verticals eGov XML SGML X12 XMLEtc. 1999 2002 2004 2007 Existing Standards Reconciliation Of Data Elements EDIFACT UN/CEFACT Core Component Library

14 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

15 UN/CEFACT  Work started in ebXML – joint initiative between UN/CEFACT and OASIS in 1999.  After May 2001, work continued within UN/CEFACT.  UN/CEFACT TMG applied to ISO for ebXML Core Components TS v 2.01 to become fast tracked as ISO 15000 standard.  UN/CEFACT ATG working on supplemental specs such as Naming and Design Rules. Who is working on Core Components

16 UN/CEFACT CCTS Status (continued) "the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL), OAG, EAN- UCC, SWIFT, UN/CEFACT, ANSI ASC X12, and a host of other standards organizations are already using this new [Core Components] approach as the basis for building interoperable XML business standards; the Department of the Navy has included aspects of this specification in its XML Developers Guide, and it is referenced in the Federal XML Developers Guide as well." - Mark Crawford, LMI

17 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

18 UN/CEFACT Core Components concepts

19 UN/CEFACT Core Component Discovery Business Documents Country.Identifier Person.Family Name Core Component discovery process. Core Component Library Business Process are part of Context UNeDocs

20 UN/CEFACT Steps to identify Core Components

21 UN/CEFACT Using Core Components at Design Time Core Component Library New Business Process has 1.Identify Core components to use for each Business Message Business messages 2. Aggregate CC’s for each new Business Message. 3. Use context to guide refinement of CC’s into BIE’s. Express as final metadata for Business Messages.

22 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

23 UN/CEFACT CCTS Status  CCTS v 2.01 done and submitted to ISO for fast tracking.  UN/CEFACT ATG has CC naming and Design Rules out for review.  CCTS getting a few reference implementations and PoC’s (US, Canadian Government, Adobe, others… see next page)  First 21 Core Components expected to be ratified by CEFACT in MacLean Virginia September 2004

24 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

25 UN/CEFACT Using Core Components Today  UNeDocs instances use several pieces of information.  These are specialized Core Components, also called Business Information Entities or BIE’s.  It is possible to place UN/CEFACT Core Components into a Registry and use them for building UNeDocs today.  Pilot Infrastructure would need to be built

26 UN/CEFACT UNeDocs use of Core Components? Core Component Library (Registry) UN eDocs Example CC: Country.Identifier is associated with a list of values (UN LoCode) Update/change Requests Could be reflected real time in UN eDocs instances

27 UN/CEFACT Q & A  Thank you


29 UN/CEFACT Supplemental Technical Slides  Illustrative - for Q & A

30 UN/CEFACT Agenda  What are Core Components  What problems do they solve  Who is working on Core Components  Core Components explained  What is the status  How can you use them today (scenario) Also…  Technical Slides (optional)

31 UN/CEFACT Core Component Model

32 UN/CEFACT Data Element Methodology (*CCTS)

33 UN/CEFACT Context Declaration Mechanism

34 UN/CEFACT Core component to BIE  Core Components are without context  After context – become Business Information Entities.  Most data elements in existing languages are ipso facto BIE’s  UMM Business Entities are BIE’s

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