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CEO Forum 20 th March 2015 #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

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Presentation on theme: "CEO Forum 20 th March 2015 #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEO Forum 20 th March 2015 #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU @wuthnhs

2 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU The shape of things to come for 2015/16 and beyond Shaping our future Working in the present

3 One of our strategic aims: “To lead on integrated shared pathways of care with primary, social and community care.” @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

4 Success in our bid to NHS England One of 29 locations nationally to be selected. One of only 9 nationally to be pioneering this method. Access to a portion of £200million in new funding to support implementation. Working with our partners as “Wirral Health Partnership”. A manifestation of the work of “Vision 2018”. @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

5 Why it’s important for Wirral @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU The way we do things now is unsustainable. Too many people come to hospital that shouldn’t need to. We need to meet the needs and expectations of our population. This means breaking down the boundaries between primary, acute, and community care.

6 Why it’s important for Wirral @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU We need to change the way the whole Wirral health economy works for the short, medium and long term. We need to work together to help our population to make healthy choices, and get the right treatment in the right place for them; from cradle (and earlier) to grave.

7 Wirral Health Partners Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group Wirral Community NHS Trust Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council Cerner UK Ltd and partners King’s Fund @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

8 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU How it will work for patients Care Advice Navigation and Assessment Voluntary Sector Community Family / Support Self Care Prevention Care Navigation and Assessment Diagnostics Opinion and Specialist and Decision Making Advice Acute Hospital Care Intensive Community Support

9 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU How it will work for the partners Acute Hub Healthy Living Hub (West Wirral) Healthy Living Hub (Wallasey) Healthy Living Hub (Birkenhead) Healthy Living Hub (South Wirral) Care Navigation Care Navigation Care Navigation Care Navigation

10 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU How it will work for the partners 8 3 2 4 5 6 7 1. Care Navigation Urgent Specialist Generic community / Episodic Primary care/ Universal condition Wider Primary / Community care Community Assets 2. Community Assets Examples… Proactive/Planned trigger e.g. cold weather Online support e.g. Puffell Voluntary and Community sector Asset Based Community Development Constituency Managers Media / Wirral Globe – Proactive planned Health education campaigns – Heating, fluids Community connectors Fire Service Volunteer bank e.g. Skype / urgent response 3. Wider Primary/Community Care Examples… Trigger from individual patient / carer Pharmacy – broader use of connection Live Well Programme Leisure Centres / One Stop Shops Nursing and Care Homes Private healthcare e.g. podiatrist Private domiciliary care Extra care Housing 4. Primary Care/Universal Condition Examples… GPs Flu vaccinations,Health checks Primary Care Mental Health Assistive technology – Telehealth Stop smoking services Phlebotomy 5. Generic Community / Episodic Examples… Community Nurses Community Therapies Social care Domiciliary care Respiratory – clarity on level of normal for patient Light Diagnostics / outpatients 6. Specialist Examples… Community Matrons Rehab e.g. cancer COPD team Integrated Care Coordination End of Life Community psychiatric nurses (CPNs) Specialist consultant clinics 7. Urgent Examples… Community urgent care response e.g. GPOOH WIC Home treatment teams (Mental Health) 8. Acute Hub Examples… 24hr A&E, acute surgery & associated services 1.Care Navigator Process Examples… Urgent health and social assessment and coordination of care needs Assessment of carer needs Integrated Care plan

11 Sharing Real Time information @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU We’re already leading the way on IT- enabled healthcare in the UK. Integrating Wirral Cerner Millennium into the whole health community. Seamless, real-time access to patient health data, from community to acute care. Supporting the population health management agenda.

12 Exploring a new funding model @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU Partners are investigating the opportunities of a capitated budget. Will help us to prioritise budgets across the care pathway – rather than as organisations in isolation. Moving away from payment-by-results over time.

13 Seeing fewer people in hospital @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU Clinical teams may find themselves delivering care away from hospital. Bringing care to patients as they need it at home or in the community. We’re already doing this, for example in Community Paediatrics.

14 What it means for us @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU “Business as usual” and “the way we’ve always done it” are about to change for good. We need to be open-minded, collaborative, and energetic to make the most of this opportunity. We also need to be patient whilst we work through the implementation. Remember this is a long-term plan, not just a quick fix.

15 Our immediate challenges for 2015/16 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU Better planning Progress in discussions with CCG – much progress to agree to 3% increase in activity for 15/16 as per NHS England prediction. But CCG suggest impact of capacity saving will result in overall net reduction of 0.5%. Discussions ongoing – but significant progress made, helping us to plan more realistically for the whole year. Will help us forecast and plan more effectively and minimise reactive actions.

16 Our immediate challenges for 2015/16 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU Staffing - £1.1million investment in frontline nursing. Planning involves matching projected capacity with recruitment strategy. We’ve already made 29 job offers to add to our team in 2015/16.

17 Our immediate challenges for 2015/16 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU Estates £1million investment in around seven wards. Programme to fix a backlog of “snags” across our sites.

18 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU Our immediate challenges for 2015/16 Wirral Cerner Millennium & IT infrastructure Programme of fixing issues currently affecting use. Important to establish Cerner as a fully functional way of sharing real-time information in every case – crucial to the new model of care. IT Service Desk coming in-house from 1 st April.

19 @wuthnhs #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU What it means for you as leaders As always, it’s all about: Leadership - Model your behaviour on our PROUD values - Get ‘out and about’ – it’s a vital part of what we do Communication - Check that information is being properly cascaded through regular ‘Team Brief’ - Check that your colleagues are receiving these messages during your walkabouts Recognition - Recognise good performance – ‘thank you’ goes a long way - Nominate your teams for ‘team of the quarter’ and PROUD awards

20 @wuthnhs Thank you. Any questions? #PROUD TO CARE FOR YOU

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