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PLC Implementation at Link School A closer look at Intervention and Reteaching/Enrichment Angela Schlosser, 1 st Grade Meagan Patterson, 5 th Grade Ann.

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Presentation on theme: "PLC Implementation at Link School A closer look at Intervention and Reteaching/Enrichment Angela Schlosser, 1 st Grade Meagan Patterson, 5 th Grade Ann."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLC Implementation at Link School A closer look at Intervention and Reteaching/Enrichment Angela Schlosser, 1 st Grade Meagan Patterson, 5 th Grade Ann Smith, Literacy Coach John Schmelzer, Principal

2 Link School Demographics Total Enrollment of 602 Students Low-income Rate 11% Mobility Rate 9.4% Over 33 Different Languages Represented Ethnicity 55% White 20% Asian/Pacific Islander 18% Hispanic 3% African American 3% Multi-Racial

3 Why Provide Intervention and Reteaching/Enrichment District 54 Board of Education Goals Students who have attended District 54 schools for at least one year will read at grade level upon entering third grade. Each school will close the achievement gap for all students in reading and math as measured by both district and state assessments. At least 90% of all students will meet or exceed standards in reading and math as measured by both district and state assessments.

4 The Master Schedule The Master Schedule is developed to: Utilize all personnel in their areas of expertise. Provide grade level teams with 3-4 days of common planning time per week. Ensure uninterrupted blocks for core instruction in literacy, math, science and social studies. Provide common blocks of instructional time for Intervention and Reteaching/Enrichment for each grade level team.

5 Master Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday PEMusArtLRCPEMusArtLRCPEMusArtLRCPEMusArtLRCPEMusArtLRC 8:40-9:156C6A 6D6B 6D 6A6CPLN 6C6A 6B6D 6B6D 6C6A 9:15-9:456A6C6D6B6A6C6D6B 9:45-10:155C5A 5D5B 5D5B 5A5C 5A 5B5D 3C3A 3B3D 5D5B 5C5A 10:15-10:455A5C5B5D5A5C3A3C5B5D 10:45-11:00 3C3A 3D3B PLN 3B 3D3B 3A3C PLN 3D 3B 3C3A 11:00-11:15 LUN 11:15-11:453A3C3D3B 3D 11:45-12:30LUN CLB LUN CLB LUN 12:30-1:00PLN JGBPLN JGB1C1A 1B1D PLN JGBPLN JGB 1:00-1:302C2A 2B4C 1B1D 1A1C 1A1C1B1D 1C1A 1C1A 1D1B 1:30-2:002A2C1D1B2B2C 2A4B 1D1B1A1C 2:00-2:304C4A 4B2A 4B4A 4C2C 2B4B4C 4A2B 2A 2C4A 2:30-3:004A4C4A4B 4C4B2A2B

6 Intervention and Reteaching/Enrichment Intervention is a 35 minute literacy block targeting the lowest performing students. Score below the 40 th or 66 th percentile on MAP Below grade level based on the Fountas & Pinnell (F & P) Benchmark Assessment. Reteaching/Enrichment is a 30 minute literacy block based upon District 54 Essential Learning Outcomes. Reteaching is for students who score below 80% on common grade level assessments. Enrichment is for students who score at or above 80% on common grade level assessments.

7 Intervention Schedule Intervention MTWThF 8:45-9:201,3,4 9:20-9:50KKKKK 9:45-10:15 10:15-10:45 10:45-11:45 11:45-12:30 12:30-1:052,5,6 1:05-1:35KKKKK 1:35-2:00 2:00-2:30 2:30-3:00

8 Where do you find the time? Mrs. Ochenkowski 2nd Grade Schedule 2011-2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:40-8:45 Unpack and Announcements 8:45-9:45Math 9:45-10:15Shared Reading 10:15-10:45Writing 10:45-11:45Guided Reading 11:45-12:30Lunch 12:30-1:05Intervention 1:05-1:35 Art 1:00-2:00 Reteaching 1:35-2:00 Science/SS P.E. 1:30-2:00Science/SSWW/Read Aloud 2:00-2:30Science/SSMusic LRC 2:00-2:40 P.E. 2:30-2:45 WW/Read Aloud Music 2:45-3:00Read Aloud

9 Where do you find the time? Mrs. Patterson Schedule 5 th Grade 2011-2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:40-8:45Attendance, Announcements, Morning Business 8:45-9:15Reteaching Social Studies/Science Reteaching 9:15-9:45 Shared Reading/ Word Work Shared Reading/ Word Work Shared Reading/ Word Work Shared Reading/ Word Work Social Studies/Science 9:45-10:15P.E. LRC 9:45-10:25 P.E. Social Studies/ScienceART 10:15-10:45Music Book Checkout 10:25-10:45 Music 10:45-11:45Math 11:45-12:30LUNCH 12:30-1:05Intervention 1:05-1:35Social Studies/Science Writing 1:35-2:00Writing Guided Reading 1:30-2:20 Guided Reading 1:35-2:25 Guided Reading 1:35-2:25 2:00-2:50Guided Reading 2:25: Class Meeting2:25: Shared Reading 2:50-3:00 Pack Up / Afternoon Routine Pack Up / Afternoon Routine Pack Up / Afternoon Routine 2:20-2:30 Pack Up / Afternoon Routine Pack Up / Afternoon Routine

10 Intervention 35 - 45 minutes Placement is based on: MAP scores – below the 40th or 66th percentile F & P scores – reading below grade level Teacher input Instructional delivery – curriculum aligned interventions based upon the balanced literacy framework Research-based and District 54 approved K-2 Leveled Literacy Instruction (LLI) 3-6 Balanced Literacy Framework Vocabulary Shared Reading Guided Reading Writing Instruction is provided by those most qualified to teach students in literacy: Classroom Teachers Special Services Teachers Bilingual Teachers

11 Non-responders If students are not responding to an intervention: Systematic - Problem solve why they are not responding Discuss weekly if not daily by grade level teams during common planning time (3-4 times per week) Check-in meetings with grade level team, special services teacher, literacy coach, school psychologist, and administrator every 4 weeks Allow intervention to run at least 8 weeks Discuss other options: Wilson Reading System Corrective Reading Earobics K-1 Sensory REWARDS Aligns with our RtI model

12 Data Sheet for Intervention

13 What about the other students? Since all teachers have an instructional group during intervention time, students not in intervention are reading and responding to literature 20 minutes of independent reading 15 minutes of written response

14 Reteaching 30 minutes Placement is based on: Grade level common assessments aligned to District 54 Essential Learning Outcomes – score below 80% Teacher input Instructional delivery Teachers discuss strategies that were most successful during initial instruction Groups within the classroom Based upon skill and/or strategy being taught Variety of resources are utilized Instruction is provided by those most qualified to teach students in literacy: Classroom Teachers Special Service Teachers and Bilingual Teachers utilize this time for resource support if necessary

15 Data Sheet for Reteaching

16 Enrichment 30 minutes Placement is based on: Students who score above 80% on common grade level assessments Instructional delivery: Teachers discuss enrichment opportunities and consult with the Gifted Education Resource Teacher Class-size groups within the classroom Variety of resources are utilized Instruction is provided by those most qualified to teach students in literacy: Classroom Teachers Gifted Education Resource Teacher, Special Service Teachers, and Bilingual Teachers utilize this time for resource support if necessary

17 The Power of PLCs Student Performance on ISAT when PLC was implemented in 2005: Reading – 76.7% Math – 93.9% Student Performance on ISAT in 2011: Reading – 96.2% Math – 96.9%

18 Ensuring Student Success for All…

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