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A Program Overview. Agenda I.Introduction to Global Classrooms II. Support for Global Classrooms Schools III. Program Implementation and Planning IV.

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Presentation on theme: "A Program Overview. Agenda I.Introduction to Global Classrooms II. Support for Global Classrooms Schools III. Program Implementation and Planning IV."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Program Overview

2 Agenda I.Introduction to Global Classrooms II. Support for Global Classrooms Schools III. Program Implementation and Planning IV. Closing and Wrap-Up

3 II.Introduction to Global Classrooms

4 Global Classrooms is... A UNA-USA educational program; Geared toward urban middle school and high school students; Implemented as a co-curricular and extra- curricular program; Focused on bringing Model UN to public schools in the US and abroad.

5 At the heart of UNA-USA’s Global Classrooms program is Model United Nations

6 What is Model UN? A simulation of UN organs, committees and agencies; A student-based activity where students role-play ambassadors of the UN’s 192 member states; A vehicle or tool to teach: geography, history, current events, international relations, global studies and English Language Arts skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

7 Well-Known Model UNers: Legal: Sandra Day O’Conner US Supreme Court Justice Political: Al Gore, Former Vice President of the US Media: George Stephanopoulos, ABC News Anchor & Correspondent Business: Many members of the Young Presidents Organization Performing Arts: Samuel L. Jackson Other: Educators, Doctors, Engineers, etc.

8 Model UN For Everyone Video PART ONE PART TWO

9 III. Support for Schools

10 The Global Classrooms Program Components : 1.Curriculum 2.Consultant – CPS 3.Conference 4.Websites

11 Global Classrooms Support: Curriculum Free download for all Global Classrooms Teachers Economics of Globalization

12 Global Classrooms Support: Curriculum 1.All 5 units come with an accompanying Power Point presentation. 2.Free to all participating GC teachers Human Rights Unit

13 Global Classrooms & Standards Aligned with standards in: Social Studies (NCSS) English Language Arts (IRA/NCTE) National Geography Standards (U.S. Department of Education) Civics and Government (U.S. Department of Education) Also aligned with all Global Classrooms state standards: Illinois State Social-Emotional Learning Standards (SELs) FloridaMassachusetts Washington D.C.Texas CaliforniaNew York

14 Models of Implementation Curricular (11.7%) Global Classrooms as a social studies elective (Chicago, NY) Used as the main resource for an existing elective (e.g. International Relations, International Law, Leadership, etc.) Co-Curricular (49.5%) Resource for an existing, mandated class (e.g. World Studies, Global History, etc.) Extra-Curricular (38.7%) After-school program Weekly club

15 Global Classrooms Support: Lead Teachers Communication via phone, email, and onsite visits; Modeling lesson plans and supplementary activities; Assistance in building students’ Model UN skills; Helping to prepare for the Model UN Conference.

16 Kevin Hough Office hours Monday-Friday 2:45 p.m. -5:00p.m. 773-865-8919

17 Global Classrooms Support: Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers November 12, 2010 Once you register, you will receive information on any professional development throughout the year

18 Global Classrooms Support: Consultant - CPS On-going support and coaching: Communication Workshops Classroom visits Liaison between UNA-USA and school district, administrators, and teachers Coordinates team of Model UN Trainers and Lead Teachers Helps organize other events and resources: –Speakers –Mission briefings, etc..

19 CPS Consultant Contact Gregory Smith Chicago Public Schools World Languages & International Studies Office of Language and Cultural Education 773-553-4139

20 Global Classrooms Support: Websites Global Classrooms Homepage – Global Classrooms: Chicago – To Register for the Global Classrooms/Model United Nations program use the following website

21 GC Chicago Conference Middle and High School Conference: Friday, April 29 th @ Illinois Institute of Technology 500 students expected to participate Free to all CPS’s with a cap of 32 students Registration opens on Monday, October 18th at 5 PM EST Registration closes on November 18 th Country Assignments will be issued the week of November 29 th (after the Thanksgiving holiday)

22 High School Committees and Topics General Assembly (GA) Return of Cultural Artifacts to their Countries of Origin Economic Commission on Africa (ECA) Role of Diamonds in Fueling Conflict Security Council (SC) Separatist State Movements Middle School Committees and Topics Human Rights Commission (HR) Rights of Indigenous Peoples World Health Organization (WHO) Access to Medication Security Council (SC) Security Council Reform

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