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Cynhadledd Athrawon Teacher Conference St. Asaph, Carmathen, Nant Garw Camddefnyddio Sylweddau / Substance Misuse Camdrin Domestig / Domestic Abuse Diogelwch.

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Presentation on theme: "Cynhadledd Athrawon Teacher Conference St. Asaph, Carmathen, Nant Garw Camddefnyddio Sylweddau / Substance Misuse Camdrin Domestig / Domestic Abuse Diogelwch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cynhadledd Athrawon Teacher Conference St. Asaph, Carmathen, Nant Garw Camddefnyddio Sylweddau / Substance Misuse Camdrin Domestig / Domestic Abuse Diogelwch Rhyngrwyd / Internet Safety Ionawr / Jan 2014

2 THE AIMS OF THE DAY 1)To inform teachers of the current information and trends surrounding substance use and misuse, internet safety and safe relationships from a health, social and legal perspective. 2)To share best practice approaches to developing pupil self-esteem and self-awareness in relation to substance misuse, internet safety and safe relationships. 3)To provide an opportunity for networking, partnership working and information sharing.

3 WORKSHOP CONTENT Workshop 1 Substance Use/Misuse – (delivered by the AWSLCP and Healthy Schools). Focusing partly on substance recognition, psychoactive substances and substance use/misuse education in the curriculum from a legal perspective and a whole school approach to substance use and misuse developing self esteem. Workshop 2 Safe Relationships – (delivered by Hafan Cymru and the AWSLCP). This is now recognised as a key safeguarding issue and the workshop will provide you with practical ideas to address this sensitive issue in the classroom. Workshop 3 Internet Safety – (delivered by Wise Kids and the AWSLCP supported by CEOP). It will explore how best to educate young people to use the Internet (including social media) and digital technologies safely, and provide ideas on how to address internet safety in the classroom.

4 Chart: the number of pupils (up to 16) excluded from schools in Wales (permanently or fixed term) and the number due to substance misuse 2007-08 to 2011-12 SUBSTANCE MISUSE

5 % respondents Percentage 11-15 year-olds using various substances in their lifetime by sex, Wales United Kingdom drug situation: annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 2011. SUBSTANCE MISUSE

6 Cannabis Steroids Melanotan NRG-1 Mephedrone MJS Synthetic Cathinones Many NEDs contain mixes of illegal drugs and ignorance isn't an excuse for possession Information about NEDs on the Internet is not always reliable. The people who produce these drugs are only interested in profit, not your well-being. Many ‘on sale’ drugs are labelled ‘not for human consumption’ so dealers (sellers or suppliers) can get around the law and avoid responsibility for any negative consequences or risks. NEDs can be stronger than illegal drugs; they are often purer as they are cheap to produce and need not be cut with anything else. These drugs have not been properly tested to see how toxic they are to humans so there is no way of telling how a psychoactive drug will affect you. We know nothing about the medium or long term effects of using these drugs With illegal and new unclassified drugs the content is not guaranteed and there are no guidelines for consumption. Taking them is a very big risk. SUBSTANCE MISUSE Psychoactive Substances /New and Emerging Drugs (NEDs )


8 Recent figures (2014) released by the NSPCC revealed: 1.5,547 child sex crimes against under-elevens were recorded by police forces in England and Wales last year (2012-13) - a 16% rise on the previous year's figure of 4,772. 2.On average, at least 1 in 5 of all recorded sex offences against children involve those too young to attend secondary school. 3.Last year 22,654 sexual offences against under-18s were reported to police with four out of five cases involving girls. 4.These offences including rape, sexual assault, abuse through pornography and grooming, were committed against children of secondary school age. But some of the victims were only one-year-old. 5.Girls are still at least four times more likely to be sexually abused, with 17,354 crimes reported.

9 INTERNET SAFETY - KEY TRENDS There is a substantial increase in children between 0 and 8 years going online 1.Toddlers and preschool children – are increasingly using touch screen technology 2.Over 1/3 rd of 3 – 4 year olds go on line in the UK (2012) 3.Under 4’s - are more likely to watch video clips. YouTube, ranked 2 nd favourite site by under 5’s means children are just 3 clicks away from age inappropriate content. 4.Over 4’s - show an increasing interest in playing games, are doing homework and socialising within children's virtual worlds 5.Virtual world access is increasing particularly with children aged 3 to 11 years. 64% of children in the UK are using social networking functions on sites such as Club Penguin, Mine craft and Moshi Monster 6.Increased use of teenage social networking sites by children in the UK e.g. 30% of 7 -11 year olds reported having their own Facebook profile, 10% of 6-9 year olds. Zero to Eight, Young Children and their Internet Use: EU Kids Online 2013

10 INTERNET SAFETY –BENEFITS and RISKS Increased usage exposes young children to both benefits and risks BenefitsRisks Enjoyment of playing games, watching video clips, socialising Children under 9 are more vulnerable to internet harm as they have fewer skills to negotiate online risks. Helps to develop digital literacyMany children's apps draw upon specific user information unknown to the child or parent Supports academic achievement e.g. reading, mathematics and vocabulary development Underage usage of sites increases vulnerability Promotes social developmentIncreased risk of cyber bullying 7 in 10 young people are victims of cyber bullying Greater potential for online grooming Zero to Eight, Young Children and their Internet Use: EU Kids Online 2013 Annual Cyber Bullying Survey 2013

11 MYSPACE 89% of Young Users are Cyberbullied FACEBOOK 54% of Young Users are Cyberbullied TWITTER 28% of Young Users are Cyberbullied ASK.FM 26% of Young Users are Cyberbullied INSTAGRAM 24% of Young Users are Cyberbullied TUMBLR 22% of Young Users are Cyberbullied YOUTUBE 21% of Young Users are Cyberbullied BEBO 14% of Young Users Are Cyberbullied LEAST CYBERBULLYING MOST CYBERBULLYING

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