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March 2003 Real learning for real life Providing quality, relevant outreach and continuing educational programs and services to the people of Texas Providing.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2003 Real learning for real life Providing quality, relevant outreach and continuing educational programs and services to the people of Texas Providing."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2003 Real learning for real life Providing quality, relevant outreach and continuing educational programs and services to the people of Texas Providing quality, relevant outreach and continuing educational programs and services to the people of Texas

2 March 2003 Overwhelming citizen/community response to address workforce development for youth and adults. Extension’s Response ?

3 March 2003

4 Extension works … Process for programming –Locally identified assets / needs / opportunities –Develop collaborations –Training –Educational program delivery –Evaluation

5 March 2003 Funding opportunities WIA WFB –Employee services –Employer services Adults * Youth * Business * Community TANF Choices * Skills development * Self – sufficiency * Food Stamps

6 March 2003 Primary Populations Served Welfare Recipients Needy Families Youth Dislocated Workers Special Populations

7 March 2003 28 Texas Workforce Boards Plus 254 Extension partnerships 28 Texas Workforce Boards Plus 254 Extension partnerships Creating potential for success

8 March 2003 Real learning for real life… Building Self Sufficient Families: Moving Ahead Through the Maze of Change –Life skills: Money management, nutrition, housing, family life, health, self- employment, appearance, work ethic

9 March 2003 Real learning for real life… Entrepreneurship: –self-employment options –Ca$hing in on Business Opportunities –Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship –E-commerce for Rural Texas –Value-added agriculture

10 March 2003 Real learning for real life… Entrepreneurship: –self-employment options –Ca$hing in on Business Opportunities –E-commerce for Rural Texas

11 March 2003 Six counties – CEA – AG & FCS 36 Volunteers Designated WFC staff 2-Day training PPRI contract for evaluation Focus groups with volunteers and participants Deep East Texas WFB Entrepreneurship Project

12 March 2003 Deep East Texas Workforce Entrepreneurship Project 51 adults 11 types of micro-enterprises 5 businesses started 10% start up rate

13 March 2003 Certification for pre-service child care training Family day home child care business Involvement in other TCE programming Fathering skills Money management ESL / GED West Central Texas WFB - Concho Valley WFB - Lower Rio Grande Valley WFB

14 March 2003 West Central Texas WFB & Brazos Valley WFB - Asset Mapping Workforce identified and organized leaders Extension provided training / or hired CEA

15 March 2003 West Central Texas WFB & Brazos Valley WFB - Asset Mapping Conducted skills inventory of citizens, including marginalized groups/citizens/youth/adults Matched skills/training with business’s needs

16 March 2003 West Central Texas WFB & Brazos Valley WFB - Asset Mapping Created collaborative efforts between communities/citizens/businesses

17 March 2003 Eastland County GED Study Classes 37% of residents 25> no H.S. diploma Economic and family impact 12 weeks Volunteers from community organizations Promotion: Welfare-to-work, VISTA, WIC, DHS, media

18 March 2003 Eastland County GED Study Classes Test in 5 areas Individual study plans Diagnostic testing $$ Computers and resources

19 March 2003 20% of 30 students took GED test 13% passed test 7 volunteer tutors/185 hrs 5 collaborators TWDB $ for part-time employee Eastland Co. GED Study Classes

20 March 2003 Workplace Ethics Pilot Runnels County Building character in the workplace…through business and government: multiple approaches and topics Trust * Reliability * Commitment * Tolerance * Integrity * Self-control * Reliability

21 March 2003 T-TEEM Texas Teens Explore Entrepreneurial Minds Preparing youth to start businesses At-risk youth and communities RESULT: Prepared FUTURE workforce http://tteems/

22 March 2003 Extension approaches in workforce training Building collaborative VISION to solving workforce challenges

23 March 2003 WHO ARE WE REACHING? 151, 900 groups and individuals In 2001-2002

24 March 2003 Or Barriers Or Opportunities Quick response - funding and implementation Learning curve - recognize and mobilize potential for synergy Connectivity for electronic information exchange Local perceptions of possibilities and realities

25 March 2003 Employer frustration - multiple Unidentified employee assets for training, transportation, and child care Desire to develop jobs versus transportation, location Readiness to respond to funding opportunity Or Barriers Or Opportunities

26 March 2003 Success… Creating partnerships Accessing funding Reaching new clientele Applying technology Creating jobs Improving work ethic Developing rural community vision / action Training youth for tomorrow’s workforce

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