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Click here to add text Click here to add text. Sacramento Works Financial Assistance Directive Training “Preparing People for Success: in School, in Work,

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1 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Sacramento Works Financial Assistance Directive Training “Preparing People for Success: in School, in Work, in Life.” 1

2 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Financial Assistance Directive: 2 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 1)  This directive defines polices and procedures for career center and training sites for WIA enrolled customers.  We will discuss financial assistance available, required documents, and limits.

3 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Scholarship Award Policy 3 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 3)

4 Approval of Scholarship Award: 1)Completion of the Scholarship Application – SWCC 2)Complete Financial Needs Assessment – SWCC, SWTC & OJT/SEFinancial Needs Assessment 3)Research Other Sources of Financial Aid – SWCC & SWTC 4)Meet Local Labor Market Demand (Critical Occupational Cluster/ CareerGPS) – SWCC & OJT/SE 5)Complete all sections of the SacWorks SacWorsk IEP/Training Assessment Template – SWCC, SWTC & OJT/SESacWorsk IEP/Training Assessment Template 6)Coaches must review the results of the customer’s Background Wizard. The Background Wizard must be complete and up to date – SWCC, SWTC & OJT/SE 4 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 5)

5 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Support Services Policy 5 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 8)

6 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Support Services Policy  Support service may be provided to enrolled individual.  Gold Standard Random Assignment Post-Study.  Group 3 (Full WIA Services). 6 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)

7 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Support Services Policy continue…  Research alternative resources first. 7 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)  Documented on the SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance Template, Section 4: “Financial Assistance Assessment Results.”SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance Template, Section 4: “Financial Assistance Assessment Results.”  Must have JTA Activity Code 81 – Supportive Service.

8 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Support Services Policy continue…  SWTC’s will be able to maintain a small supply of scrip, not to exceed a total value of $200.  Each SWTC must develop its own system of tracking scrip.  Scan supporting documents into the Vault. 8 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)

9 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Support Services Policy continue…  Initial amount for support services: $2,500.  Additional amount may be obligated with the express written approval of a Regional Manager or the Deputy Director. Maximum Support Service Award  Justification is documented. 9 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)

10 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Justification to Provide Support Services 10 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)

11 Scrip or Bus Passes: The provision of scrip and bus passes as support services must be justified by the training center or career center and approved by the site supervisor. Documentation as to the need/justification for the support service must be written in SacWorks Support Service Template Section 4: “Justification for Assistance.”SacWorks Support Service Template 11 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)

12 Cash (non-scrip), 2-1-1 Sacramento, or the Sacramento Community Resources link on SETA’s website ( 12 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 9)

13 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Scrip/Bus Pass Support Services 1. Scrip CategoriesType of ScripDocumentation Required a. Work Clothing or Work Tools TargetOriginal letter from employer or original receipt b. TransportationShellSacWorks printout or mileage log (Attachment 6) c. FoodRaley’s/ Bel Air, Target Original receipts (from any grocery retailer) 2. Daily RT Bus PassesBus PassJob Search Log (if applicable) 13 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

14 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Stipulation for Scrip or Bus Passes: 14 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

15 Transportation Transportation assistance is allowable for enrolled customers in the form of scrip (Shell) or bus passes. Shell gas cards in $25 increments are allowed for customers with automobiles for a maximum amount of $100 per month. Mileage Log Mileage Log 15 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

16 Work Clothing; Tools and Food: Raley’s /Bel Air scrip can be used for food for customers without adequate nutritional resources. Original receipts will be required and attached to the Fiscal Transmittal Form.Fiscal Transmittal Form 16 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

17 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Processes to Order and Replenish Scrip 17 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

18 Ordering Scrip and Bus Passes: The initial order and any subsequent increases of scrip and bus passes will require a SETA requisition that is signed by the site supervisor, the Regional Manager, or the Deputy Director and forwarded to the SETA Fiscal Department for approval. 18 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

19 Replenish Scrip: To replenish scrip and bus passes, the SETA Fiscal Transmittal is returned by SWCC staff to the SETA Fiscal Department at least monthly with any required supporting documentation.SETA Fiscal Transmittal 19 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 10)

20 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Cash (non-scrip) support services 20 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

21 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Categories: 1.Rental Assistance 2.Child Care Assistance 3.Miscellaneous Support Services 21 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

22 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Stipulation for Cash Support Services: 22 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

23 Rental Assistance:  Research and access alternative sources.  Rental Verification Form signed by the property owner/manager. Rental Verification Form  $800 per month, except for special circumstances. 23 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

24 Child Care Assistance:  The Child/Dependent Care Verification Form.Child/Dependent Care Verification Form  Child care assistance is $1,000 per month. 24 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

25 Miscellaneous Support Service:  Enrolled in WIA.  Enter and complete training.  No other resources available to address the customer’s need.  Books, fees, uniforms, tools, minor vehicle repair not to exceed $200 per repair, vehicle and driver’s license fees, etc.... 25 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

26 Miscellaneous Support Service continue:  Original receipts must be submitted.  Coaches must obtain original invoices, receipts, and documentation from customer. 26 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 11)

27 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Incentive Policy 27 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 13)

28 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Allowable Benchmarks & Appropriate Documentation Allowable BenchmarkAppropriate DocumentationAmount Education/Training/OJT Course completion/Certification Letter of completion from school or employer, Certificate/Diploma $50 Workshops (minimum of 3 workshops) Certification of completion or SacWorks printout (minimum 2 visits) $25 for every 3 workshops up to $100 maximum Job Placement Copy of job offer, pay stub, or SETA Employment Placement Form (Attachment 12) $50 28 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 14)

29 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Scholarships Type of Service Required DocumentsLimits WIA Funded Training  Scholarship Application (Attachment 4)  Financial Needs Assessment print-out (Attachment 3)  JTA activity enrollment - (Transitional)  Signed Service Agreement (Also send to Fiscal) (Attachment 2)  SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5)  Financial Obligation Form (Attachment 10)  Gold Standard Random Assignment Group 3 – Full WIA Services, post study, if appropriate. Maximum of $5,000 per customer, or up to $10,000 if the Financial Needs Assessment indicates a client’s inability to pay the full amount of the cost of training. Manager or Deputy Director approval and justification on SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance Template required for amount exceeding $5,000 29 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 16)

30 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Support Services Type of ServiceRequired DocumentsLimits All support services: -Scrip -Cash (Non-Scrip) -Bus passes  Documentation requirement depends on the type of support service provided, either scrip or cash. See instructions below.  Gold Standard Random Assignment Group 2 or 3, post study, if appropriate.  SWTCs must submit a SWTC Support Service and Incentives Request form (Attachment 13) for all support service and incentive requests, cash or non- cash. Maximum amount of $2,500 for either scrip or cash, or a combination of both. Up to $5,000, in support services is allowable with proper justification on SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance template and written approval by the Regional Manager or Deputy Director. 30 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 16)

31 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Scrip Type of ServiceRequired DocumentsLimits Gas Cards (Shell)  Minimum of three (3) visits per $25.00 scrip (SacWorks printout) or mileage log (Attachment 6)  Document provision of scrip on section 6 of SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5). Add notes to existing template each time scrip is provided.  Customer signature on Fiscal Transmittal (Attachment 7) $100 per month Food (Raley’s/ Bel Air, Target)  Original receipts  Document provision of scrip on section 6 of SacWorks IEP/ Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5). Add notes to existing template each time scrip is provided.  Customer signature on Fiscal Transmittal (Attachment 7) Determined by needs of customer. Work Clothes/ Tools (, Target)  Original letter from employer or original receipt Document provision of scrip on Section 6 of SacWorks IEP/ Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5). Add notes to existing template each time scrip is provided.  Customer signature on Fiscal Transmittal (Attachment 7) Determined by needs of customer. 31 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 17)

32 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Cash/Non-Scrip Support Services 32 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 18)

33 Bus Passes Type of Service Required DocumentsLimits Gas Cards (Shell)  Minimum of three (3) visits per $25.00 scrip (SacWorks printout) or mileage log (Attachment 6)  Document provision of scrip on section 6 of SacWorks IEP/Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5). Add notes to existing template each time scrip is provided.  Customer signature on Fiscal Transmittal (Attachment 7) $100 per month Food (Raley’s/Bel Air, Target)  Original receipts  Document provision of scrip on section 6 of SacWorks IEP/ Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5). Add notes to existing template each time scrip is provided.  Customer signature on Fiscal Transmittal (Attachment 7) Determined by needs of customer. Work Clothes/ Tools (, Target)  Original letter from employer or original receipt Document provision of scrip on Section 6 of SacWorks IEP/ Financial Assistance Template (Attachment 5). Add notes to existing template each time scrip is provided.  Customer signature on Fiscal Transmittal (Attachment 7) Determined by needs of customer. 33 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 19)

34 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Incentives (Scrip Only) 34 (WIA Directive #IS02-08, Revision #7, page 19)

35 Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. FORMS 35

36 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Financial Needs Assessment Mileage Claim Fiscal Transmittal Child/Dependent Care Verification 36

37 Click here to add text Click here to add text. Lost/Missing Receipt Declaration Placement Form Supportive Service/Incentive Request Form 37 Financial Obligation Form

38 Click here to add text Click here to add text. “Preparing People for Success: in School, in Work, in Life.” 38

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