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Presentation on theme: "GIFTED ELA CURRICULUM NIGHT SEPTEMBER 2013 Presented by: Toby Pleszkun."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIFTED ELA CURRICULUM NIGHT SEPTEMBER 2013 Presented by: Toby Pleszkun

2 ABOUT ME Nineteenth year teaching in District 34 Taught for five years outside of the district Have taught third grade for twelve years, fifth grade, first grade and kindergarten Seventh year teaching Gifted Reading University of Kansas (BE) National Louis University (MAT) Live in Northbrook Grew up in Denver, Colorado Married and have 2 sons (Nicholas 14, Henry 11)

3 In District 34, Giftedness refers to a small percentage of the population having natural abilities that significantly exceed District defined norms in one or more areas of learning. Gifted students think in abstract and creative ways, more broadly and deeply than their aged-like peers.

4 WELCOME TO OUR ROOM Third Grade 8:05-9:05 (not identified yet) Fourth Grade 9:05-10:05 (17 Students) Fifth Grade 10:05-11:05 (16 students) Gifted ELA replaces guided reading in homerooms. Students still receive shared reading instruction in the classrooms.

5 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (ELA) CLASS Consists of the following components: ( Common Core Standards ) 1.Language Word work (Wordly Wise) spelling and systematic, sequential vocabulary development 2.Reading: Informational Text 3.Reading Foundational Skills 4.Writing 5.Speaking and Listening *The children will be accountable for assessing their learning more *The children will be accountable for knowing, explaining and teaching target goals *I will keep work until end of unit and then will send a report and grade at that time

6 HOMEWORK ETC……… Schoolwork Online Paper Calendars file://localhost/Users/epleszkun/Desktop/Current desktop/Identified kids 2013 2014/4th Grade Calendar September 16.docx Tic Tac Toe Projects- -end of unit projects -Based on Learning Styles -posted on website -calendar of dates Flipping the Classroom (Videos and Power Points watched at home) “The flipped classroom is a model of teaching in which a student’s homework is the traditional lecture viewed outside of class on a vodcast. Then class time is spent on inquiry-based learning which would include what would traditionally be viewed as a student’s homework assignment.”

7 COMMUNICATION 1.Parent Updates from Pleszkun (periodic) ; emailed initially; posted to website 2. My Pleasant Ridge Website szkun/Words_of_Wisdom.html szkun/Words_of_Wisdom.html 3. Talk to your Children-ask open ended ??’s

8 ASSESSMENT/CONFERENCES/REPORT CARDS/GRADES Assessment: NWEA- three times a year Cogat – Fifth grade (November) Gifted Reading –formative and summative assessments continuously Wordly Wise Friday Quizzypoos-come home on Mondays Conferences: I try to attend with classroom teacher when possible, if not I will contact you Report Cards: No surprises ½ reading grade, other ½ is classroom teacher

9 OTHER INFORMATION-MISCELLANEOUS I encourage children to advocate for themselves and to email me when they have a question or when they could or didn’t do their homework Identification going to 6 th grade-all Fifth graders go through process again – I will have a meeting in February to go over the details for fifth grade parents Bare with me and the ipads – I am still learning too. Social Emotional well being of your child is of the utmost importance to me!! (Please feel free to contact me with any concerns!)


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