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Information for applicants on Real’s structure May 2013 recruitment.

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1 Information for applicants on Real’s structure May 2013 recruitment

2 The impact of the IAA contract A contract of nearly £500,000 per year, managing 8 subcontractors. This is in addition to our other services/contracts. There are some different skills that we will need to run and manage this. Understanding the different tasks required has been important, and this has had a major impact on designing the new organisational model. The next six months are a critical time in setting up this new service, and doing it well in what will be a very public spotlight.

3 New management team structure CEO Delivery and Development Manager (Karen Linnane) Knowledge and Communications Manager (Amy Greenwood) Operations Manager (TBC) (part-time)

4 Delivery and development Delivery and Development Manager (Karen Linnane) Overall responsibility for service delivery Monitoring and performance management of services Quality assurance across each service Overall staff management (appraisal systems, KPIs,etc) Continuing professional development Overall responsibility for safeguarding Service Development Coordinate fundraising Networking Deputising for CEO

5 Knowledge and Communications Knowledge and Communications Manager (Amy Greenwood) Coordinating messaging across the organisation, internally and externally Managing and delivering communication channels WebsiteFacebookTwitterPrintMedia / TVPR Creating quality content Managing knowledge within the organisation Researching external content Overseeing engagement functions Membership

6 Operations Operations Manager (TBC) (part-time) Finances Project management Risk management Contract management and negotiation Management information Systems development and management Compliance, e.g. Health and Safety, Data protection Corporate governance

7 Other new roles External recruitment Administration and Support Assistant IAA Coordinator Internal recruitment only Senior Advocate ILS Coordinator

8 The next level down (Line management only) CEODDM ILS Coordinator Senior Advocate IAA Coordinator Volunteer and training coordinator KCM (Engagement Officer) Information office interns OpM Finance Officer Admin and Support Assistant

9 The next level down again (other staff, not everyone included) CEO DDM ILS Coordinator ILSWs Monitoring officers CDPSW Senior Advocate Advocate IAA Coordinator Information volunteers Benefits Advisor Volunteer and Training Coordinator

10 How we will work day-to-day CEO DDM ILS Coordinator Senior Advocate IAA Coordinator Volunteer and Training Coordinator (TBC) KCM (Engagement Officer) OpM Finance Officer Admin and Support Assistant

11 Who might attend weekly management team meeting CEO DDM ILS Coordinator Senior Advocate IAA Coordinator Volunteer and Training Coordinator (TBC) KCM (Engagement Officer) OpM Finance Officer Admin and Support Assistant

12 Who might attend a project meeting about promoting IAA Service CEO DDM ILS Coordinator Senior Advocate IAA Coordinator Volunteer and Training Coordinator (TBC) KCM (Engagement Officer) OpM Finance Officer Admin and Support Assistant

13 Who might attend a quarterly meeting about reviewing the ILS overall CEO DDM ILS Coordinator Senior Advocate IAA Coordinator Volunteer and Training Coordinator (TBC) KCM (Engagement Officer) OpM Finance Officer Admin and Support Assistant

14 Delivering the IAA (1) A significant new project, coordinating work across 8 other organisations as well as within our own. We are pooling Real’s money for service delivery and consortium management to deliver our responsibilities through the following roles: Delivery and Development Manager – Overall responsibility for the service, including quality assurance across the consortium members Operations Manager – The number crunching (finances and monitoring, and recalibration of the resources model) and risk, contract and project management

15 Delivering the IAA (2) IAA Coordinator – Day-to-day case management across the consortium and delivery of the Real Hub Senior Advocate – Coordinating Real’s advocacy offering, and supporting other advocates Knowledge and Communications Manager – Supporting the DDM and IAAC with all relevant KM and communications activities across the consortium

16 Benefits of the new structure (1) The ability to grow the organisation more easily if new funding streams/capacity is brought in Less line management pressure on existing managers Better reporting for the board, including against the business plan New skills and experience brought into the organisation

17 Benefits of the new structure (2) Clear understanding of roles of managers, with less duplication/slipping through the gaps More sustainable for the whole organisation if any one post holder leaves Better delivery on operations areas such as: – financial reporting – management information – project management – risk management

18 Benefits of the new structure (3) Everyone gets better support from line manager A clearer career progression channel for staff And when implemented: – New appraisal and objective setting process – New approach to continuous professional development – More development/support time for “senior” roles – Better systems throughout the organisation

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