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Value-Centered Design Issues in Ubiquitous Computing Steve Shafer r.

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1 Value-Centered Design Issues in Ubiquitous Computing Steve Shafer r

2 Ubiquitous Computing

3 The Ubiquitous Computing Equation: Ubiquitous Computing = Mobile Computing + Intelligent Environment Desktop Computing Mobile Computing Intelligent Environment Disaggregated Computing Invisible Computing Augmented Reality

4 EasyLiving “Smart Room” Demo  Automatic lights, computer wakeup  Track keyboard  Automatic session migration  Move display around the room  Music player knows where you are

5 Ubiquitous Computing Examples  “Museum guide”  Send message to nearest phone  Hands-free user interfaces  Navigation aids  Bring desktop to your computer  Where is everybody?  Room of 1000 computers  “Invisible” or “calm” computing

6 Human Design Issues  The world is the interface  Privacy !!!  Shared ownership of information  Mixed initiative interaction  Human-computer interaction  Human-human interaction  All the data, all the time  How do you learn to use system?  How does system learn what you want?  Convenience – at what price?

7 Our Quest Desirability Desirability Technology

8 Technology Maturation  Introspection  Demo and Discussion  User Studies  Business Case  Marketplace  Literature & Media  Standardization  Legislation & Adjudication  ?

9 Issue: Location  Key data for ubiquitous computing  Numerous technologies involved  Who owns location information?  Local naming authorities  Geo-dithering and geo-fencing  Indirect inference of location  No standards for much of anything  Except latitude / longitude (?)

10 Issue: Identification  Numerous technologies  Passive v. active identification  Who controls?  Who knows?  Identified v. anonymous operation  Gradations of information: point, group, anonymous, individual  Mobile v. environmental resources

11 Issue: Complexity  What does the system know about the world?  What do you know about what the system knows?  What can the system do?  What do you know about what the system can do?  What will the system do?  Why will it do this? (instruction? example?)  How do you know what the system will do?

12 Issue: Touchy Applications  Healthcare  Eldercare  Emergency services  Law enforcement  Military

13 V alue-Laden Technological Issues  Distribution  Bounded rationality (centralization)  Replication in network  Zero administration  Learning  Data mining  The illusion of privacy ?

14 Opportunities  “Can we control legal and technical progress?”  How do we drive values together with these activities?  New IEEE Pervasive Computing magazine  Ubicomp conference  Workshop in September 2003 (Seattle)?  New ACM SIGUBI under discussion

15 Contacts  Steve Shafer, Microsoft Research   yliving/ yliving/ yliving/  

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