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Privacy Issues in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Privacy Issues in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Privacy Issues in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
Florian Dötzer BMW Group Research and Technology Intro: (Sorry for sending mail to all) I arrived yesterday afternoon -> not completely up to speed Work is ADVANCED Research, not serial development I am not specialist on privacy -> stimulate further work

2 Agenda. Introduction Privacy in VANETs Exemplary Approach
Future Work / Conclusion

3 Agenda. Introduction Privacy in VANETs Exemplary Approach
Future Work / Conclusion

4 Ad-hoc Networks. From Cellular to VANET.
Cellular Network MANET Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork VANET Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork MANETs Militärischer Einsatz Rettungskräfte und Krisenmanagement Sensornetze Roboterschwärme Fahrzeuggestützte Netze VANETs

5 MANETs and VANETs. Properties.
Decentralized Self - Organizing VANETs Additionally: High Node Mobility Very Large Number of Nodes Complex Administrative Structure

6 VANET. Application Local Danger Warning.
VSC – Vehicle Safety Communications

7 VANETs. Security Requirements.
Authentic Information Trust Establishment vs. Information Matching Availability Node Cooperation, DoS, Secure Routing Privacy Location Privacy, Identities, Profiling Privacy: Location Privacy, ... -> necessary to SELL technology Authentic Information: Trust Establishment, Information based!! Availability: Secure Routing, Kooperation -> necessary to make technology WORK

8 Agenda. Introduction Privacy in VANETs Exemplary Approach
Future Work / Conclusion

9 Privacy. Importance for VANETs.
Cars = Personal Devices Position is known Cars get connected Attacks on Privacy become relevant + Privacy is essential for VANETs Cars = Personal Devices kept for long time store personal information Cars have navigation systems Position known! Cars get connected Tolling, Internet, Maintenance, software / media dnload, off-board navi BUT: Privacy cannot be “added” afterwards!

10 VANET Privacy. Example Threats and Attacks.
“Automated” Law Enforcement Identity Tracking Configuration Fingerprinting RF-Fingerprinting Location Recording Movement Profiles Communication Relations

11 VANET Privacy. Requirements.
Use of pseudonyms (no real-world identities) Multiple pseudonyms may be used Pseudonym change  application requirements Pseudonyms  real-world ID mapping Properties / privileges cryptographically bound

12 Agenda. Introduction Privacy in VANETs Exemplary Approach
Future Work / Conclusion

13 Phase I: Separation of ID and service usage Privacy
Trusted Authority Approach. A Car’s Setup Phase. Pseudonym 3 Organisation O Credentials Authority A ID Pseudonyms 1 Credentials „Signature“ Credential 4 Pseudonyms Pseudonym 2 ID Phase I: Separation of ID and service usage Privacy

14 Phase II: Receiver can verify message
Trusted Authority Approach. Normal Usage. Sender ID ID Receiver Credentials Pseudonyms Pseudonyms Credentials Phase II: Receiver can verify message

15 Phase III: Disclosure of sender ID
Trusted Authority Approach. “Revocation” Phase. Signature OK! BUT Information is not correct OR sender malfunctioning Sender ID Receiver 1 ID Pseudonyms Credentials 2 Organisation O Pseudonym Credentials 3 Authority A ID Pseudonyms 4 Phase III: Disclosure of sender ID

16 Trusted Authority Approach. Evaluation.
Pro’s + Fulfills given requirements + Provides strong privacy Con’s - Requires independent, trusted authority - Problem of detecting wrong messages

17 Agenda. Introduction Privacy in VANETs Exemplary Approach
Future Work / Conclusion

18 Future Work. And Open Questions…
How to change pseudonyms? Feasibility of Organizational Solution Feasibility of Smart Card Approach Location Related Pseudonyms System without IDs?

19 Conclusion. Privacy is essential for VANETs
Privacy must be considered at system design Trusted authority approach is far from perfect Additional research is necessary

20 Thanks for Listening. Questions?

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