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Hungarian Supercomputing GRID

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1 Hungarian Supercomputing GRID

2 General Information Co-ordinator: –Office for National Information Infrastructure Development (NIIFI) Consortium members: –Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) –BUTE Dept. Control Engineering and Information Technology –ELTE Network Service Center –BUTE Center of Information Systems –BUTE Intitute of Nuclear Technics –Compaq Computer Hungary Ltd.

3 Research area: Grid systems Interconnected, geographically distributed, and high performance or large number of resources to solve complex problems Interne t

4 Hungarian and international GRID projects CERN LHC Grid VISSZKI -Globus test -Condor test DemoGrid - file system - monitoring - applications SuperGrid - P-GRADE - portal - security - accounting Condor EU DataGrid EU COST SIMBEX APART-2 EU GridLab Cactus

5 Infrastructure of the Hungarian Supercomputing Grid

6 P-GRADE PVMMW Condor-G Globus SUN HPC Compaq Alpha Server Compaq Alpha Server Grid middleware Grid fabric High-level parallel development layer Grid level job management Condor, SGE MPI GRID portal Web based GRID access Condor, SGE GRID application Low-level parallel development Layers of Hungarian Supercomputing GRID Condor, SGE Clusters Condor, SGE

7 Distributed supercomputing: P-GRADE P-GRADE (Parallel Grid Run-time and Application Development Environment) A highly integrated parallel Grid application development system Support for programming of GRID: Parallel, supercomputing programming Fast and efficient development Observation and visualization Fault and performance analysis Further development in the: –Hungarian Supercomputing Grid project –Hungarian Chemistry Grid project –Hungarian Jini Grid project

8 Hierarchical design layers of P-GRADE

9 Pre-defined Communication Templates Mesh

10 Workflow interpretation of P-GRADE applications 1 st job 2 nd job3 rd job4 th job 5 th job

11 Features of P-GRADE  Designed for non-specialist programmers  Enables fast reengineering of sequential programs for parallel computers and Grid systems  Unified graphical support in program design, debugging and performance analysis  Portability on  supercomputers  heterogeneous clusters  components of the Grid  Two execution modes:  Interactive mode  Job mode

12 Condor/P-GRADE on various parallel and distributed systems Super- computers 2100 Clusters Grid GFlops Mainframes P-GRADE Condor P-GRADE Condor P-GRADE Condor flocking

13 P-GRADE Interactive Mode P-GRADE Interactive mode Design/ Edit Compile Map Debug Monito r Visualize Development cycle Typical usage on dedicated supercomputers or clusters

14 P-GRADE Job Mode with Condor P-GRADE and Condor Compile Design/ Edit Condor Map AttachDetach Submit job Typical usage on clusters or in the Grid

15 Berlin CCGrid Grid Demo workshop: Flocking of P-GRADE programs by Condor m0m1 P-GRADE Budapest n0n1 Madison p0p1 Westminster P-GRADE program runs at the Madison cluster P-GRADE program runs at the Budapest cluster P-GRADE program runs at the Westminster cluster

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