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2nd 9 weeks- Anglo Colonization

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1 2nd 9 weeks- Anglo Colonization
Tompkins 09 TEXAS HISTORY 2nd 9 weeks- Anglo Colonization

2 Anglo American Americans who’s families came from Europe
North America English citizens in America rebelled against their mother country to start the United States of America. Then, the Anglo settlers started to move west.

3 empresario Person who brings settlers to a colony
Come to New Spain! There is lots of great land! You can make a great life! Step right up! Tompkins 09

4 This land is hereby given to _______ from the government.
land title LAND TITLE This land is hereby given to _______ from the government. Document (paper) that proves ownership of land Tompkins 09

5 We have an agreement. Here is your land title.
land grant Land given or granted to a new owner. LAND TITLE We have an agreement. Here is your land title. Thank you, Sir! Tompkins 09

6 Moses Austin Grandfather of Texas; He went to Texas to get permission to bring 300 American families into Spanish owned Texas. The Spanish government eventually agreed. U.s.a. New spain Tompkins 09

7 Stephen F. Austin This way to Texas! Moses Austin’s son: He carried out his father’s plan to bring 300 American families into Texas.

8 Gone To Texas (G.T.T.) After empresarios started encouraging people to move to Texas, Americans realized they could move to Texas and get cheap land! G.T.T Tompkins 09

9 George Childress Texas is it’s own country!
Wrote the Texas Declaration of Independence; it declared independence from Mexico. Tompkins 09

10 Anglo Colonization After the United States gained independence from England, the Anglo American settlers started to move westward. Moses and Stephen Austin were empresarios who encouraged Americans to put up G.T.T. signs and make a new life in Texas. The Spanish government gave some land grants to the empresarios. Then, the empresarios gave the land titles to the new settlers. Soon, the Anglo Americans in Texas were upset with the Mexican government and wanted their freedom from Mexico. George Childress wrote the Texas Declaration of Independence. Tompkins 09

11 Shining Star (B) Stephen F. Austin brings settlers to Texas-Page

12 Republican Period After the revolution, Texas was it’s own independent republic for nine years before it was annexed into the United States. During that time, Texas struggled with revenue, balancing the budget, keeping a regular army, and agreeing on a spot for the capital. Archives were to be kept in the capital. A government was set up so that the President would have a cabinet to advise him. Lamar was able to set aside land for education as Texas President. Jones served as the last President of Texas before it became a part of the United States in 1845 as the 28th state. Tompkins 09

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